Cleanup, and fix decoding of TypedParams.

This commit is contained in:
Geoff Hickey 2017-11-14 18:59:55 -05:00
parent deb7a54ff8
commit a3bd42a5b1
7 changed files with 1459 additions and 887 deletions

@ -23,11 +23,14 @@ import (
// TODO: make these an argument
const lvPath = "../../../libvirt"
const protoPath = "src/remote/remote_protocol.x"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Generating golang bindings for libvirt")
lvPath := os.Getenv("LIBVIRT_SOURCE")
if lvPath == "" {
fmt.Println("set $LIBVIRT_SOURCE to point to the root of the libvirt sources and retry")
lvFile := path.Join(lvPath, protoPath)
rdr, err := os.Open(lvFile)
if err != nil {

@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
package lvgen
// The libvirt API is divided into several categories. (Gallia est omnis divisa
// in partes tres.) The generator will output code for each category in a
// package underneath the go-libvirt directory.
import (
@ -29,30 +25,6 @@ import (
var keywords = map[string]int{
"hyper": HYPER,
"int": INT,
"short": SHORT,
"char": CHAR,
"bool": BOOL,
"case": CASE,
"const": CONST,
"default": DEFAULT,
"double": DOUBLE,
"enum": ENUM,
"float": FLOAT,
"opaque": OPAQUE,
"string": STRING,
"struct": STRUCT,
"switch": SWITCH,
"typedef": TYPEDEF,
"union": UNION,
"unsigned": UNSIGNED,
"void": VOID,
"program": PROGRAM,
"version": VERSION,
// ConstItem stores an const's symbol and value from the parser. This struct is
// also used for enums.
type ConstItem struct {
@ -77,6 +49,8 @@ type Generator struct {
Typedefs []Typedef
// Unions holds all the discriminated unions.
Unions []Union
// UnionMap is a map of the unions we find for quick searching.
UnionMap map[string]int
// Procs holds all the discovered libvirt procedures.
Procs []Proc
@ -104,6 +78,9 @@ var goEquivTypes = map[string]string{
// requires us to ditch the typedef that would otherwise be generated.
"NonnullString": "string",
// TODO: Get rid of these. They're only needed because we lose information
// that the parser has (the parser knows it has emitted a go type), and then
// we capitalize types to make them public.
"String": "string",
"Int": "int",
"Uint": "uint",
@ -122,7 +99,8 @@ var goEquivTypes = map[string]string{
// These defines are from libvirt-common.h. They should be fetched from there,
// but for now they're hardcoded here.
// but for now they're hardcoded here. (These are the discriminant values for
// TypedParams.)
var lvTypedParams = map[string]uint32{
@ -222,6 +200,7 @@ var CurrentCase *Case
// generation.
func Generate(proto io.Reader) error {
Gen.StructMap = make(map[string]int)
Gen.UnionMap = make(map[string]int)
lexer, err := NewLexer(proto)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -257,6 +236,8 @@ func Generate(proto io.Reader) error {
return err
// genGo is called when the parsing is done; it generates the golang output
// files using templates.
func genGo(constFile, procFile io.Writer) error {
t, err := template.ParseFiles("constants.tmpl")
if err != nil {
@ -273,18 +254,6 @@ func genGo(constFile, procFile io.Writer) error {
if err := t.Execute(procFile, Gen); err != nil {
return err
// Now generate the wrappers for libvirt's various public API functions.
// for _, c := range Gen.Enums {
// This appears to be the name of a libvirt procedure, so sort it into
// the right list based on the next part of its name.
// segs := camelcase.Split(c.Name)
// if len(segs) < 3 || segs[0] != "Proc" {
// continue
// }
//category := segs[1]
// }
return nil
@ -297,7 +266,7 @@ func constNameTransform(name string) string {
decamelize := strings.ContainsRune(name, '_')
nn := strings.TrimPrefix(name, "REMOTE_")
if decamelize {
nn = fromSnakeToCamel(nn, true)
nn = fromSnakeToCamel(nn)
nn = fixAbbrevs(nn)
return nn
@ -307,7 +276,7 @@ func identifierTransform(name string) string {
decamelize := strings.ContainsRune(name, '_')
nn := strings.TrimPrefix(name, "remote_")
if decamelize {
nn = fromSnakeToCamel(nn, true)
nn = fromSnakeToCamel(nn)
} else {
nn = publicize(nn)
@ -337,10 +306,10 @@ func publicize(name string) string {
// are omitted.
// ex: "PROC_DOMAIN_GET_METADATA" -> "ProcDomainGetMetadata"
func fromSnakeToCamel(s string, public bool) string {
func fromSnakeToCamel(s string) string {
buf := make([]rune, 0, len(s))
// Start rune may be either upper or lower case.
hump := public
// Start rune will be upper case - we generate all public symbols.
hump := true
for _, r := range s {
if r == '_' {
@ -496,8 +465,8 @@ func StartStruct(name string) {
// the now-complete struct definition to the generator's list.
func AddStruct() {
st := *CurrentStruct.pop()
Gen.StructMap[st.Name] = len(Gen.Structs)
Gen.Structs = append(Gen.Structs, st)
Gen.StructMap[st.Name] = len(Gen.Structs) - 1
// StartTypedef is called when the parser finds a typedef.
@ -516,6 +485,7 @@ func StartUnion(name string) {
// pointer. We handle unions by declaring an interface for the union type, and
// adding methods to each of the cases so that they satisfy the interface.
func AddUnion() {
Gen.UnionMap[CurrentUnion.Name] = len(Gen.Unions)
Gen.Unions = append(Gen.Unions, *CurrentUnion)
CurrentUnion = nil
@ -532,7 +502,7 @@ func StartCase(dvalue string) {
if ix := strings.LastIndexByte(caseName, '_'); ix != -1 {
caseName = caseName[ix+1:]
caseName = fromSnakeToCamel(caseName, true)
caseName = fromSnakeToCamel(caseName)
dv, ok := lvTypedParams[dvalue]
if ok {
dvalue = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(dv), 10)
@ -587,11 +557,11 @@ func AddFixedArray(identifier, itype, len string) {
// Variable-length arrays are prefixed with a 32-bit unsigned length, and may
// also have a maximum length specified.
func AddVariableArray(identifier, itype, len string) {
// FIXME: This ignores the length restriction, so as of now we can't check
// to make sure that we're not exceeding that restriction when we fill in
// message buffers. That may not matter, if libvirt's checking is careful
// enough. This could be handled with a map, however.
atype := fmt.Sprintf("[]%v", itype)
// This code ignores the length restriction (array<MAXLEN>), so as of now we
// can't check to make sure that we're not exceeding that restriction when
// we fill in message buffers. That may not matter, if libvirt's checking is
// careful enough.
atype := "[]" + itype
// Handle strings specially. In the rpcgen definition a string is specified
// as a variable-length array, either with or without a max length. We want
// these to be go strings, so we'll just remove the array specifier.
@ -608,3 +578,13 @@ func checkIdentifier(i string) string {
return i
// GetUnion returns the type information for a union. If the provided type name
// isn't a union, the second return value will be false.
func (decl *Decl) GetUnion() Union {
ix, ok := Gen.UnionMap[decl.Type]
if ok {
return Gen.Unions[ix]
return Union{}

@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
package lvgen
// This file contains the instructions for regenerating the libvirt bindings.
// We do this by parsing the remote_protocol.x file included in the libvirt
// sources. Bindings will be generated if you run `go generate` in this
// directory.
// Before running `go generate`:
// 1) Make sure goyacc is installed from (you can use this
// command: `go get`)
// 2) Set the environment variable LIBVIRT_SOURCE to point to the top level
// directory containing the version of libvirt for which you want to generate
// bindings.
//go:generate goyacc sunrpc.y
//go:generate go run gen/main.go

@ -31,6 +31,31 @@ const eof = -1
// runes.
var oneRuneTokens = `{}[]<>(),=;:*`
var keywords = map[string]int{
"hyper": HYPER,
"int": INT,
"short": SHORT,
"char": CHAR,
"bool": BOOL,
"case": CASE,
"const": CONST,
"default": DEFAULT,
"double": DOUBLE,
"enum": ENUM,
"float": FLOAT,
"opaque": OPAQUE,
"string": STRING,
"struct": STRUCT,
"switch": SWITCH,
"typedef": TYPEDEF,
"union": UNION,
"unsigned": UNSIGNED,
"void": VOID,
"program": PROGRAM,
"version": VERSION,
// item is a lexeme, or what the lexer returns to the parser.
type item struct {
typ int
val string

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ package libvirt
import (
@ -42,10 +43,64 @@ type {{$casetype}} struct {
{{.Name}} {{.Type}}
func New{{$casetype}}(v {{.Type}}) *{{$casetype}} { return &{{$casetype}}{DVal: {{.DiscriminantVal}}, {{.Name}}: v} }
func Decode{{$casetype}}(dec *xdr.Decoder) (*{{$casetype}}, error) {
var v {{.Type}}
_, err := dec.Decode(&v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return New{{$casetype}}(v), nil
func (c *{{$casetype}}) Get() interface{} { return c.{{.Name}} }
{{- end}}
// TODO: Generate this.
func decodeTypedParams(dec *xdr.Decoder) ([]TypedParam, error) {
count, _, err := dec.DecodeInt()
params := make([]TypedParam, count)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for ix := int32(0); ix < count; ix++ {
name, _, err := dec.DecodeString()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ptype, _, err := dec.DecodeInt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var tpv TypedParamValue
switch ptype {
case 1: // TypedParamValueInt
tpv, err = DecodeTypedParamValueInt(dec)
case 2: // TypedParamValueUint
tpv, err = DecodeTypedParamValueUint(dec)
case 3: // TypedParamValueLlong
tpv, err = DecodeTypedParamValueLlong(dec)
case 4: // TypedParamValueUllong
tpv, err = DecodeTypedParamValueUllong(dec)
case 5: // TypedParamValueDouble
tpv, err = DecodeTypedParamValueDouble(dec)
case 6: // TypedParamValueBoolean
tpv, err = DecodeTypedParamValueBoolean(dec)
case 7: // TypedParamValueString
tpv, err = DecodeTypedParamValueString(dec)
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid parameter type %v", ptype)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params[ix] = TypedParam{name, tpv}
return params, nil
// Procedures:
{{range .Procs}}
func (l *Libvirt) {{.Name}}({{range $ix, $arg := .Args}}{{if $ix}}, {{end}}{{.Name}} {{.Type}}{{end}}) ({{range .Ret}}r{{.Name}} {{.Type}}, {{end}}err error) {
@ -72,16 +127,21 @@ func (l *Libvirt) {{.Name}}({{range $ix, $arg := .Args}}{{if $ix}}, {{end}}{{.Na
{{if .RetStruct}}
result := {{.RetStruct}}{}
// Return value unmarshaling
rdr := bytes.NewReader(r.Payload)
dec := xdr.NewDecoder(rdr)
_, err = dec.Decode(&result)
{{range .Ret}} // {{.Name}}: {{.Type}}
{{if eq .Type "[]TypedParam"}} // {{.Name}}
r{{.Name}}, err = decodeTypedParams(dec)
if err != nil {
{{else}} _, err = dec.Decode(&r{{.Name}})
if err != nil {
{{range .Ret}} r{{.Name}} = result.{{.Name}}

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1398,39 +1398,13 @@ func (l *Libvirt) SetBlockIOTune(dom string, disk string, limits ...BlockLimit)
return err
payload := struct {
Domain Domain
Disk string
Params []TypedParam
Flags DomainAffectFlags
Domain: d,
Disk: disk,
Flags: FlagDomainAffectLive,
for _, limit := range limits {
params := make([]TypedParam, len(limits))
for ix, limit := range limits {
tpval := NewTypedParamValueUllong(limit.Value)
tp := &TypedParam{Field: limit.Name, Value: tpval}
payload.Params = append(payload.Params, *tp)
params[ix] = TypedParam{Field: limit.Name, Value: tpval}
buf, err := encode(&payload)
if err != nil {
return err
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainSetBlockIOTune, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil {
return err
r := <-resp
if r.Status != StatusOK {
return decodeError(r.Payload)
return nil
return l.DomainSetBlockIOTune(*d, disk, params, FlagDomainAffectLive)
// GetBlockIOTune returns a slice containing the current block I/O tunables for
@ -1441,78 +1415,92 @@ func (l *Libvirt) GetBlockIOTune(dom string, disk string) ([]BlockLimit, error)
return nil, err
payload := struct {
Domain Domain
Disk []string
ParamCount uint32
Flags DomainAffectFlags
Domain: d,
Disk: []string{disk},
ParamCount: 32,
Flags: FlagTypedParamStringOkay,
buf, err := encode(&payload)
lims, _, err := l.DomainGetBlockIOTune(*d, disk, 32, FlagTypedParamStringOkay)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainGetBlockIOTune, constants.Program, &buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r := <-resp
if r.Status != StatusOK {
return nil, decodeError(r.Payload)
// payload := struct {
// Domain Domain
// Disk []string
// ParamCount uint32
// Flags DomainAffectFlags
// }{
// Domain: d,
// Disk: []string{disk},
// ParamCount: 32,
// Flags: FlagTypedParamStringOkay,
// }
// buf, err := encode(&payload)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// resp, err := l.request(constants.ProcDomainGetBlockIOTune, constants.Program, &buf)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// r := <-resp
// if r.Status != StatusOK {
// return nil, decodeError(r.Payload)
// }
var limits []BlockLimit
rdr := bytes.NewReader(r.Payload)
dec := xdr.NewDecoder(rdr)
// rdr := bytes.NewReader(r.Payload)
// dec := xdr.NewDecoder(rdr)
// find out how many params were returned
paramCount, _, err := dec.DecodeInt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// paramCount, _, err := dec.DecodeInt()
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// now decode each of the returned TypedParams. To do this we read the field
// name and type, then use the type information to decode the value.
for param := int32(0); param < paramCount; param++ {
// Get the field name
name, _, err := dec.DecodeString()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ...and the type
ptype, _, err := dec.DecodeInt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now we can read the actual value.
switch ptype {
case TypeParamULLong:
var val uint64
_, err = dec.Decode(&val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lim := BlockLimit{name, val}
limits = append(limits, lim)
case TypeParamString:
var val string
_, err = dec.Decode(&val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This routine doesn't currently return strings. As of libvirt 3+,
// there's one string here, `group_name`.
for _, lim := range lims {
var l BlockLimit
name := lim.Field
switch lim.Value.Get().(type) {
case uint64:
l = BlockLimit{Name: name, Value: lim.Value.Get().(uint64)}
limits = append(limits, l)
// for param := int32(0); param < paramCount; param++ {
// // Get the field name
// name, _, err := dec.DecodeString()
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// // ...and the type
// ptype, _, err := dec.DecodeInt()
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// // Now we can read the actual value.
// switch ptype {
// case TypeParamULLong:
// var val uint64
// _, err = dec.Decode(&val)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// lim := BlockLimit{name, val}
// limits = append(limits, lim)
// case TypeParamString:
// var val string
// _, err = dec.Decode(&val)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// // This routine doesn't currently return strings. As of libvirt 3+,
// // there's one string here, `group_name`.
// }
// }
return limits, nil