package zerolog

import (


type Options struct {

	// Flag for whether to log caller info (off by default)
	ReportCaller bool
	// Use this logger as system wide default logger  (off by default)
	UseAsDefault bool
	// zerolog hooks
	Hooks []zerolog.Hook
	// TimeFormat is one of time.RFC3339, time.RFC3339Nano, time.*
	TimeFormat string
	// Runtime mode. (Production by default)
	Mode Mode
	// Exit Function to call when FatalLevel log
	ExitFunc func(int)

type reportCallerKey struct{}

func ReportCaller() logger.Option {
	return logger.SetOption(reportCallerKey{}, true)

type useAsDefaultKey struct{}

func UseAsDefault() logger.Option {
	return logger.SetOption(useAsDefaultKey{}, true)

type developmentModeKey struct{}

func WithDevelopmentMode() logger.Option {
	return logger.SetOption(developmentModeKey{}, true)

type productionModeKey struct{}

func WithProductionMode() logger.Option {
	return logger.SetOption(productionModeKey{}, true)

type timeFormatKey struct{}

func WithTimeFormat(timeFormat string) logger.Option {
	return logger.SetOption(timeFormatKey{}, timeFormat)

type hooksKey struct{}

func WithHooks(hooks []zerolog.Hook) logger.Option {
	return logger.SetOption(hooksKey{}, hooks)

type exitKey struct{}

func WithExitFunc(exit func(int)) logger.Option {
	return logger.SetOption(exitKey{}, exit)

type loggerKey struct{}

func WithLogger(l logger.Logger) logger.Option {
	return logger.SetOption(loggerKey{}, l)