601 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The go-libvirt Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package lvgen
import (
// If you're making changes to the generator, or troubleshooting the generated
// code, the docs for sunrpc and xdr (the line encoding) are helpful:
// https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26502_01/html/E35597/
// ConstItem stores an const's symbol and value from the parser. This struct is
// also used for enums.
type ConstItem struct {
Name string
LVName string
Val string
// Generator holds all the information parsed out of the protocol file.
type Generator struct {
// Enums holds the enum declarations. The type of enums is always int32.
Enums []Decl
// EnumVals holds the list of enum values found by the parser. In sunrpc as
// in go, these are not separately namespaced.
EnumVals []ConstItem
// Consts holds all the const items found by the parser.
Consts []ConstItem
// Structs holds a list of all the structs found by the parser
Structs []Structure
// StructMap is a map of the structs we find for quick searching.
StructMap map[string]int
// Typedefs holds all the type definitions from 'typedef ...' lines.
Typedefs []Typedef
// Unions holds all the discriminated unions.
Unions []Union
// UnionMap is a map of the unions we find for quick searching.
UnionMap map[string]int
// Procs holds all the discovered libvirt procedures.
Procs []Proc
// Gen accumulates items as the parser runs, and is then used to produce the
// output.
var Gen Generator
// CurrentEnumVal is the auto-incrementing value assigned to enums that aren't
// explicitly given a value.
var CurrentEnumVal int64
// goEquivTypes maps the basic types defined in the rpc spec to their golang
// equivalents.
var goEquivTypes = map[string]string{
// Some of the identifiers in the rpc specification are reserved words or
// pre-existing types in go. This renames them to something safe.
"type": "lvtype",
"error": "lverror",
"nil": "lvnil",
// The libvirt spec uses this NonnullString type, which is a string with a
// specified maximum length. This makes the go code more confusing, and
// we're not enforcing the limit anyway, so collapse it here. This also
// requires us to ditch the typedef that would otherwise be generated.
"NonnullString": "string",
// remote_string gets renamed "String" by the generator, so here we'll
// rename that to OptString - these are optional strings, and can be "null".
"String": "OptString",
// TODO: Get rid of these. They're only needed because we lose information
// that the parser has (the parser knows it has emitted a go type), and then
// we capitalize types to make them public.
"Int": "int",
"Uint": "uint",
"Int8": "int8",
"Uint8": "uint8",
"Int16": "int16",
"Uint16": "uint16",
"Int32": "int32",
"Uint32": "uint32",
"Int64": "int64",
"Uint64": "uint64",
"Float32": "float32",
"Float64": "float64",
"Bool": "bool",
"Byte": "byte",
// These defines are from libvirt-common.h. They should be fetched from there,
// but for now they're hardcoded here. (These are the discriminant values for
// TypedParams.)
var lvTypedParams = map[string]uint32{
// Decl records a declaration, like 'int x' or 'remote_nonnull_string str'
type Decl struct {
Name, LVName, Type string
// Structure records the name and members of a struct definition.
type Structure struct {
Name string
LVName string
Members []Decl
// Typedef holds the name and underlying type for a typedef.
type Typedef struct {
// Union holds a "discriminated union", which consists of a discriminant, which
// tells you what kind of thing you're looking at, and a number of encodings.
type Union struct {
Name string
DiscriminantType string
Cases []Case
// Case holds a single case of a discriminated union.
type Case struct {
CaseName string
DiscriminantVal string
// Proc holds information about a libvirt procedure the parser has found.
type Proc struct {
Num int64 // The libvirt procedure number.
Name string // The name of the go func.
LVName string // The name of the libvirt proc this wraps.
Args []Decl // The contents of the args struct for this procedure.
Ret []Decl // The contents of the ret struct for this procedure.
ArgsStruct string // The name of the args struct for this procedure.
RetStruct string // The name of the ret struct for this procedure.
type structStack []*Structure
// CurrentStruct will point to a struct record if we're in a struct declaration.
// When the parser adds a declaration, it will be added to the open struct if
// there is one.
var CurrentStruct structStack
// Since it's possible to have an embedded struct definition, this implements
// a stack to keep track of the current structure.
func (s *structStack) empty() bool {
return len(*s) == 0
func (s *structStack) push(st *Structure) {
*s = append(*s, st)
func (s *structStack) pop() *Structure {
if s.empty() {
return nil
st := (*s)[len(*s)-1]
*s = (*s)[:len(*s)-1]
return st
func (s *structStack) peek() *Structure {
if s.empty() {
return nil
return (*s)[len(*s)-1]
// CurrentTypedef will point to a typedef record if we're parsing one. Typedefs
// can define a struct or union type, but the preferred for is struct xxx{...},
// so we may never see the typedef form in practice.
var CurrentTypedef *Typedef
// CurrentUnion holds the current discriminated union record.
var CurrentUnion *Union
// CurrentCase holds the current case record while the parser is in a union and
// a case statement.
var CurrentCase *Case
// Generate will output go bindings for libvirt. The lvPath parameter should be
// the path to the root of the libvirt source directory to use for the
// generation.
func Generate(proto io.Reader) error {
Gen.StructMap = make(map[string]int)
Gen.UnionMap = make(map[string]int)
lexer, err := NewLexer(proto)
if err != nil {
return err
go lexer.Run()
parser := yyNewParser()
yyErrorVerbose = true
// Turn this on if you're debugging.
// yyDebug = 3
rv := parser.Parse(lexer)
if rv != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse libvirt protocol: %v", rv)
// When parsing is done, we can link the procedures we've found to their
// argument types.
// Generate and write the output.
constFile, err := os.Create("../constants/constants.gen.go")
if err != nil {
return err
defer constFile.Close()
procFile, err := os.Create("../../libvirt.gen.go")
if err != nil {
return err
defer procFile.Close()
err = genGo(constFile, procFile)
return err
// genGo is called when the parsing is done; it generates the golang output
// files using templates.
func genGo(constFile, procFile io.Writer) error {
t, err := template.ParseFiles("constants.tmpl")
if err != nil {
return err
if err = t.Execute(constFile, Gen); err != nil {
return err
t, err = template.ParseFiles("procedures.tmpl")
if err != nil {
return err
if err := t.Execute(procFile, Gen); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// constNameTransform changes an upcased, snake-style name like
// REMOTE_PROTOCOL_VERSION to a comfortable Go name like ProtocolVersion. It
// also tries to upcase abbreviations so a name like DOMAIN_GET_XML becomes
// DomainGetXML, not DomainGetXml.
func constNameTransform(name string) string {
decamelize := strings.ContainsRune(name, '_')
nn := strings.TrimPrefix(name, "REMOTE_")
if decamelize {
nn = fromSnakeToCamel(nn)
nn = fixAbbrevs(nn)
return nn
func identifierTransform(name string) string {
decamelize := strings.ContainsRune(name, '_')
nn := strings.TrimPrefix(name, "remote_")
if decamelize {
nn = fromSnakeToCamel(nn)
} else {
nn = publicize(nn)
nn = fixAbbrevs(nn)
nn = checkIdentifier(nn)
return nn
func typeTransform(name string) string {
nn := strings.TrimLeft(name, "*[]")
diff := len(name) - len(nn)
nn = identifierTransform(nn)
return name[0:diff] + nn
func publicize(name string) string {
if len(name) <= 0 {
return name
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
name = string(unicode.ToUpper(r)) + name[n:]
return name
// fromSnakeToCamel transmutes a snake-cased string to a camel-cased one. All
// runes that follow an underscore are up-cased, and the underscores themselves
// are omitted.
// ex: "PROC_DOMAIN_GET_METADATA" -> "ProcDomainGetMetadata"
func fromSnakeToCamel(s string) string {
buf := make([]rune, 0, len(s))
// Start rune will be upper case - we generate all public symbols.
hump := true
for _, r := range s {
if r == '_' {
hump = true
} else {
var transform func(rune) rune
if hump == true {
transform = unicode.ToUpper
} else {
transform = unicode.ToLower
buf = append(buf, transform(r))
hump = false
return string(buf)
// abbrevs is a list of abbreviations which should be all upper-case in a name.
// (This is really just to keep the go linters happy and to produce names that
// are intuitive to a go developer.)
var abbrevs = []string{"Xml", "Io", "Uuid", "Cpu", "Id", "Ip"}
// fixAbbrevs up-cases all instances of anything in the 'abbrevs' array. This
// would be a simple matter, but we don't want to upcase an abbreviation if it's
// actually part of a larger word, so it's not so simple.
func fixAbbrevs(s string) string {
for _, a := range abbrevs {
for loc := 0; ; {
loc = strings.Index(s[loc:], a)
if loc == -1 {
r := 'A'
if len(a) < len(s[loc:]) {
r, _ = utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(s[loc+len(a):]))
if unicode.IsLower(r) == false {
s = s[:loc] + strings.Replace(s[loc:], a, strings.ToUpper(a), 1)
return s
// procLink associates a libvirt procedure with the types that are its arguments
// and return values, filling out those fields in the procedure struct. These
// types are extracted by iterating through the argument and return structures
// defined in the protocol file. If one or both of these structs is not defined
// then either the args or return values are empty.
func procLink() {
for ix, proc := range Gen.Procs {
argsName := proc.Name + "Args"
retName := proc.Name + "Ret"
argsIx, hasArgs := Gen.StructMap[argsName]
retIx, hasRet := Gen.StructMap[retName]
if hasArgs {
argsStruct := Gen.Structs[argsIx]
Gen.Procs[ix].ArgsStruct = argsStruct.Name
Gen.Procs[ix].Args = argsStruct.Members
if hasRet {
retStruct := Gen.Structs[retIx]
Gen.Procs[ix].RetStruct = retStruct.Name
Gen.Procs[ix].Ret = retStruct.Members
// Routines called by the parser's actions.
// StartEnum is called when the parser has found a valid enum.
func StartEnum(name string) {
// Enums are always signed 32-bit integers.
goname := identifierTransform(name)
Gen.Enums = append(Gen.Enums, Decl{goname, name, "int32"})
// Set the automatic value var to -1; it will be incremented before being
// assigned to an enum value.
CurrentEnumVal = -1
// AddEnumVal will add a new enum value to the list.
func AddEnumVal(name, val string) error {
ev, err := parseNumber(val)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid enum value %v = %v", name, val)
return addEnumVal(name, ev)
// AddEnumAutoVal adds an enum to the list, using the automatically-incremented
// value. This is called when the parser finds an enum definition without an
// explicit value.
func AddEnumAutoVal(name string) error {
return addEnumVal(name, CurrentEnumVal)
func addEnumVal(name string, val int64) error {
goname := constNameTransform(name)
Gen.EnumVals = append(Gen.EnumVals, ConstItem{goname, name, fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)})
CurrentEnumVal = val
addProc(goname, name, val)
return nil
// AddConst adds a new constant to the parser's list.
func AddConst(name, val string) error {
_, err := parseNumber(val)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid const value %v = %v", name, val)
goname := constNameTransform(name)
Gen.Consts = append(Gen.Consts, ConstItem{goname, name, val})
return nil
// addProc checks an enum value to see if it's a procedure number. If so, we
// add the procedure to our list for later generation.
func addProc(goname, lvname string, val int64) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(goname, "Proc") {
goname = goname[4:]
proc := &Proc{Num: val, Name: goname, LVName: lvname}
Gen.Procs = append(Gen.Procs, *proc)
// parseNumber makes sure that a parsed numerical value can be parsed to a 64-
// bit integer.
func parseNumber(val string) (int64, error) {
base := 10
if strings.HasPrefix(val, "0x") {
base = 16
val = val[2:]
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, base, 64)
return n, err
// StartStruct is called from the parser when a struct definition is found, but
// before the member declarations are processed.
func StartStruct(name string) {
goname := identifierTransform(name)
CurrentStruct.push(&Structure{Name: goname, LVName: name})
// AddStruct is called when the parser has finished parsing a struct. It adds
// the now-complete struct definition to the generator's list.
func AddStruct() {
st := *CurrentStruct.pop()
Gen.StructMap[st.Name] = len(Gen.Structs)
Gen.Structs = append(Gen.Structs, st)
// StartTypedef is called when the parser finds a typedef.
func StartTypedef() {
CurrentTypedef = &Typedef{}
// StartUnion is called by the parser when it finds a union declaraion.
func StartUnion(name string) {
name = identifierTransform(name)
CurrentUnion = &Union{Name: name}
// AddUnion is called by the parser when it has finished processing a union
// type. It adds the union to the generator's list and clears the CurrentUnion
// pointer. We handle unions by declaring an interface for the union type, and
// adding methods to each of the cases so that they satisfy the interface.
func AddUnion() {
Gen.UnionMap[CurrentUnion.Name] = len(Gen.Unions)
Gen.Unions = append(Gen.Unions, *CurrentUnion)
CurrentUnion = nil
// StartCase is called when the parser finds a case statement within a union.
func StartCase(dvalue string) {
// In libvirt, the discriminant values are all C pre- processor definitions.
// Since we don't run the C pre-processor on the protocol file, they're
// still just names when we get them - we don't actually have their integer
// values. We'll use the strings to build the type names, although this is
// brittle, because we're defining a type for each of the case values, and
// that type needs a name.
caseName := dvalue
if ix := strings.LastIndexByte(caseName, '_'); ix != -1 {
caseName = caseName[ix+1:]
caseName = fromSnakeToCamel(caseName)
dv, ok := lvTypedParams[dvalue]
if ok {
dvalue = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(dv), 10)
CurrentCase = &Case{CaseName: caseName, DiscriminantVal: dvalue}
// AddCase is called when the parser finishes parsing a case.
func AddCase() {
CurrentUnion.Cases = append(CurrentUnion.Cases, *CurrentCase)
CurrentCase = nil
// AddDeclaration is called by the parser when it find a declaration (int x).
// The declaration will be added to any open container (such as a struct, if the
// parser is working through a struct definition.)
func AddDeclaration(identifier, itype string) {
// fmt.Println("adding", identifier, itype)
// If the name is a reserved word, transform it so it isn't.
goidentifier := identifierTransform(identifier)
itype = typeTransform(itype)
decl := Decl{Name: goidentifier, LVName: identifier, Type: itype}
if !CurrentStruct.empty() {
st := CurrentStruct.peek()
st.Members = append(st.Members, decl)
} else if CurrentTypedef != nil {
CurrentTypedef.Name = goidentifier
CurrentTypedef.LVName = identifier
CurrentTypedef.Type = itype
if goidentifier != "string" {
// Omit recursive typedefs. These happen because we're massaging
// some of the type names.
Gen.Typedefs = append(Gen.Typedefs, *CurrentTypedef)
CurrentTypedef = nil
} else if CurrentCase != nil {
CurrentCase.Name = goidentifier
CurrentCase.Type = itype
} else if CurrentUnion != nil {
CurrentUnion.DiscriminantType = itype
// AddFixedArray is called by the parser to add a fixed-length array to the
// current container (struct, union, etc). Fixed-length arrays are not length-
// prefixed.
func AddFixedArray(identifier, itype, len string) {
atype := fmt.Sprintf("[%v]%v", len, itype)
AddDeclaration(identifier, atype)
// AddVariableArray is called by the parser to add a variable-length array.
// Variable-length arrays are prefixed with a 32-bit unsigned length, and may
// also have a maximum length specified.
func AddVariableArray(identifier, itype, len string) {
// This code ignores the length restriction (array<MAXLEN>), so as of now we
// can't check to make sure that we're not exceeding that restriction when
// we fill in message buffers. That may not matter, if libvirt's checking is
// careful enough.
atype := "[]" + itype
// Handle strings specially. In the rpcgen definition a string is specified
// as a variable-length array, either with or without a max length. We want
// these to be go strings, so we'll just remove the array specifier.
if itype == "string" {
atype = itype
AddDeclaration(identifier, atype)
func checkIdentifier(i string) string {
nn, reserved := goEquivTypes[i]
if reserved {
return nn
return i
// GetUnion returns the type information for a union. If the provided type name
// isn't a union, this will return a zero-value Union type.
func (decl *Decl) GetUnion() Union {
ix, ok := Gen.UnionMap[decl.Type]
if ok {
return Gen.Unions[ix]
return Union{}