Update workflows
Some checks failed
dependabot-automerge / automerge (pull_request) Has been skipped
automerge / automerge (pull_request) Failing after 14s
autoapprove / autoapprove (pull_request) Failing after 30s
lint / lint (pull_request) Successful in 47s
test / test (pull_request) Successful in 13m17s
#110 by atolstikhin was merged 2024-12-15 17:49:55 +03:00
Update workflows
Some checks failed
automerge / automerge (pull_request) Failing after 20s
autoapprove / autoapprove (pull_request) Failing after 1m38s
lint / lint (pull_request) Successful in 3m59s
dependabot-automerge / automerge (pull_request) Failing after 13m39s
test / test (pull_request) Successful in 15m58s
#109 by atolstikhin was merged 2024-12-19 19:53:22 +03:00
micro v4 options fix
Some checks failed
autoapprove / autoapprove (pull_request) Failing after 8s
automerge / automerge (pull_request) Failing after 4s
codeql / analyze (go) (pull_request) Failing after 1m46s
dependabot-automerge / automerge (pull_request) Has been skipped
prbuild / test (pull_request) Failing after 52s
prbuild / lint (pull_request) Successful in 14s
#107 by vtolstov was merged 2023-08-16 15:42:18 +03:00
move to micro v4
Some checks failed
autoapprove / autoapprove (pull_request) Failing after 3s
automerge / automerge (pull_request) Failing after 7s
dependabot-automerge / automerge (pull_request) Has been skipped
codeql / analyze (go) (pull_request) Failing after 9s
prbuild / test (pull_request) Failing after 1m0s
prbuild / lint (pull_request) Failing after 5s
#106 by vtolstov was merged 2023-05-07 19:36:09 +03:00
#105 by vtolstov was merged 2023-04-13 20:01:34 +03:00
Bump github.com/prometheus/common from 0.39.0 to 0.41.0
Some checks failed
codeql / analyze (go) (pull_request) Failing after 4s
prbuild / test (pull_request) Failing after 5s
prbuild / lint (pull_request) Failing after 4s
#104 by dependabot[bot] was closed 2023-05-07 19:36:52 +03:00