Add easy-to-use histograms
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
package metrics
import (
// Histogram is a histogram that covers values with the following buckets:
// 0
// (0...1e-9]
// (1e-9...2e-9]
// (2e-9...3e-9]
// ...
// (9e-9...1e-8]
// (1e-8...2e-8]
// ...
// (1e11...2e11]
// (2e11...3e11]
// ...
// (9e11...1e12]
// (1e12...Inf]
// Each bucket contains a counter for values in the given range.
// Each non-zero bucket is exposed with the following name:
// <metric_name>_vmbucket{<optional_tags>,vmrange="<start>...<end>"} <counter>
// Where:
// - <metric_name> is the metric name passed to NewHistogram
// - <optional_tags> is optional tags for the <metric_name>, which are passed to NewHistogram
// - <start> and <end> - start and end values for the given bucket
// - <counter> - the number of hits to the given bucket during Update* calls.
// Only non-zero buckets are exposed.
// Histogram buckets can be converted to Prometheus-like buckets in VictoriaMetrics
// with `prometheus_buckets(<metric_name>_vmbucket)`:
// histogram_quantile(0.95, prometheus_buckets(rate(request_duration_vmbucket[5m])))
// Histogram cannot be used for negative values.
type Histogram struct {
buckets [bucketsCount]uint64
sumMu sync.Mutex
sum float64
count uint64
// NewHistogram creates and returns new histogram with the given name.
// name must be valid Prometheus-compatible metric with possible labels.
// For instance,
// * foo
// * foo{bar="baz"}
// * foo{bar="baz",aaa="b"}
// The returned histogram is safe to use from concurrent goroutines.
func NewHistogram(name string) *Histogram {
return defaultSet.NewHistogram(name)
// GetOrCreateHistogram returns registered histogram with the given name
// or creates new histogram if the registry doesn't contain histogram with
// the given name.
// name must be valid Prometheus-compatible metric with possible labels.
// For instance,
// * foo
// * foo{bar="baz"}
// * foo{bar="baz",aaa="b"}
// The returned histogram is safe to use from concurrent goroutines.
// Performance tip: prefer NewHistogram instead of GetOrCreateHistogram.
func GetOrCreateHistogram(name string) *Histogram {
return defaultSet.GetOrCreateHistogram(name)
// Update updates h with v.
// v cannot be negative.
func (h *Histogram) Update(v float64) {
idx := getBucketIdx(v)
if idx >= uint(len(h.buckets)) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("BUG: idx cannot exceed %d; got %d", len(h.buckets), idx))
atomic.AddUint64(&h.buckets[idx], 1)
atomic.AddUint64(&h.count, 1)
h.sum += v
// UpdateDuration updates request duration based on the given startTime.
func (h *Histogram) UpdateDuration(startTime time.Time) {
d := time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
func (h *Histogram) marshalTo(prefix string, w io.Writer) {
count := atomic.LoadUint64(&h.count)
if count == 0 {
for i := range h.buckets[:] {
h.marshalBucket(prefix, w, i)
// Marshal `_sum` and `_count` metrics.
name, filters := splitMetricName(prefix)
sum := h.sum
if float64(int64(sum)) == sum {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s_sum%s %d\n", name, filters, int64(sum))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s_sum%s %g\n", name, filters, sum)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s_count%s %d\n", name, filters, count)
func (h *Histogram) marshalBucket(prefix string, w io.Writer, idx int) {
v := h.buckets[idx]
if v == 0 {
start := float64(0)
if idx > 0 {
start = getRangeEndFromBucketIdx(uint(idx - 1))
end := getRangeEndFromBucketIdx(uint(idx))
tag := fmt.Sprintf(`vmrange="%g...%g"`, start, end)
prefix = addTag(prefix, tag)
name, filters := splitMetricName(prefix)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s_vmbucket%s %d\n", name, filters, v)
func getBucketIdx(v float64) uint {
if v < 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("BUG: v cannot be negative; got %v", v))
if v == 0 {
// Fast path for zero.
return 0
if math.IsInf(v, 1) {
return bucketsCount - 1
e10 := int(math.Floor(math.Log10(v)))
if e10 < e10Min {
return 1
if e10 > e10Max {
if e10 == e10Max+1 && math.Pow10(e10) == v {
// Adjust m to be on par with Prometheus 'le' buckets (aka 'less or equal')
return bucketsCount - 2
return bucketsCount - 1
mf := v / math.Pow10(e10)
m := uint(mf)
// Handle possible rounding errors
if m < 1 {
m = 1
} else if m > 9 {
m = 9
if float64(m) == mf {
// Adjust m to be on par with Prometheus 'le' buckets (aka 'less or equal')
return 1 + m + uint(e10-e10Min)*9
func getRangeEndFromBucketIdx(idx uint) float64 {
if idx == 0 {
return 0
if idx == 1 {
return math.Pow10(e10Min)
if idx >= bucketsCount-1 {
return math.Inf(1)
idx -= 2
e10 := e10Min + int(idx/9)
m := 2 + (idx % 9)
return math.Pow10(e10) * float64(m)
// Each range (10^n..10^(n+1)] for e10Min<=n<=e10Max is split into 9 equal sub-ranges, plus 3 additional buckets:
// - a bucket for zeros
// - a bucket for the range (0..10^e10Min]
// - a bucket for the range (10^(e10Max+1)..Inf]
const bucketsCount = 3 + 9*(1+e10Max-e10Min)
const e10Min = -9
const e10Max = 11
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
package metrics
import (
func TestHistogramUpdateNegativeValue(t *testing.T) {
h := NewHistogram("TestHisogramUpdateNegativeValue")
expectPanic(t, "negative value", func() {
func TestGetBucketIdx(t *testing.T) {
f := func(v float64, idxExpected uint) {
idx := getBucketIdx(v)
if idx != idxExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected getBucketIdx(%g); got %d; want %d", v, idx, idxExpected)
f(0, 0)
f(math.Pow10(e10Min-10), 1)
f(math.Pow10(e10Min-1), 1)
f(1.5*math.Pow10(e10Min-1), 1)
f(2*math.Pow10(e10Min-1), 1)
f(3*math.Pow10(e10Min-1), 1)
f(9*math.Pow10(e10Min-1), 1)
f(9.999*math.Pow10(e10Min-1), 1)
f(math.Pow10(e10Min), 1)
f(1.00001*math.Pow10(e10Min), 2)
f(1.5*math.Pow10(e10Min), 2)
f(1.999999*math.Pow10(e10Min), 2)
f(2*math.Pow10(e10Min), 2)
f(2.0000001*math.Pow10(e10Min), 3)
f(2.999*math.Pow10(e10Min), 3)
f(8.999*math.Pow10(e10Min), 9)
f(9*math.Pow10(e10Min), 9)
f(9.01*math.Pow10(e10Min), 10)
f(9.99999*math.Pow10(e10Min), 10)
f(math.Pow10(e10Min+1), 10)
f(1.9*math.Pow10(e10Min+1), 11)
f(9.9*math.Pow10(e10Min+1), 19)
f(math.Pow10(e10Min+2), 19)
f(math.Pow10(e10Min+3), 28)
f(5*math.Pow10(e10Min+3), 32)
f(0.1, 1-9*(e10Min+1))
f(0.11, 2-9*(e10Min+1))
f(0.95, 1-9*e10Min)
f(1, 1-9*e10Min)
f(2, 2-9*e10Min)
f(math.Pow10(e10Max), 1+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
f(2*math.Pow10(e10Max), 2+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
f(9.999*math.Pow10(e10Max), 10+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
f(math.Pow10(e10Max+1), 10+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
f(2*math.Pow10(e10Max+1), 11+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
f(9*math.Pow10(e10Max+1), 11+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
f(math.Pow10(e10Max+5), 11+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
f(12.34*math.Pow10(e10Max+7), 11+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
f(math.Inf(1), 11+9*(e10Max-e10Min))
func TestGetRangeEndFromBucketIdx(t *testing.T) {
f := func(idx uint, endExpected float64) {
end := getRangeEndFromBucketIdx(idx)
if end != endExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected getRangeEndFromBucketIdx(%d); got %g; want %g", idx, end, endExpected)
f(0, 0)
f(1, math.Pow10(e10Min))
f(2, 2*math.Pow10(e10Min))
f(3, 3*math.Pow10(e10Min))
f(9, 9*math.Pow10(e10Min))
f(10, math.Pow10(e10Min+1))
f(11, 2*math.Pow10(e10Min+1))
f(16, 7*math.Pow10(e10Min+1))
f(17, 8*math.Pow10(e10Min+1))
f(18, 9*math.Pow10(e10Min+1))
f(19, math.Pow10(e10Min+2))
f(20, 2*math.Pow10(e10Min+2))
f(21, 3*math.Pow10(e10Min+2))
f(bucketsCount-21, 9*math.Pow10(e10Max-2))
f(bucketsCount-20, math.Pow10(e10Max-1))
f(bucketsCount-16, 5*math.Pow10(e10Max-1))
f(bucketsCount-13, 8*math.Pow10(e10Max-1))
f(bucketsCount-12, 9*math.Pow10(e10Max-1))
f(bucketsCount-11, math.Pow10(e10Max))
f(bucketsCount-10, 2*math.Pow10(e10Max))
f(bucketsCount-4, 8*math.Pow10(e10Max))
f(bucketsCount-3, 9*math.Pow10(e10Max))
f(bucketsCount-2, math.Pow10(e10Max+1))
f(bucketsCount-1, math.Inf(1))
func TestHistogramSerial(t *testing.T) {
name := `TestHistogramSerial`
h := NewHistogram(name)
// Verify that the histogram is invisible in the output of WritePrometheus when it has no data.
var bb bytes.Buffer
WritePrometheus(&bb, false)
result := bb.String()
if strings.Contains(result, name) {
t.Fatalf("histogram %s shouldn't be visible in the WritePrometheus output; got\n%s", name, result)
// Write data to histogram
for i := 84; i < 324; i++ {
// Make sure the histogram prints <prefix>_xbucket on marshalTo call
testMarshalTo(t, h, "prefix", "prefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"80...90\"} 7\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"90...100\"} 10\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"100...200\"} 100\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"200...300\"} 100\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"300...400\"} 23\nprefix_sum 48840\nprefix_count 240\n")
testMarshalTo(t, h, ` m{foo="bar"}`, "\t m_vmbucket{foo=\"bar\",vmrange=\"80...90\"} 7\n\t m_vmbucket{foo=\"bar\",vmrange=\"90...100\"} 10\n\t m_vmbucket{foo=\"bar\",vmrange=\"100...200\"} 100\n\t m_vmbucket{foo=\"bar\",vmrange=\"200...300\"} 100\n\t m_vmbucket{foo=\"bar\",vmrange=\"300...400\"} 23\n\t m_sum{foo=\"bar\"} 48840\n\t m_count{foo=\"bar\"} 240\n")
// Verify supported ranges
for i := -100; i < 100; i++ {
h.Update(1.23 * math.Pow10(i))
// Make sure the histogram becomes visible in the output of WritePrometheus,
// since now it contains values.
WritePrometheus(&bb, false)
result = bb.String()
if !strings.Contains(result, name) {
t.Fatalf("missing histogram %s in the WritePrometheus output; got\n%s", name, result)
func TestHistogramConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
name := "HistogramConcurrent"
h := NewHistogram(name)
err := testConcurrent(func() error {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
return nil
if err != nil {
testMarshalTo(t, h, "prefix", "prefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"0...0\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"0.9...1\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"1...2\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"2...3\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"3...4\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"4...5\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"5...6\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"6...7\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"7...8\"} 5\nprefix_vmbucket{vmrange=\"8...9\"} 5\nprefix_sum 225\nprefix_count 50\n")
func TestHistogramWithTags(t *testing.T) {
name := `TestHistogram{tag="foo"}`
h := NewHistogram(name)
var bb bytes.Buffer
WritePrometheus(&bb, false)
result := bb.String()
namePrefixWithTag := `TestHistogram_vmbucket{tag="foo",vmrange="100...200"} 1` + "\n"
if !strings.Contains(result, namePrefixWithTag) {
t.Fatalf("missing histogram %s in the WritePrometheus output; got\n%s", namePrefixWithTag, result)
func TestGetOrCreateHistogramSerial(t *testing.T) {
name := "GetOrCreateHistogramSerial"
if err := testGetOrCreateHistogram(name); err != nil {
func TestGetOrCreateHistogramConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
name := "GetOrCreateHistogramConcurrent"
err := testConcurrent(func() error {
return testGetOrCreateHistogram(name)
if err != nil {
func testGetOrCreateHistogram(name string) error {
h1 := GetOrCreateHistogram(name)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
h2 := GetOrCreateHistogram(name)
if h1 != h2 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected histogram returned; got %p; want %p", h2, h1)
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package metrics
import (
func BenchmarkHistogramUpdate(b *testing.B) {
h := GetOrCreateHistogram("BenchmarkHistogramUpdate")
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
i := 0
for pb.Next() {
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ func TestInvalidName(t *testing.T) {
expectPanic(t, fmt.Sprintf("GetOrCreateCounter(%q)", name), func() { GetOrCreateCounter(name) })
expectPanic(t, fmt.Sprintf("GetOrCreateCounter(%q)", name), func() { GetOrCreateCounter(name) })
expectPanic(t, fmt.Sprintf("GetOrCreateGauge(%q)", name), func() { GetOrCreateGauge(name, func() float64 { return 0 }) })
expectPanic(t, fmt.Sprintf("GetOrCreateGauge(%q)", name), func() { GetOrCreateGauge(name, func() float64 { return 0 }) })
expectPanic(t, fmt.Sprintf("GetOrCreateSummary(%q)", name), func() { GetOrCreateSummary(name) })
expectPanic(t, fmt.Sprintf("GetOrCreateSummary(%q)", name), func() { GetOrCreateSummary(name) })
expectPanic(t, fmt.Sprintf("GetOrCreateHistogram(%q)", name), func() { GetOrCreateHistogram(name) })
@ -45,6 +46,11 @@ func TestDoubleRegister(t *testing.T) {
expectPanic(t, name, func() { NewSummary(name) })
expectPanic(t, name, func() { NewSummary(name) })
t.Run("NewHistogram", func(t *testing.T) {
name := "NewHistogramDoubleRegister"
expectPanic(t, name, func() { NewSummary(name) })
func TestGetOrCreateNotCounter(t *testing.T) {
func TestGetOrCreateNotCounter(t *testing.T) {
@ -65,6 +71,12 @@ func TestGetOrCreateNotSummary(t *testing.T) {
expectPanic(t, name, func() { GetOrCreateSummary(name) })
expectPanic(t, name, func() { GetOrCreateSummary(name) })
func TestGetOrCreateNotHistogram(t *testing.T) {
name := "GetOrCreateNotHistogram"
expectPanic(t, name, func() { GetOrCreateHistogram(name) })
func TestWritePrometheusSerial(t *testing.T) {
func TestWritePrometheusSerial(t *testing.T) {
if err := testWritePrometheus(); err != nil {
if err := testWritePrometheus(); err != nil {
@ -45,6 +45,64 @@ func (s *Set) WritePrometheus(w io.Writer) {
// NewHistogram creates and returns new histogram in s with the given name.
// name must be valid Prometheus-compatible metric with possible labels.
// For instance,
// * foo
// * foo{bar="baz"}
// * foo{bar="baz",aaa="b"}
// The returned histogram is safe to use from concurrent goroutines.
func (s *Set) NewHistogram(name string) *Histogram {
h := &Histogram{}
s.registerMetric(name, h)
return h
// GetOrCreateHistogram returns registered histogram in s with the given name
// or creates new histogram if s doesn't contain histogram with the given name.
// name must be valid Prometheus-compatible metric with possible labels.
// For instance,
// * foo
// * foo{bar="baz"}
// * foo{bar="baz",aaa="b"}
// The returned histogram is safe to use from concurrent goroutines.
// Performance tip: prefer NewHistogram instead of GetOrCreateHistogram.
func (s *Set) GetOrCreateHistogram(name string) *Histogram {
nm := s.m[name]
if nm == nil {
// Slow path - create and register missing histogram.
if err := validateMetric(name); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("BUG: invalid metric name %q: %s", name, err))
nmNew := &namedMetric{
name: name,
metric: &Histogram{},
nm = s.m[name]
if nm == nil {
nm = nmNew
s.m[name] = nm
s.a = append(s.a, nm)
h, ok := nm.metric.(*Histogram)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("BUG: metric %q isn't a Histogram. It is %T", name, nm.metric))
return h
// NewCounter registers and returns new counter with the given name in the s.
// NewCounter registers and returns new counter with the given name in the s.
// name must be valid Prometheus-compatible metric with possible labels.
// name must be valid Prometheus-compatible metric with possible labels.
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ func TestNewSet(t *testing.T) {
if sm == nil {
if sm == nil {
t.Fatalf("NewSummary returned nil")
t.Fatalf("NewSummary returned nil")
h := s.NewHistogram(fmt.Sprintf("histogram_%d", j))
if h == nil {
t.Fatalf("NewHistogram returned nil")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user