475 lines
15 KiB
475 lines
15 KiB
* This file generated by internal/lvgen/generate.go. DO NOT EDIT BY HAND!
* To regenerate, run 'go generate' in internal/lvgen.
package constants
// libvirt procedure identifiers and other enums
// These are libvirt procedure numbers which correspond to each respective
// API call between remote_internal driver and libvirtd. Each procedure is
// identified by a unique number which *may change in any future libvirt
// update*.
// Examples:
const (
// From enums:
AuthNone = 0
AuthSasl = 1
AuthPolkit = 2
ProcConnectOpen = 1
ProcConnectClose = 2
ProcConnectGetType = 3
ProcConnectGetVersion = 4
ProcConnectGetMaxVcpus = 5
ProcNodeGetInfo = 6
ProcConnectGetCapabilities = 7
ProcDomainAttachDevice = 8
ProcDomainCreate = 9
ProcDomainCreateXML = 10
ProcDomainDefineXML = 11
ProcDomainDestroy = 12
ProcDomainDetachDevice = 13
ProcDomainGetXMLDesc = 14
ProcDomainGetAutostart = 15
ProcDomainGetInfo = 16
ProcDomainGetMaxMemory = 17
ProcDomainGetMaxVcpus = 18
ProcDomainGetOsType = 19
ProcDomainGetVcpus = 20
ProcConnectListDefinedDomains = 21
ProcDomainLookupByID = 22
ProcDomainLookupByName = 23
ProcDomainLookupByUUID = 24
ProcConnectNumOfDefinedDomains = 25
ProcDomainPinVcpu = 26
ProcDomainReboot = 27
ProcDomainResume = 28
ProcDomainSetAutostart = 29
ProcDomainSetMaxMemory = 30
ProcDomainSetMemory = 31
ProcDomainSetVcpus = 32
ProcDomainShutdown = 33
ProcDomainSuspend = 34
ProcDomainUndefine = 35
ProcConnectListDefinedNetworks = 36
ProcConnectListDomains = 37
ProcConnectListNetworks = 38
ProcNetworkCreate = 39
ProcNetworkCreateXML = 40
ProcNetworkDefineXML = 41
ProcNetworkDestroy = 42
ProcNetworkGetXMLDesc = 43
ProcNetworkGetAutostart = 44
ProcNetworkGetBridgeName = 45
ProcNetworkLookupByName = 46
ProcNetworkLookupByUUID = 47
ProcNetworkSetAutostart = 48
ProcNetworkUndefine = 49
ProcConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks = 50
ProcConnectNumOfDomains = 51
ProcConnectNumOfNetworks = 52
ProcDomainCoreDump = 53
ProcDomainRestore = 54
ProcDomainSave = 55
ProcDomainGetSchedulerType = 56
ProcDomainGetSchedulerParameters = 57
ProcDomainSetSchedulerParameters = 58
ProcConnectGetHostname = 59
ProcConnectSupportsFeature = 60
ProcDomainMigratePrepare = 61
ProcDomainMigratePerform = 62
ProcDomainMigrateFinish = 63
ProcDomainBlockStats = 64
ProcDomainInterfaceStats = 65
ProcAuthList = 66
ProcAuthSaslInit = 67
ProcAuthSaslStart = 68
ProcAuthSaslStep = 69
ProcAuthPolkit = 70
ProcConnectNumOfStoragePools = 71
ProcConnectListStoragePools = 72
ProcConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools = 73
ProcConnectListDefinedStoragePools = 74
ProcConnectFindStoragePoolSources = 75
ProcStoragePoolCreateXML = 76
ProcStoragePoolDefineXML = 77
ProcStoragePoolCreate = 78
ProcStoragePoolBuild = 79
ProcStoragePoolDestroy = 80
ProcStoragePoolDelete = 81
ProcStoragePoolUndefine = 82
ProcStoragePoolRefresh = 83
ProcStoragePoolLookupByName = 84
ProcStoragePoolLookupByUUID = 85
ProcStoragePoolLookupByVolume = 86
ProcStoragePoolGetInfo = 87
ProcStoragePoolGetXMLDesc = 88
ProcStoragePoolGetAutostart = 89
ProcStoragePoolSetAutostart = 90
ProcStoragePoolNumOfVolumes = 91
ProcStoragePoolListVolumes = 92
ProcStorageVolCreateXML = 93
ProcStorageVolDelete = 94
ProcStorageVolLookupByName = 95
ProcStorageVolLookupByKey = 96
ProcStorageVolLookupByPath = 97
ProcStorageVolGetInfo = 98
ProcStorageVolGetXMLDesc = 99
ProcStorageVolGetPath = 100
ProcNodeGetCellsFreeMemory = 101
ProcNodeGetFreeMemory = 102
ProcDomainBlockPeek = 103
ProcDomainMemoryPeek = 104
ProcConnectDomainEventRegister = 105
ProcConnectDomainEventDeregister = 106
ProcDomainEventLifecycle = 107
ProcDomainMigratePrepare2 = 108
ProcDomainMigrateFinish2 = 109
ProcConnectGetUri = 110
ProcNodeNumOfDevices = 111
ProcNodeListDevices = 112
ProcNodeDeviceLookupByName = 113
ProcNodeDeviceGetXMLDesc = 114
ProcNodeDeviceGetParent = 115
ProcNodeDeviceNumOfCaps = 116
ProcNodeDeviceListCaps = 117
ProcNodeDeviceDettach = 118
ProcNodeDeviceReAttach = 119
ProcNodeDeviceReset = 120
ProcDomainGetSecurityLabel = 121
ProcNodeGetSecurityModel = 122
ProcNodeDeviceCreateXML = 123
ProcNodeDeviceDestroy = 124
ProcStorageVolCreateXMLFrom = 125
ProcConnectNumOfInterfaces = 126
ProcConnectListInterfaces = 127
ProcInterfaceLookupByName = 128
ProcInterfaceLookupByMacString = 129
ProcInterfaceGetXMLDesc = 130
ProcInterfaceDefineXML = 131
ProcInterfaceUndefine = 132
ProcInterfaceCreate = 133
ProcInterfaceDestroy = 134
ProcConnectDomainXMLFromNative = 135
ProcConnectDomainXMLToNative = 136
ProcConnectNumOfDefinedInterfaces = 137
ProcConnectListDefinedInterfaces = 138
ProcConnectNumOfSecrets = 139
ProcConnectListSecrets = 140
ProcSecretLookupByUUID = 141
ProcSecretDefineXML = 142
ProcSecretGetXMLDesc = 143
ProcSecretSetValue = 144
ProcSecretGetValue = 145
ProcSecretUndefine = 146
ProcSecretLookupByUsage = 147
ProcDomainMigratePrepareTunnel = 148
ProcConnectIsSecure = 149
ProcDomainIsActive = 150
ProcDomainIsPersistent = 151
ProcNetworkIsActive = 152
ProcNetworkIsPersistent = 153
ProcStoragePoolIsActive = 154
ProcStoragePoolIsPersistent = 155
ProcInterfaceIsActive = 156
ProcConnectGetLibVersion = 157
ProcConnectCompareCPU = 158
ProcDomainMemoryStats = 159
ProcDomainAttachDeviceFlags = 160
ProcDomainDetachDeviceFlags = 161
ProcConnectBaselineCPU = 162
ProcDomainGetJobInfo = 163
ProcDomainAbortJob = 164
ProcStorageVolWipe = 165
ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxDowntime = 166
ProcConnectDomainEventRegisterAny = 167
ProcConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny = 168
ProcDomainEventReboot = 169
ProcDomainEventRtcChange = 170
ProcDomainEventWatchdog = 171
ProcDomainEventIOError = 172
ProcDomainEventGraphics = 173
ProcDomainUpdateDeviceFlags = 174
ProcNwfilterLookupByName = 175
ProcNwfilterLookupByUUID = 176
ProcNwfilterGetXMLDesc = 177
ProcConnectNumOfNwfilters = 178
ProcConnectListNwfilters = 179
ProcNwfilterDefineXML = 180
ProcNwfilterUndefine = 181
ProcDomainManagedSave = 182
ProcDomainHasManagedSaveImage = 183
ProcDomainManagedSaveRemove = 184
ProcDomainSnapshotCreateXML = 185
ProcDomainSnapshotGetXMLDesc = 186
ProcDomainSnapshotNum = 187
ProcDomainSnapshotListNames = 188
ProcDomainSnapshotLookupByName = 189
ProcDomainHasCurrentSnapshot = 190
ProcDomainSnapshotCurrent = 191
ProcDomainRevertToSnapshot = 192
ProcDomainSnapshotDelete = 193
ProcDomainGetBlockInfo = 194
ProcDomainEventIOErrorReason = 195
ProcDomainCreateWithFlags = 196
ProcDomainSetMemoryParameters = 197
ProcDomainGetMemoryParameters = 198
ProcDomainSetVcpusFlags = 199
ProcDomainGetVcpusFlags = 200
ProcDomainOpenConsole = 201
ProcDomainIsUpdated = 202
ProcConnectGetSysinfo = 203
ProcDomainSetMemoryFlags = 204
ProcDomainSetBlkioParameters = 205
ProcDomainGetBlkioParameters = 206
ProcDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed = 207
ProcStorageVolUpload = 208
ProcStorageVolDownload = 209
ProcDomainInjectNmi = 210
ProcDomainScreenshot = 211
ProcDomainGetState = 212
ProcDomainMigrateBegin3 = 213
ProcDomainMigratePrepare3 = 214
ProcDomainMigratePrepareTunnel3 = 215
ProcDomainMigratePerform3 = 216
ProcDomainMigrateFinish3 = 217
ProcDomainMigrateConfirm3 = 218
ProcDomainSetSchedulerParametersFlags = 219
ProcInterfaceChangeBegin = 220
ProcInterfaceChangeCommit = 221
ProcInterfaceChangeRollback = 222
ProcDomainGetSchedulerParametersFlags = 223
ProcDomainEventControlError = 224
ProcDomainPinVcpuFlags = 225
ProcDomainSendKey = 226
ProcNodeGetCPUStats = 227
ProcNodeGetMemoryStats = 228
ProcDomainGetControlInfo = 229
ProcDomainGetVcpuPinInfo = 230
ProcDomainUndefineFlags = 231
ProcDomainSaveFlags = 232
ProcDomainRestoreFlags = 233
ProcDomainDestroyFlags = 234
ProcDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc = 235
ProcDomainSaveImageDefineXML = 236
ProcDomainBlockJobAbort = 237
ProcDomainGetBlockJobInfo = 238
ProcDomainBlockJobSetSpeed = 239
ProcDomainBlockPull = 240
ProcDomainEventBlockJob = 241
ProcDomainMigrateGetMaxSpeed = 242
ProcDomainBlockStatsFlags = 243
ProcDomainSnapshotGetParent = 244
ProcDomainReset = 245
ProcDomainSnapshotNumChildren = 246
ProcDomainSnapshotListChildrenNames = 247
ProcDomainEventDiskChange = 248
ProcDomainOpenGraphics = 249
ProcNodeSuspendForDuration = 250
ProcDomainBlockResize = 251
ProcDomainSetBlockIOTune = 252
ProcDomainGetBlockIOTune = 253
ProcDomainSetNumaParameters = 254
ProcDomainGetNumaParameters = 255
ProcDomainSetInterfaceParameters = 256
ProcDomainGetInterfaceParameters = 257
ProcDomainShutdownFlags = 258
ProcStorageVolWipePattern = 259
ProcStorageVolResize = 260
ProcDomainPmSuspendForDuration = 261
ProcDomainGetCPUStats = 262
ProcDomainGetDiskErrors = 263
ProcDomainSetMetadata = 264
ProcDomainGetMetadata = 265
ProcDomainBlockRebase = 266
ProcDomainPmWakeup = 267
ProcDomainEventTrayChange = 268
ProcDomainEventPmwakeup = 269
ProcDomainEventPmsuspend = 270
ProcDomainSnapshotIsCurrent = 271
ProcDomainSnapshotHasMetadata = 272
ProcConnectListAllDomains = 273
ProcDomainListAllSnapshots = 274
ProcDomainSnapshotListAllChildren = 275
ProcDomainEventBalloonChange = 276
ProcDomainGetHostname = 277
ProcDomainGetSecurityLabelList = 278
ProcDomainPinEmulator = 279
ProcDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo = 280
ProcConnectListAllStoragePools = 281
ProcStoragePoolListAllVolumes = 282
ProcConnectListAllNetworks = 283
ProcConnectListAllInterfaces = 284
ProcConnectListAllNodeDevices = 285
ProcConnectListAllNwfilters = 286
ProcConnectListAllSecrets = 287
ProcNodeSetMemoryParameters = 288
ProcNodeGetMemoryParameters = 289
ProcDomainBlockCommit = 290
ProcNetworkUpdate = 291
ProcDomainEventPmsuspendDisk = 292
ProcNodeGetCPUMap = 293
ProcDomainFstrim = 294
ProcDomainSendProcessSignal = 295
ProcDomainOpenChannel = 296
ProcNodeDeviceLookupScsiHostByWwn = 297
ProcDomainGetJobStats = 298
ProcDomainMigrateGetCompressionCache = 299
ProcDomainMigrateSetCompressionCache = 300
ProcNodeDeviceDetachFlags = 301
ProcDomainMigrateBegin3Params = 302
ProcDomainMigratePrepare3Params = 303
ProcDomainMigratePrepareTunnel3Params = 304
ProcDomainMigratePerform3Params = 305
ProcDomainMigrateFinish3Params = 306
ProcDomainMigrateConfirm3Params = 307
ProcDomainSetMemoryStatsPeriod = 308
ProcDomainCreateXMLWithFiles = 309
ProcDomainCreateWithFiles = 310
ProcDomainEventDeviceRemoved = 311
ProcConnectGetCPUModelNames = 312
ProcConnectNetworkEventRegisterAny = 313
ProcConnectNetworkEventDeregisterAny = 314
ProcNetworkEventLifecycle = 315
ProcConnectDomainEventCallbackRegisterAny = 316
ProcConnectDomainEventCallbackDeregisterAny = 317
ProcDomainEventCallbackLifecycle = 318
ProcDomainEventCallbackReboot = 319
ProcDomainEventCallbackRtcChange = 320
ProcDomainEventCallbackWatchdog = 321
ProcDomainEventCallbackIOError = 322
ProcDomainEventCallbackGraphics = 323
ProcDomainEventCallbackIOErrorReason = 324
ProcDomainEventCallbackControlError = 325
ProcDomainEventCallbackBlockJob = 326
ProcDomainEventCallbackDiskChange = 327
ProcDomainEventCallbackTrayChange = 328
ProcDomainEventCallbackPmwakeup = 329
ProcDomainEventCallbackPmsuspend = 330
ProcDomainEventCallbackBalloonChange = 331
ProcDomainEventCallbackPmsuspendDisk = 332
ProcDomainEventCallbackDeviceRemoved = 333
ProcDomainCoreDumpWithFormat = 334
ProcDomainFsfreeze = 335
ProcDomainFsthaw = 336
ProcDomainGetTime = 337
ProcDomainSetTime = 338
ProcDomainEventBlockJob2 = 339
ProcNodeGetFreePages = 340
ProcNetworkGetDhcpLeases = 341
ProcConnectGetDomainCapabilities = 342
ProcDomainOpenGraphicsFd = 343
ProcConnectGetAllDomainStats = 344
ProcDomainBlockCopy = 345
ProcDomainEventCallbackTunable = 346
ProcNodeAllocPages = 347
ProcDomainEventCallbackAgentLifecycle = 348
ProcDomainGetFsinfo = 349
ProcDomainDefineXMLFlags = 350
ProcDomainGetIothreadInfo = 351
ProcDomainPinIothread = 352
ProcDomainInterfaceAddresses = 353
ProcDomainEventCallbackDeviceAdded = 354
ProcDomainAddIothread = 355
ProcDomainDelIothread = 356
ProcDomainSetUserPassword = 357
ProcDomainRename = 358
ProcDomainEventCallbackMigrationIteration = 359
ProcConnectRegisterCloseCallback = 360
ProcConnectUnregisterCloseCallback = 361
ProcConnectEventConnectionClosed = 362
ProcDomainEventCallbackJobCompleted = 363
ProcDomainMigrateStartPostCopy = 364
ProcDomainGetPerfEvents = 365
ProcDomainSetPerfEvents = 366
ProcDomainEventCallbackDeviceRemovalFailed = 367
ProcConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny = 368
ProcConnectStoragePoolEventDeregisterAny = 369
ProcStoragePoolEventLifecycle = 370
ProcDomainGetGuestVcpus = 371
ProcDomainSetGuestVcpus = 372
ProcStoragePoolEventRefresh = 373
ProcConnectNodeDeviceEventRegisterAny = 374
ProcConnectNodeDeviceEventDeregisterAny = 375
ProcNodeDeviceEventLifecycle = 376
ProcNodeDeviceEventUpdate = 377
ProcStorageVolGetInfoFlags = 378
ProcDomainEventCallbackMetadataChange = 379
ProcConnectSecretEventRegisterAny = 380
ProcConnectSecretEventDeregisterAny = 381
ProcSecretEventLifecycle = 382
ProcSecretEventValueChanged = 383
ProcDomainSetVcpu = 384
ProcDomainEventBlockThreshold = 385
ProcDomainSetBlockThreshold = 386
ProcDomainMigrateGetMaxDowntime = 387
ProcDomainManagedSaveGetXMLDesc = 388
ProcDomainManagedSaveDefineXML = 389
ProcDomainSetLifecycleAction = 390
// From consts:
StringMax = 4194304
DomainListMax = 16384
CpumapMax = 2048
VcpuinfoMax = 16384
CpumapsMax = 8388608
IothreadInfoMax = 16384
MigrateCookieMax = 4194304
NetworkListMax = 16384
InterfaceListMax = 16384
StoragePoolListMax = 16384
StorageVolListMax = 16384
NodeDeviceListMax = 65536
NodeDeviceCapsListMax = 65536
NwfilterListMax = 16384
DomainSchedulerParametersMax = 16
DomainBlkioParametersMax = 16
DomainMemoryParametersMax = 16
DomainBlockIOTuneParametersMax = 32
DomainNumaParametersMax = 16
DomainPerfEventsMax = 64
DomainBlockCopyParametersMax = 16
NodeCPUStatsMax = 16
NodeMemoryStatsMax = 16
DomainBlockStatsParametersMax = 16
NodeMaxCells = 1024
AuthSaslDataMax = 65536
AuthTypeListMax = 20
DomainMemoryStatsMax = 1024
DomainSnapshotListMax = 16384
DomainBlockPeekBufferMax = 4194304
DomainMemoryPeekBufferMax = 4194304
SecurityLabelListMax = 64
SecretValueMax = 65536
SecretListMax = 16384
CPUBaselineMax = 256
DomainSendKeyMax = 16
DomainInterfaceParametersMax = 16
DomainGetCPUStatsNcpusMax = 128
DomainGetCPUStatsMax = 2048
DomainDiskErrorsMax = 256
NodeMemoryParametersMax = 64
DomainMigrateParamListMax = 64
DomainJobStatsMax = 64
ConnectCPUModelsMax = 8192
DomainFsfreezeMountpointsMax = 256
NetworkDhcpLeasesMax = 65536
ConnectGetAllDomainStatsMax = 262144
DomainEventTunableMax = 2048
DomainFsinfoMax = 256
DomainFsinfoDisksMax = 256
DomainInterfaceMax = 2048
DomainIPAddrMax = 2048
DomainGuestVcpuParamsMax = 64
DomainEventGraphicsIdentityMax = 20
Program = 0x20008086
ProtocolVersion = 1