update for latest micro

Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <v.tolstov@unistack.org>
This commit is contained in:
Василий Толстов 2025-01-18 14:14:42 +03:00
parent 99d706ceb7
commit 82dcea4f29
4 changed files with 690 additions and 58 deletions


@ -1,5 +1,367 @@
module go.unistack.org/micro-router-register/v3
go 1.16
go 1.22.0
require go.unistack.org/micro/v3 v3.10.42
toolchain go1.23.4
require go.unistack.org/micro/v3 v3.11.38
require (
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modernc.org/opt v0.1.3 // indirect
modernc.org/sqlite v1.21.2 // indirect
modernc.org/strutil v1.1.3 // indirect
modernc.org/tcl v1.15.1 // indirect
modernc.org/token v1.1.0 // indirect
modernc.org/z v1.7.0 // indirect
rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0 // indirect
rsc.io/pdf v0.1.1 // indirect
rsc.io/quote/v3 v3.1.0 // indirect
rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 // indirect


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -84,32 +84,18 @@ func (r *rtr) Table() router.Table {
return r.table
func getDomain(srv *register.Service) string {
// check the service metadata for domain
// TODO: domain as Domain field in register?
if srv.Metadata != nil && len(srv.Metadata["domain"]) > 0 {
return srv.Metadata["domain"]
} else if len(srv.Nodes) > 0 && srv.Nodes[0].Metadata != nil {
return srv.Nodes[0].Metadata["domain"]
// otherwise return wildcard
// TODO: return GlobalDomain or PublicDomain
return register.DefaultDomain
// manageRoute applies action on a given route
func (r *rtr) manageRoute(route router.Route, action string) error {
func (r *rtr) manageRoute(route router.Route, action register.EventType) error {
switch action {
case "create":
case register.EventCreate:
if err := r.table.Create(route); err != nil && err != router.ErrDuplicateRoute {
return fmt.Errorf("failed adding route for service %s: %s", route.Service, err)
case "delete":
case register.EventDelete:
if err := r.table.Delete(route); err != nil && err != router.ErrRouteNotFound {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting route for service %s: %s", route.Service, err)
case "update":
case register.EventUpdate:
if err := r.table.Update(route); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating route for service %s: %s", route.Service, err)
@ -121,7 +107,7 @@ func (r *rtr) manageRoute(route router.Route, action string) error {
// createRoutes turns a service into a list routes basically converting nodes to routes
func (r *rtr) createRoutes(service *register.Service, network string) []router.Route {
func (r *rtr) createRoutes(service *register.Service) []router.Route {
routes := make([]router.Route, 0, len(service.Nodes))
for _, node := range service.Nodes {
@ -129,7 +115,7 @@ func (r *rtr) createRoutes(service *register.Service, network string) []router.R
Service: service.Name,
Address: node.Address,
Gateway: "",
Network: network,
Network: service.Namespace,
Router: r.opts.ID,
Link: router.DefaultLink,
Metric: router.DefaultLocalMetric,
@ -142,23 +128,23 @@ func (r *rtr) createRoutes(service *register.Service, network string) []router.R
// manageServiceRoutes applies action to all routes of the service.
// It returns error of the action fails with error.
func (r *rtr) manageRoutes(service *register.Service, action, network string) error {
func (r *rtr) manageRoutes(service *register.Service, action register.EventType) error {
// create a set of routes from the service
routes := r.createRoutes(service, network)
routes := r.createRoutes(service)
// if its a delete action and there's no nodes
// it means we need to wipe out all the routes
// for that service
if action == "delete" && len(routes) == 0 {
if action == register.EventDelete && len(routes) == 0 {
// delete the service entirely
r.table.deleteService(service.Name, network)
r.table.deleteService(service.Name, service.Namespace)
return nil
// create the routes in the table
for _, route := range routes {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Creating route %v domain: %v", route, network)
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, "Creating route %v namespace: %v", route, service.Namespace)
if err := r.manageRoute(route, action); err != nil {
return err
@ -171,23 +157,21 @@ func (r *rtr) manageRoutes(service *register.Service, action, network string) er
// manageRegisterRoutes applies action to all routes of each service found in the register.
// It returns error if either the services failed to be listed or the routing table action fails.
func (r *rtr) loadRoutes(reg register.Register) error {
services, err := reg.ListServices(r.opts.Context, register.ListDomain(register.WildcardDomain))
services, err := reg.ListServices(r.opts.Context, register.ListNamespace(register.WildcardNamespace))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed listing services: %v", err)
// add each service node as a separate route
for _, service := range services {
// get the services domain from metadata. Fallback to wildcard.
domain := getDomain(service)
// create the routes
routes := r.createRoutes(service, domain)
routes := r.createRoutes(service)
// if the routes exist save them
if len(routes) > 0 {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Creating routes for service %v domain: %v", service, domain)
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Creating routes for service %v", service))
for _, rt := range routes {
err := r.table.Create(rt)
@ -199,7 +183,7 @@ func (r *rtr) loadRoutes(reg register.Register) error {
if err != nil {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Errorf(r.opts.Context, "Error creating route for service %v in domain %v: %v", service, domain, err)
r.opts.Logger.Error(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Error creating route for service %v: %v", service, err))
@ -209,21 +193,21 @@ func (r *rtr) loadRoutes(reg register.Register) error {
// otherwise get all the service info
// get the service to retrieve all its info
srvs, err := reg.LookupService(r.opts.Context, service.Name, register.LookupDomain(domain))
srvs, err := reg.LookupService(r.opts.Context, service.Name, register.LookupNamespace(service.Namespace))
if err != nil {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Failed to get service %s domain: %s", service.Name, domain)
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get service %s", service.Name))
// manage the routes for all returned services
for _, srv := range srvs {
routes := r.createRoutes(srv, domain)
routes := r.createRoutes(srv)
if len(routes) > 0 {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Creating routes for service %v domain: %v", srv, domain)
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Creating routes for service %v", srv))
for _, rt := range routes {
err := r.table.Create(rt)
@ -235,7 +219,7 @@ func (r *rtr) loadRoutes(reg register.Register) error {
if err != nil {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Errorf(r.opts.Context, "Error creating route for service %v in domain %v: %v", service, domain, err)
r.opts.Logger.Error(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Error creating route for service %v: %v", service, err))
@ -249,18 +233,18 @@ func (r *rtr) loadRoutes(reg register.Register) error {
// lookup retrieves all the routes for a given service and creates them in the routing table
func (r *rtr) lookup(service string) ([]router.Route, error) {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Fetching route for %s domain: %v", service, register.WildcardDomain)
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Fetching route for %s domain: %v", service, register.WildcardNamespace))
services, err := r.opts.Register.LookupService(r.opts.Context, service, register.LookupDomain(register.WildcardDomain))
services, err := r.opts.Register.LookupService(r.opts.Context, service, register.LookupNamespace(register.WildcardNamespace))
if err == register.ErrNotFound {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Failed to find route for %s", service)
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find route for %s", service))
return nil, router.ErrRouteNotFound
} else if err != nil {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Failed to find route for %s: %v", service, err)
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find route for %s: %v", service, err))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed getting services: %v", err)
@ -268,10 +252,9 @@ func (r *rtr) lookup(service string) ([]router.Route, error) {
var routes []router.Route
for _, srv := range services {
domain := getDomain(srv)
// TODO: should we continue to send the event indicating we created a route?
// lookup is only called in the query path so probably not
routes = append(routes, r.createRoutes(srv, domain)...)
routes = append(routes, r.createRoutes(srv)...)
return routes, nil
@ -311,21 +294,19 @@ func (r *rtr) watchRegister(w register.Watcher) error {
// don't process nil entries
if res.Service == nil {
if logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, "Received a nil service")
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, "Received a nil service")
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Router dealing with next route %s %+v\n", res.Action, res.Service)
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Router dealing with next route %s %+v\n", res.Action, res.Service))
// get the services domain from metadata. Fallback to wildcard.
domain := getDomain(res.Service)
// create/update or delete the route
if err := r.manageRoutes(res.Service, res.Action, domain); err != nil {
if err := r.manageRoutes(res.Service, res.Action); err != nil {
return err
@ -383,7 +364,7 @@ func (r *rtr) start() error {
case <-t1.C:
if err := r.loadRoutes(r.opts.Register); err != nil {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.DebugLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Debugf(r.opts.Context, "failed refreshing register routes: %s", err)
r.opts.Logger.Debug(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("failed refreshing register routes: %s", err))
@ -397,12 +378,12 @@ func (r *rtr) start() error {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.TraceLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Tracef(r.opts.Context, "Router starting register watch")
r.opts.Logger.Trace(r.opts.Context, "Router starting register watch")
w, err := r.opts.Register.Watch(r.opts.Context, register.WatchDomain(register.WildcardDomain))
w, err := r.opts.Register.Watch(r.opts.Context, register.WatchNamespace(register.WildcardNamespace))
if err != nil {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.DebugLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Debug(r.opts.Context, "failed creating register watcher: %v", err)
r.opts.Logger.Debug(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("failed creating register watcher: %v", err))
@ -411,7 +392,7 @@ func (r *rtr) start() error {
// watchRegister calls stop when it's done
if err := r.watchRegister(w); err != nil {
if r.opts.Logger.V(logger.DebugLevel) {
r.opts.Logger.Debugf(r.opts.Context, "Error watching the register: %v", err)
r.opts.Logger.Debug(r.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Error watching the register: %v", err))

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package register
import (
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ func (t *table) Create(r router.Route) error {
t.routes[service][sum] = &route{updated: time.Now(), route: r}
if t.opts.Logger.V(logger.DebugLevel) {
t.opts.Logger.Debugf(t.opts.Context, "Router emitting %s for route: %s", router.Create, r.Address)
t.opts.Logger.Debug(t.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Router emitting %s for route: %s", router.Create, r.Address))
// send a route created event
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ func (t *table) Delete(r router.Route) error {
if t.opts.Logger.V(logger.DebugLevel) {
t.opts.Logger.Debugf(t.opts.Context, "Router emitting %s for route: %s", router.Delete, r.Address)
t.opts.Logger.Debug(t.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Router emitting %s for route: %s", router.Delete, r.Address))
go t.sendEvent(&router.Event{Type: router.Delete, Timestamp: time.Now(), Route: r})
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ func (t *table) Update(r router.Route) error {
t.routes[service][sum] = &route{updated: time.Now(), route: r}
if t.opts.Logger.V(logger.DebugLevel) {
t.opts.Logger.Debugf(t.opts.Context, "Router emitting %s for route: %s", router.Update, r.Address)
t.opts.Logger.Debug(t.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Router emitting %s for route: %s", router.Update, r.Address))
go t.sendEvent(&router.Event{Type: router.Update, Timestamp: time.Now(), Route: r})
return nil