Generate libvirt constants from libvirt sources.

- Add a yacc-based parser and a hand-written lexer to read the
remote_protocol.x file from libvirt's sources.
- Use the new parser to generate the constants used to communicate with
This commit is contained in:
Geoff Hickey 2017-11-02 19:42:44 -04:00
parent 8b2644f7ff
commit 5a6654f07a
11 changed files with 1340 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
* This file generated by internal/lvgen/generate.go. DO NOT EDIT BY HAND!
* To regenerate, run 'go generate' in internal/lvgen.
package constants
// libvirt procedure identifiers and other enums
// These are libvirt procedure numbers which correspond to each respective
// API call between remote_internal driver and libvirtd. Each procedure is
// identified by a unique number which *may change in any future libvirt
// update*.
// Examples:
const (
// From enums:
AuthNone = 0
AuthSasl = 1
AuthPolkit = 2
ProcConnectOpen = 1
ProcConnectClose = 2
ProcConnectGetType = 3
ProcConnectGetVersion = 4
ProcConnectGetMaxVcpus = 5
ProcNodeGetInfo = 6
ProcConnectGetCapabilities = 7
ProcDomainAttachDevice = 8
ProcDomainCreate = 9
ProcDomainCreateXML = 10
ProcDomainDefineXML = 11
ProcDomainDestroy = 12
ProcDomainDetachDevice = 13
ProcDomainGetXMLDesc = 14
ProcDomainGetAutostart = 15
ProcDomainGetInfo = 16
ProcDomainGetMaxMemory = 17
ProcDomainGetMaxVcpus = 18
ProcDomainGetOsType = 19
ProcDomainGetVcpus = 20
ProcConnectListDefinedDomains = 21
ProcDomainLookupByID = 22
ProcDomainLookupByName = 23
ProcDomainLookupByUUID = 24
ProcConnectNumOfDefinedDomains = 25
ProcDomainPinVcpu = 26
ProcDomainReboot = 27
ProcDomainResume = 28
ProcDomainSetAutostart = 29
ProcDomainSetMaxMemory = 30
ProcDomainSetMemory = 31
ProcDomainSetVcpus = 32
ProcDomainShutdown = 33
ProcDomainSuspend = 34
ProcDomainUndefine = 35
ProcConnectListDefinedNetworks = 36
ProcConnectListDomains = 37
ProcConnectListNetworks = 38
ProcNetworkCreate = 39
ProcNetworkCreateXML = 40
ProcNetworkDefineXML = 41
ProcNetworkDestroy = 42
ProcNetworkGetXMLDesc = 43
ProcNetworkGetAutostart = 44
ProcNetworkGetBridgeName = 45
ProcNetworkLookupByName = 46
ProcNetworkLookupByUUID = 47
ProcNetworkSetAutostart = 48
ProcNetworkUndefine = 49
ProcConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks = 50
ProcConnectNumOfDomains = 51
ProcConnectNumOfNetworks = 52
ProcDomainCoreDump = 53
ProcDomainRestore = 54
ProcDomainSave = 55
ProcDomainGetSchedulerType = 56
ProcDomainGetSchedulerParameters = 57
ProcDomainSetSchedulerParameters = 58
ProcConnectGetHostname = 59
ProcConnectSupportsFeature = 60
ProcDomainMigratePrepare = 61
ProcDomainMigratePerform = 62
ProcDomainMigrateFinish = 63
ProcDomainBlockStats = 64
ProcDomainInterfaceStats = 65
ProcAuthList = 66
ProcAuthSaslInit = 67
ProcAuthSaslStart = 68
ProcAuthSaslStep = 69
ProcAuthPolkit = 70
ProcConnectNumOfStoragePools = 71
ProcConnectListStoragePools = 72
ProcConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools = 73
ProcConnectListDefinedStoragePools = 74
ProcConnectFindStoragePoolSources = 75
ProcStoragePoolCreateXML = 76
ProcStoragePoolDefineXML = 77
ProcStoragePoolCreate = 78
ProcStoragePoolBuild = 79
ProcStoragePoolDestroy = 80
ProcStoragePoolDelete = 81
ProcStoragePoolUndefine = 82
ProcStoragePoolRefresh = 83
ProcStoragePoolLookupByName = 84
ProcStoragePoolLookupByUUID = 85
ProcStoragePoolLookupByVolume = 86
ProcStoragePoolGetInfo = 87
ProcStoragePoolGetXMLDesc = 88
ProcStoragePoolGetAutostart = 89
ProcStoragePoolSetAutostart = 90
ProcStoragePoolNumOfVolumes = 91
ProcStoragePoolListVolumes = 92
ProcStorageVolCreateXML = 93
ProcStorageVolDelete = 94
ProcStorageVolLookupByName = 95
ProcStorageVolLookupByKey = 96
ProcStorageVolLookupByPath = 97
ProcStorageVolGetInfo = 98
ProcStorageVolGetXMLDesc = 99
ProcStorageVolGetPath = 100
ProcNodeGetCellsFreeMemory = 101
ProcNodeGetFreeMemory = 102
ProcDomainBlockPeek = 103
ProcDomainMemoryPeek = 104
ProcConnectDomainEventRegister = 105
ProcConnectDomainEventDeregister = 106
ProcDomainEventLifecycle = 107
ProcDomainMigratePrepare2 = 108
ProcDomainMigrateFinish2 = 109
ProcConnectGetUri = 110
ProcNodeNumOfDevices = 111
ProcNodeListDevices = 112
ProcNodeDeviceLookupByName = 113
ProcNodeDeviceGetXMLDesc = 114
ProcNodeDeviceGetParent = 115
ProcNodeDeviceNumOfCaps = 116
ProcNodeDeviceListCaps = 117
ProcNodeDeviceDettach = 118
ProcNodeDeviceReAttach = 119
ProcNodeDeviceReset = 120
ProcDomainGetSecurityLabel = 121
ProcNodeGetSecurityModel = 122
ProcNodeDeviceCreateXML = 123
ProcNodeDeviceDestroy = 124
ProcStorageVolCreateXMLFrom = 125
ProcConnectNumOfInterfaces = 126
ProcConnectListInterfaces = 127
ProcInterfaceLookupByName = 128
ProcInterfaceLookupByMacString = 129
ProcInterfaceGetXMLDesc = 130
ProcInterfaceDefineXML = 131
ProcInterfaceUndefine = 132
ProcInterfaceCreate = 133
ProcInterfaceDestroy = 134
ProcConnectDomainXMLFromNative = 135
ProcConnectDomainXMLToNative = 136
ProcConnectNumOfDefinedInterfaces = 137
ProcConnectListDefinedInterfaces = 138
ProcConnectNumOfSecrets = 139
ProcConnectListSecrets = 140
ProcSecretLookupByUUID = 141
ProcSecretDefineXML = 142
ProcSecretGetXMLDesc = 143
ProcSecretSetValue = 144
ProcSecretGetValue = 145
ProcSecretUndefine = 146
ProcSecretLookupByUsage = 147
ProcDomainMigratePrepareTunnel = 148
ProcConnectIsSecure = 149
ProcDomainIsActive = 150
ProcDomainIsPersistent = 151
ProcNetworkIsActive = 152
ProcNetworkIsPersistent = 153
ProcStoragePoolIsActive = 154
ProcStoragePoolIsPersistent = 155
ProcInterfaceIsActive = 156
ProcConnectGetLibVersion = 157
ProcConnectCompareCPU = 158
ProcDomainMemoryStats = 159
ProcDomainAttachDeviceFlags = 160
ProcDomainDetachDeviceFlags = 161
ProcConnectBaselineCPU = 162
ProcDomainGetJobInfo = 163
ProcDomainAbortJob = 164
ProcStorageVolWipe = 165
ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxDowntime = 166
ProcConnectDomainEventRegisterAny = 167
ProcConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny = 168
ProcDomainEventReboot = 169
ProcDomainEventRtcChange = 170
ProcDomainEventWatchdog = 171
ProcDomainEventIOError = 172
ProcDomainEventGraphics = 173
ProcDomainUpdateDeviceFlags = 174
ProcNwfilterLookupByName = 175
ProcNwfilterLookupByUUID = 176
ProcNwfilterGetXMLDesc = 177
ProcConnectNumOfNwfilters = 178
ProcConnectListNwfilters = 179
ProcNwfilterDefineXML = 180
ProcNwfilterUndefine = 181
ProcDomainManagedSave = 182
ProcDomainHasManagedSaveImage = 183
ProcDomainManagedSaveRemove = 184
ProcDomainSnapshotCreateXML = 185
ProcDomainSnapshotGetXMLDesc = 186
ProcDomainSnapshotNum = 187
ProcDomainSnapshotListNames = 188
ProcDomainSnapshotLookupByName = 189
ProcDomainHasCurrentSnapshot = 190
ProcDomainSnapshotCurrent = 191
ProcDomainRevertToSnapshot = 192
ProcDomainSnapshotDelete = 193
ProcDomainGetBlockInfo = 194
ProcDomainEventIOErrorReason = 195
ProcDomainCreateWithFlags = 196
ProcDomainSetMemoryParameters = 197
ProcDomainGetMemoryParameters = 198
ProcDomainSetVcpusFlags = 199
ProcDomainGetVcpusFlags = 200
ProcDomainOpenConsole = 201
ProcDomainIsUpdated = 202
ProcConnectGetSysinfo = 203
ProcDomainSetMemoryFlags = 204
ProcDomainSetBlkioParameters = 205
ProcDomainGetBlkioParameters = 206
ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed = 207
ProcStorageVolUpload = 208
ProcStorageVolDownload = 209
ProcDomainInjectNmi = 210
ProcDomainScreenshot = 211
ProcDomainGetState = 212
ProcDomainMigrateBegin3 = 213
ProcDomainMigratePrepare3 = 214
ProcDomainMigratePrepareTunnel3 = 215
ProcDomainMigratePerform3 = 216
ProcDomainMigrateFinish3 = 217
ProcDomainMigrateConfirm3 = 218
ProcDomainSetSchedulerParametersFlags = 219
ProcInterfaceChangeBegin = 220
ProcInterfaceChangeCommit = 221
ProcInterfaceChangeRollback = 222
ProcDomainGetSchedulerParametersFlags = 223
ProcDomainEventControlError = 224
ProcDomainPinVcpuFlags = 225
ProcDomainSendKey = 226
ProcNodeGetCPUStats = 227
ProcNodeGetMemoryStats = 228
ProcDomainGetControlInfo = 229
ProcDomainGetVcpuPinInfo = 230
ProcDomainUndefineFlags = 231
ProcDomainSaveFlags = 232
ProcDomainRestoreFlags = 233
ProcDomainDestroyFlags = 234
ProcDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc = 235
ProcDomainSaveImageDefineXML = 236
ProcDomainBlockJobAbort = 237
ProcDomainGetBlockJobInfo = 238
ProcDomainBlockJobSetSpeed = 239
ProcDomainBlockPull = 240
ProcDomainEventBlockJob = 241
ProcDomainMigrateGetMaxSpeed = 242
ProcDomainBlockStatsFlags = 243
ProcDomainSnapshotGetParent = 244
ProcDomainReset = 245
ProcDomainSnapshotNumChildren = 246
ProcDomainSnapshotListChildrenNames = 247
ProcDomainEventDiskChange = 248
ProcDomainOpenGraphics = 249
ProcNodeSuspendForDuration = 250
ProcDomainBlockResize = 251
ProcDomainSetBlockIOTune = 252
ProcDomainGetBlockIOTune = 253
ProcDomainSetNumaParameters = 254
ProcDomainGetNumaParameters = 255
ProcDomainSetInterfaceParameters = 256
ProcDomainGetInterfaceParameters = 257
ProcDomainShutdownFlags = 258
ProcStorageVolWipePattern = 259
ProcStorageVolResize = 260
ProcDomainPmSuspendForDuration = 261
ProcDomainGetCPUStats = 262
ProcDomainGetDiskErrors = 263
ProcDomainSetMetadata = 264
ProcDomainGetMetadata = 265
ProcDomainBlockRebase = 266
ProcDomainPmWakeup = 267
ProcDomainEventTrayChange = 268
ProcDomainEventPmwakeup = 269
ProcDomainEventPmsuspend = 270
ProcDomainSnapshotIsCurrent = 271
ProcDomainSnapshotHasMetadata = 272
ProcConnectListAllDomains = 273
ProcDomainListAllSnapshots = 274
ProcDomainSnapshotListAllChildren = 275
ProcDomainEventBalloonChange = 276
ProcDomainGetHostname = 277
ProcDomainGetSecurityLabelList = 278
ProcDomainPinEmulator = 279
ProcDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo = 280
ProcConnectListAllStoragePools = 281
ProcStoragePoolListAllVolumes = 282
ProcConnectListAllNetworks = 283
ProcConnectListAllInterfaces = 284
ProcConnectListAllNodeDevices = 285
ProcConnectListAllNwfilters = 286
ProcConnectListAllSecrets = 287
ProcNodeSetMemoryParameters = 288
ProcNodeGetMemoryParameters = 289
ProcDomainBlockCommit = 290
ProcNetworkUpdate = 291
ProcDomainEventPmsuspendDisk = 292
ProcNodeGetCPUMap = 293
ProcDomainFstrim = 294
ProcDomainSendProcessSignal = 295
ProcDomainOpenChannel = 296
ProcNodeDeviceLookupScsiHostByWwn = 297
ProcDomainGetJobStats = 298
ProcDomainMigrateGetCompressionCache = 299
ProcDomainMigrateSetCompressionCache = 300
ProcNodeDeviceDetachFlags = 301
ProcDomainMigrateBegin3Params = 302
ProcDomainMigratePrepare3Params = 303
ProcDomainMigratePrepareTunnel3Params = 304
ProcDomainMigratePerform3Params = 305
ProcDomainMigrateFinish3Params = 306
ProcDomainMigrateConfirm3Params = 307
ProcDomainSetMemoryStatsPeriod = 308
ProcDomainCreateXMLWithFiles = 309
ProcDomainCreateWithFiles = 310
ProcDomainEventDeviceRemoved = 311
ProcConnectGetCPUModelNames = 312
ProcConnectNetworkEventRegisterAny = 313
ProcConnectNetworkEventDeregisterAny = 314
ProcNetworkEventLifecycle = 315
ProcConnectDomainEventCallbackRegisterAny = 316
ProcConnectDomainEventCallbackDeregisterAny = 317
ProcDomainEventCallbackLifecycle = 318
ProcDomainEventCallbackReboot = 319
ProcDomainEventCallbackRtcChange = 320
ProcDomainEventCallbackWatchdog = 321
ProcDomainEventCallbackIOError = 322
ProcDomainEventCallbackGraphics = 323
ProcDomainEventCallbackIOErrorReason = 324
ProcDomainEventCallbackControlError = 325
ProcDomainEventCallbackBlockJob = 326
ProcDomainEventCallbackDiskChange = 327
ProcDomainEventCallbackTrayChange = 328
ProcDomainEventCallbackPmwakeup = 329
ProcDomainEventCallbackPmsuspend = 330
ProcDomainEventCallbackBalloonChange = 331
ProcDomainEventCallbackPmsuspendDisk = 332
ProcDomainEventCallbackDeviceRemoved = 333
ProcDomainCoreDumpWithFormat = 334
ProcDomainFsfreeze = 335
ProcDomainFsthaw = 336
ProcDomainGetTime = 337
ProcDomainSetTime = 338
ProcDomainEventBlockJob2 = 339
ProcNodeGetFreePages = 340
ProcNetworkGetDhcpLeases = 341
ProcConnectGetDomainCapabilities = 342
ProcDomainOpenGraphicsFd = 343
ProcConnectGetAllDomainStats = 344
ProcDomainBlockCopy = 345
ProcDomainEventCallbackTunable = 346
ProcNodeAllocPages = 347
ProcDomainEventCallbackAgentLifecycle = 348
ProcDomainGetFsinfo = 349
ProcDomainDefineXMLFlags = 350
ProcDomainGetIothreadInfo = 351
ProcDomainPinIothread = 352
ProcDomainInterfaceAddresses = 353
ProcDomainEventCallbackDeviceAdded = 354
ProcDomainAddIothread = 355
ProcDomainDelIothread = 356
ProcDomainSetUserPassword = 357
ProcDomainRename = 358
ProcDomainEventCallbackMigrationIteration = 359
ProcConnectRegisterCloseCallback = 360
ProcConnectUnregisterCloseCallback = 361
ProcConnectEventConnectionClosed = 362
ProcDomainEventCallbackJobCompleted = 363
ProcDomainMigrateStartPostCopy = 364
ProcDomainGetPerfEvents = 365
ProcDomainSetPerfEvents = 366
ProcDomainEventCallbackDeviceRemovalFailed = 367
ProcConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny = 368
ProcConnectStoragePoolEventDeregisterAny = 369
ProcStoragePoolEventLifecycle = 370
ProcDomainGetGuestVcpus = 371
ProcDomainSetGuestVcpus = 372
ProcStoragePoolEventRefresh = 373
ProcConnectNodeDeviceEventRegisterAny = 374
ProcConnectNodeDeviceEventDeregisterAny = 375
ProcNodeDeviceEventLifecycle = 376
ProcNodeDeviceEventUpdate = 377
ProcStorageVolGetInfoFlags = 378
ProcDomainEventCallbackMetadataChange = 379
ProcConnectSecretEventRegisterAny = 380
ProcConnectSecretEventDeregisterAny = 381
ProcSecretEventLifecycle = 382
ProcSecretEventValueChanged = 383
ProcDomainSetVcpu = 384
ProcDomainEventBlockThreshold = 385
ProcDomainSetBlockThreshold = 386
ProcDomainMigrateGetMaxDowntime = 387
ProcDomainManagedSaveGetXMLDesc = 388
ProcDomainManagedSaveDefineXML = 389
ProcDomainSetLifecycleAction = 390
// From consts:
StringMax = 4194304
DomainListMax = 16384
CpumapMax = 2048
VcpuinfoMax = 16384
CpumapsMax = 8388608
IothreadInfoMax = 16384
MigrateCookieMax = 4194304
NetworkListMax = 16384
InterfaceListMax = 16384
StoragePoolListMax = 16384
StorageVolListMax = 16384
NodeDeviceListMax = 65536
NodeDeviceCapsListMax = 65536
NwfilterListMax = 16384
DomainSchedulerParametersMax = 16
DomainBlkioParametersMax = 16
DomainMemoryParametersMax = 16
DomainBlockIOTuneParametersMax = 32
DomainNumaParametersMax = 16
DomainPerfEventsMax = 64
DomainBlockCopyParametersMax = 16
NodeCPUStatsMax = 16
NodeMemoryStatsMax = 16
DomainBlockStatsParametersMax = 16
NodeMaxCells = 1024
AuthSaslDataMax = 65536
AuthTypeListMax = 20
DomainMemoryStatsMax = 1024
DomainSnapshotListMax = 16384
DomainBlockPeekBufferMax = 4194304
DomainMemoryPeekBufferMax = 4194304
SecurityLabelListMax = 64
SecretValueMax = 65536
SecretListMax = 16384
CPUBaselineMax = 256
DomainSendKeyMax = 16
DomainInterfaceParametersMax = 16
DomainGetCPUStatsNcpusMax = 128
DomainGetCPUStatsMax = 2048
DomainDiskErrorsMax = 256
NodeMemoryParametersMax = 64
DomainMigrateParamListMax = 64
DomainJobStatsMax = 64
ConnectCPUModelsMax = 8192
DomainFsfreezeMountpointsMax = 256
NetworkDhcpLeasesMax = 65536
ConnectGetAllDomainStatsMax = 262144
DomainEventTunableMax = 2048
DomainFsinfoMax = 256
DomainFsinfoDisksMax = 256
DomainInterfaceMax = 2048
DomainIPAddrMax = 2048
DomainGuestVcpuParamsMax = 64
DomainEventGraphicsIdentityMax = 20
Program = 0x20008086
ProtocolVersion = 1

View File

@ -15,54 +15,11 @@
// Package constants provides shared data for the libvirt package. // Package constants provides shared data for the libvirt package.
package constants package constants
// protocol procedure numbers
const ( const (
ProgramVersion = 1
ProgramRemote = 0x20008086
ProgramQEMU = 0x20008087 ProgramQEMU = 0x20008087
ProgramKeepAlive = 0x6b656570 ProgramKeepAlive = 0x6b656570
) )
// libvirt procedure identifiers
// These are libvirt procedure numbers which correspond to each respective
// API call between remote_internal driver and libvirtd. Although stable.
// Each call is identified by a unique number which *may change at any time*.
// Examples:
// See:
const (
ProcConnectOpen = 1
ProcConnectClose = 2
ProcConnectGetCapabilties = 7
ProcDomainGetXMLDesc = 14
ProcDomainLookupByName = 23
ProcDomainReboot = 27
ProcAuthList = 66
ProcStoragePoolRefresh = 83
ProcStoragePoolLookupByName = 84
ProcConnectGetLibVersion = 157
ProcDomainMemoryStats = 159
ProcDomainCreateWithFlags = 196
ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed = 207
ProcDomainGetState = 212
ProcDomainUndefineFlags = 231
ProcDomainDestroyFlags = 234
ProcDomainReset = 245
ProcDomainSetBlockIOTune = 252
ProcDomainGetBlockIOTune = 253
ProcDomainShutdownFlags = 258
ProcConnectListAllDomains = 273
ProcConnectListAllStoragePools = 281
ProcConnectListAllSecrets = 287
ProcMigratePerformParams = 305
ProcDomainDefineXMLFlags = 350
// qemu procedure identifiers // qemu procedure identifiers
const ( const (
QEMUDomainMonitor = 1 QEMUDomainMonitor = 1

internal/lvgen/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Ignore the yacc intermediate files.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Copyright 2017 The go-libvirt Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// TODO: make these an argument
const lvPath = "../../../libvirt"
const protoPath = "src/remote/remote_protocol.x"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Generating golang bindings for libvirt")
lvFile := path.Join(lvPath, protoPath)
rdr, err := os.Open(lvFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to open protocol file at %v: %v\n", lvFile, err)
defer rdr.Close()
if err = lvgen.Generate(rdr); err != nil {
fmt.Println("go-libvirt code generator failed:", err)

internal/lvgen/generate.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
// Copyright 2017 The go-libvirt Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package lvgen
// The libvirt API is divided into several categories. (Gallia est omnis divisa
// in partes tres.) The generator will output code for each category in a
// package underneath the go-libvirt directory.
import (
var keywords = map[string]int{
"hyper": HYPER,
"int": INT,
"short": SHORT,
"char": CHAR,
"bool": BOOL,
"case": CASE,
"const": CONST,
"default": DEFAULT,
"double": DOUBLE,
"enum": ENUM,
"float": FLOAT,
"opaque": OPAQUE,
"string": STRING,
"struct": STRUCT,
"switch": SWITCH,
"typedef": TYPEDEF,
"union": UNION,
"unsigned": UNSIGNED,
"void": VOID,
"program": PROGRAM,
"version": VERSION,
// ConstItem stores an const's symbol and value from the parser. This struct is
// also used for enums.
type ConstItem struct {
Name string
Val string
type Generator struct {
// Enums holds the list of enums found by the parser.
Enums []ConstItem
// Consts holds all the const items found by the parser.
Consts []ConstItem
// Gen accumulates items as the parser runs, and is then used to produce the
// output.
var Gen Generator
// CurrentEnumVal is the auto-incrementing value assigned to enums that aren't
// explicitly given a value.
var CurrentEnumVal int64
// oneRuneTokens lists the runes the lexer will consider to be tokens when it
// finds them. These are returned to the parser using the integer value of their
// runes.
var oneRuneTokens = `{}[]<>(),=;:*`
// Generate will output go bindings for libvirt. The lvPath parameter should be
// the path to the root of the libvirt source directory to use for the
// generation.
func Generate(proto io.Reader) error {
lexer, err := NewLexer(proto)
if err != nil {
return err
go lexer.Run()
parser := yyNewParser()
yyErrorVerbose = true
// Turn this on if you're debugging.
// yyDebug = 3
rv := parser.Parse(lexer)
if rv != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse libvirt protocol: %v", rv)
// Generate and write the output.
wr, err := os.Create("../constants/constants.gen.go")
if err != nil {
return err
defer wr.Close()
err = genGo(wr)
return err
func genGo(wr io.Writer) error {
// TODO: Move this someplace nice.
const consttempl = `/*
* This file generated by internal/lvgen/generate.go. DO NOT EDIT BY HAND!
* To regenerate, run 'go generate' in internal/lvgen.
package constants
// libvirt procedure identifiers and other enums
// These are libvirt procedure numbers which correspond to each respective
// API call between remote_internal driver and libvirtd. Each procedure is
// identified by a unique number which *may change in any future libvirt
// update*.
// Examples:
const (
// From enums:
{{range .Enums}}{{.Name}} = {{.Val}}
// From consts:
{{range .Consts}}{{.Name}} = {{.Val}}
// Enums and consts from the protocol definition both become go consts in
// the generated code. We'll remove "REMOTE_" and then camel-case the
// name before making each one a go constant.
for ix, en := range Gen.Enums {
Gen.Enums[ix].Name = constNameTransform(en.Name)
for ix, en := range Gen.Consts {
Gen.Consts[ix].Name = constNameTransform(en.Name)
t := template.Must(template.New("consts").Parse(consttempl))
if err := t.Execute(wr, Gen); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// constNameTransform changes an upcased, snake-style name like
// REMOTE_PROTOCOL_VERSION to a comfortable Go name like ProtocolVersion. It
// also tries to upcase abbreviations so a name like DOMAIN_GET_XML becomes
// DomainGetXML, not DomainGetXml.
func constNameTransform(name string) string {
nn := fromSnakeToCamel(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "REMOTE_"))
nn = fixAbbrevs(nn)
return nn
// fromSnakeToCamel transmutes a snake-cased string to a camel-cased one. All
// runes that follow an underscore are up-cased, and the underscores themselves
// are omitted.
// ex: "PROC_DOMAIN_GET_METADATA" -> "ProcDomainGetMetadata"
func fromSnakeToCamel(s string) string {
buf := make([]rune, 0, len(s))
// Start with an upper-cased rune
hump := true
for _, r := range s {
if r == '_' {
hump = true
} else {
var transform func(rune) rune
if hump == true {
transform = unicode.ToUpper
} else {
transform = unicode.ToLower
buf = append(buf, transform(r))
hump = false
return string(buf)
// abbrevs is a list of abbreviations which should be all upper-case in a name.
// (This is really just to keep the go linters happy and to produce names that
// are intuitive to a go developer.)
var abbrevs = []string{"Xml", "Io", "Uuid", "Cpu", "Id", "Ip"}
// fixAbbrevs up-cases all instances of anything in the 'abbrevs' array. This
// would be a simple matter, but we don't want to upcase an abbreviation if it's
// actually part of a larger word, so it's not so simple.
func fixAbbrevs(s string) string {
for _, a := range abbrevs {
for loc := 0; ; {
loc = strings.Index(s[loc:], a)
if loc == -1 {
r := 'A'
if len(a) < len(s[loc:]) {
r, _ = utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(s[loc+len(a):]))
if unicode.IsLower(r) == false {
s = s[:loc] + strings.Replace(s[loc:], a, strings.ToUpper(a), 1)
return s
// TODO: Move this lexer to its own file?
// eof is returned by the lexer when there's no more input.
const eof = -1
type item struct {
typ int
val string
line, column int
// String will display lexer items for humans to debug. There are some
// calculations here due to the way goyacc arranges token values; see the
// generated file y.go for an idea what's going on here, but the basic idea is
// that the lower token type values are reserved for single-rune tokens, which
// the lexer reports using the value of the rune itself. Everything else is
// allocated a range of type value up above all the possible single-rune values.
func (i item) String() string {
tokType := i.typ
if tokType >= yyPrivate {
if tokType < yyPrivate+len(yyTok2) {
tokType = yyTok2[tokType-yyPrivate]
rv := fmt.Sprintf("%s %q %d:%d", yyTokname(tokType), i.val, i.line, i.column)
return rv
// Lexer stores the state of this lexer.
type Lexer struct {
input string // the string we're scanning.
start int // start position of the item.
pos int // current position in the input.
line int // the current line (for error reporting).
column int // current position within the current line.
width int // width of the last rune scanned.
items chan item // channel of scanned lexer items (lexemes).
lastItem item // The last item the lexer handed the parser
// NewLexer will return a new lexer for the passed-in reader.
func NewLexer(rdr io.Reader) (*Lexer, error) {
l := &Lexer{}
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rdr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.input = string(b)
l.items = make(chan item)
return l, nil
// Run starts the lexer, and should be called in a goroutine.
func (l *Lexer) Run() {
for state := lexText; state != nil; {
state = state(l)
// emit returns a token to the parser.
func (l *Lexer) emit(t int) {
l.items <- item{t, l.input[l.start:l.pos], l.line, l.column}
l.start = l.pos
// Lex gets the next token.
func (l *Lexer) Lex(st *yySymType) int {
s := <-l.items
l.lastItem = s
st.val = s.val
// fmt.Println("Lex returning", s)
return int(s.typ)
// Error is called by the parser when it finds a problem.
func (l *Lexer) Error(s string) {
fmt.Printf("parse error at %d:%d: %v\n", l.lastItem.line+1, l.lastItem.column+1, s)
fmt.Printf("error at %q\n", l.lastItem.val)
// errorf is used by the lexer to report errors. It inserts an ERROR token into
// the items channel, and sets the state to nil, which stops the lexer's state
// machine.
func (l *Lexer) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) stateFn {
l.items <- item{ERROR, fmt.Sprintf(format, args), l.line, l.column}
return nil
// next returns the rune at the current location, and advances to the next rune
// in the input.
func (l *Lexer) next() (r rune) {
if l.pos >= len(l.input) {
l.width = 0
return eof
r, l.width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.input[l.pos:])
l.pos += l.width
if r == '\n' {
l.column = 0
return r
// ignore discards the current text from start to pos.
func (l *Lexer) ignore() {
l.start = l.pos
// backup moves back one character, but can only be called once per next() call.
func (l *Lexer) backup() {
l.pos -= l.width
if l.column > 0 {
} else {
l.width = 0
// peek looks ahead at the next rune in the stream without consuming it.
func (l *Lexer) peek() rune {
r :=
return r
// accept will advance to the next rune if it's contained in the string of valid
// runes passed in by the caller.
func (l *Lexer) accept(valid string) bool {
if strings.IndexRune(valid, >= 0 {
return true
return false
// acceptRun advances over a number of valid runes, stopping as soon as it hits
// one not on the list.
func (l *Lexer) acceptRun(valid string) {
for strings.IndexRune(valid, >= 0 {
// keyword checks whether the current lexeme is a keyword or not. If so it
// returns the keyword's token id, otherwise it returns IDENTIFIER.
func (l *Lexer) keyword() int {
ident := l.input[l.start:l.pos]
tok, ok := keywords[ident]
if ok == true {
return int(tok)
// oneRuneToken determines whether a rune is a token. If so it returns the token
// id and true, otherwise it returns false.
func (l *Lexer) oneRuneToken(r rune) (int, bool) {
if strings.IndexRune(oneRuneTokens, r) >= 0 {
return int(r), true
return 0, false
// State functions
type stateFn func(*Lexer) stateFn
// lexText is the master lex routine. The lexer is started in this state.
func lexText(l *Lexer) stateFn {
for {
if strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], "/*") {
return lexBlockComment
r :=
if r == eof {
if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
return lexText
if l.column == 1 && r == '%' {
return lexDirective
if unicode.IsLetter(r) {
return lexIdent
if unicode.IsNumber(r) || r == '-' {
return lexNumber
if t, isToken := l.oneRuneToken(r); isToken == true {
return nil
// lexBlockComment is used when we find a comment marker '/*' in the input.
func lexBlockComment(l *Lexer) stateFn {
for {
if strings.HasPrefix(l.input[l.pos:], "*/") {
// Found the end. Advance past the '*/' and discard the comment body.
return lexText
if == eof {
return l.errorf("unterminated block comment")
// lexIdent handles identifiers.
func lexIdent(l *Lexer) stateFn {
for {
r :=
if unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) || r == '_' {
// We may have a keyword, so check for that before emitting.
return lexText
// lexNumber handles decimal and hexadecimal numbers. Decimal numbers may begin
// with a '-'; hex numbers begin with '0x' and do not accept leading '-'.
func lexNumber(l *Lexer) stateFn {
// Leading '-' is ok
digits := "0123456789"
neg := l.accept("-")
if !neg {
// allow '0x' for hex numbers, as long as there's not a leading '-'.
r := l.peek()
if r == '0' {
if l.accept("x") {
digits = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"
// followed by any number of digits
r := l.peek()
if unicode.IsLetter(r) {
return l.errorf("invalid number: %q", l.input[l.start:l.pos])
return lexText
// lexDirective handles lines beginning with '%'. These are used to emit C code
// directly to the output file. For now we're ignoring them, but some of the
// constants in the protocol file do depend on values from #included header
// files, so that may need to change.
func lexDirective(l *Lexer) stateFn {
for {
r :=
if r == '\n' {
return lexText
if r == eof {
return l.errorf("unterminated directive")
// Routines called by the parser's actions.
// StartEnum is called when the parser has found a valid enum.
func StartEnum() {
// Set the automatic value var to -1; it will be incremented before being
// assigned to an enum value.
CurrentEnumVal = -1
// AddEnum will add a new enum value to the list.
func AddEnum(name, val string) error {
ev, err := parseNumber(val)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid enum value %v = %v", name, val)
return addEnum(name, ev)
// AddEnumAutoVal adds an enum to the list, using the automatically-incremented
// value. This is called when the parser finds an enum definition without an
// explicit value.
func AddEnumAutoVal(name string) error {
return addEnum(name, CurrentEnumVal)
func addEnum(name string, val int64) error {
Gen.Enums = append(Gen.Enums, ConstItem{name, fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)})
CurrentEnumVal = val
return nil
// AddConst adds a new constant to the parser's list.
func AddConst(name, val string) error {
_, err := parseNumber(val)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid const value %v = %v", name, val)
Gen.Consts = append(Gen.Consts, ConstItem{name, val})
return nil
// parseNumber makes sure that a parsed numerical value can be parsed to a 64-
// bit integer.
func parseNumber(val string) (int64, error) {
base := 10
if strings.HasPrefix(val, "0x") {
base = 16
val = val[2:]
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, base, 64)
return n, err

internal/lvgen/lv-gen.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
package lvgen
//go:generate goyacc sunrpc.y
//go:generate go run gen/main.go

internal/lvgen/sunrpc.y Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
package lvgen
import (
// SymType
val string
// XDR tokens:
// RPCL additional tokens:
: definition_list
: definition ';'
| definition ';' definition_list
: enum_definition
| const_definition
| typedef_definition
| struct_definition
| union_definition
| program_definition
: ENUM enum_ident '{' enum_value_list '}' { StartEnum() }
: enum_value
| enum_value ',' enum_value_list
: enum_value_ident {
err := AddEnumAutoVal($1.val)
if err != nil {
return 1
| enum_value_ident '=' value {
err := AddEnum($1.val, $3.val)
if err != nil {
return 1
// Ignore consts that are set to IDENTIFIERs - this isn't allowed by the spec,
// but occurs in the file because libvirt runs the pre-processor on the protocol
// file, and it handles replacing the identifier with it's #defined value.
: CONST const_ident '=' IDENTIFIER
| CONST const_ident '=' CONSTANT {
err := AddConst($2.val, $4.val)
if err != nil {
return 1
: TYPEDEF declaration
: simple_declaration
| fixed_array_declaration
| variable_array_declaration
| pointer_declaration
: type_specifier variable_ident
: int_spec
| UNSIGNED int_spec
| enum_definition
| struct_definition
| union_definition
: type_specifier variable_ident '[' value ']'
: type_specifier variable_ident '<' value '>'
| type_specifier variable_ident '<' '>'
: type_specifier '*' variable_ident
: STRUCT struct_ident '{' declaration_list '}'
: declaration ';'
| declaration ';' declaration_list
: UNION union_ident SWITCH '(' simple_declaration ')' '{' case_list '}'
: case ';'
| case ';' case_list
: CASE value ':' declaration
| DEFAULT ':' declaration
: PROGRAM program_ident '{' version_list '}' '=' value
: version ';'
| version ';' version_list
: VERSION version_ident '{' procedure_list '}' '=' value ';'
: procedure ';'
| procedure ';' procedure_list
: type_specifier procedure_ident '(' type_specifier ')' '=' value ';'

View File

@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ type DomainMemoryStat struct {
// Capabilities returns an XML document describing the host's capabilties. // Capabilities returns an XML document describing the host's capabilties.
func (l *Libvirt) Capabilities() ([]byte, error) { func (l *Libvirt) Capabilities() ([]byte, error) {
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectGetCapabilties, constants.ProgramRemote, nil) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectGetCapabilities, constants.Program, nil)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) Domains() ([]Domain, error) {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectListAllDomains, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectListAllDomains, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) DomainCreateWithFlags(dom string, flags DomainCreateFlags) err
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainCreateWithFlags, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainCreateWithFlags, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) DomainMemoryStats(dom string) ([]DomainMemoryStat, error) {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainMemoryStats, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainMemoryStats, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) DomainState(dom string) (DomainState, error) {
return DomainStateNoState, err return DomainStateNoState, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainGetState, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainGetState, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return DomainStateNoState, err return DomainStateNoState, err
} }
@ -814,7 +814,8 @@ func (l *Libvirt) Migrate(dom string, dest string, flags MigrateFlags) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcMigratePerformParams, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainMigratePerform3Params,
constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -852,7 +853,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) MigrateSetMaxSpeed(dom string, speed int64) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -932,7 +933,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) Secrets() ([]Secret, error) {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectListAllSecrets, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectListAllSecrets, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -970,7 +971,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) StoragePool(name string) (*StoragePool, error) {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcStoragePoolLookupByName, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcStoragePoolLookupByName, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -1013,7 +1014,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) StoragePoolRefresh(name string) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcStoragePoolRefresh, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcStoragePoolRefresh, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1042,7 +1043,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) StoragePools(flags StoragePoolsFlags) ([]StoragePool, error) {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectListAllStoragePools, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectListAllStoragePools, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -1089,7 +1090,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) Undefine(dom string, flags UndefineFlags) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainUndefineFlags, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainUndefineFlags, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1125,7 +1126,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) Destroy(dom string, flags DestroyFlags) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainDestroyFlags, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainDestroyFlags, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1159,7 +1160,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) XML(dom string, flags DomainXMLFlags) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainGetXMLDesc, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainGetXMLDesc, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -1194,7 +1195,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) DefineXML(x []byte, flags DomainDefineXMLFlags) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainDefineXMLFlags, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainDefineXMLFlags, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1209,7 +1210,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) DefineXML(x []byte, flags DomainDefineXMLFlags) error {
// Version returns the version of the libvirt daemon. // Version returns the version of the libvirt daemon.
func (l *Libvirt) Version() (string, error) { func (l *Libvirt) Version() (string, error) {
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectGetLibVersion, constants.ProgramRemote, nil) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectGetLibVersion, constants.Program, nil)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return "", err return "", err
} }
@ -1263,7 +1264,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) Shutdown(dom string, flags ShutdownFlags) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainShutdownFlags, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainShutdownFlags, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1297,7 +1298,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) Reboot(dom string, flags RebootFlags) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainReboot, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainReboot, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1330,7 +1331,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) Reset(dom string) error {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainReset, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainReset, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1418,7 +1419,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) SetBlockIOTune(dom string, disk string, limits ...BlockLimit)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainSetBlockIOTune, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainSetBlockIOTune, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1456,7 +1457,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) GetBlockIOTune(dom string, disk string) ([]BlockLimit, error)
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainGetBlockIOTune, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainGetBlockIOTune, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -1525,7 +1526,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) lookup(name string) (*Domain, error) {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainLookupByName, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainLookupByName, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }

View File

@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ func (m *MockLibvirt) handle(conn net.Conn) {
proc := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[12:16]) proc := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[12:16])
switch prog { switch prog {
case constants.ProgramRemote: case constants.Program:
m.handleRemote(proc, conn) m.handleRemote(proc, conn)
case constants.ProgramQEMU: case constants.ProgramQEMU:
m.handleQEMU(proc, conn) m.handleQEMU(proc, conn)
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ func (m *MockLibvirt) handleRemote(procedure uint32, conn net.Conn) {
conn.Write(m.reply(testDomainMemoryStatsReply)) conn.Write(m.reply(testDomainMemoryStatsReply))
case constants.ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed: case constants.ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed:
conn.Write(m.reply(testSetSpeedReply)) conn.Write(m.reply(testSetSpeedReply))
case constants.ProcMigratePerformParams: case constants.ProcDomainMigratePerform3Params:
conn.Write(m.reply(testMigrateReply)) conn.Write(m.reply(testMigrateReply))
case constants.ProcDomainUndefineFlags: case constants.ProcDomainUndefineFlags:
conn.Write(m.reply(testUndefineReply)) conn.Write(m.reply(testUndefineReply))

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) connect() error {
// libvirt requires that we call auth-list prior to connecting, // libvirt requires that we call auth-list prior to connecting,
// event when no authentication is used. // event when no authentication is used.
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcAuthList, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcAuthList, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) connect() error {
return decodeError(r.Payload) return decodeError(r.Payload)
} }
resp, err = l.request(constants.ProcConnectOpen, constants.ProgramRemote, &buf) resp, err = l.request(constants.ProcConnectOpen, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) connect() error {
} }
func (l *Libvirt) disconnect() error { func (l *Libvirt) disconnect() error {
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectClose, constants.ProgramRemote, nil) resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcConnectClose, constants.Program, nil)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ func (l *Libvirt) request(proc uint32, program uint32, payload *bytes.Buffer) (<
Len: uint32(size), Len: uint32(size),
Header: header{ Header: header{
Program: program, Program: program,
Version: constants.ProgramVersion, Version: constants.ProtocolVersion,
Procedure: proc, Procedure: proc,
Type: Call, Type: Call,
Serial: serial, Serial: serial,

View File

@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ func TestExtractHeader(t *testing.T) {
t.Error(err) t.Error(err)
} }
if h.Program != constants.ProgramRemote { if h.Program != constants.Program {
t.Errorf("expected Program %q, got %q", constants.ProgramRemote, h.Program) t.Errorf("expected Program %q, got %q", constants.Program, h.Program)
} }
if h.Version != constants.ProgramVersion { if h.Version != constants.ProtocolVersion {
t.Errorf("expected version %q, got %q", constants.ProgramVersion, h.Version) t.Errorf("expected version %q, got %q", constants.ProtocolVersion, h.Version)
} }
if h.Procedure != constants.ProcConnectOpen { if h.Procedure != constants.ProcConnectOpen {