Compare commits


21 Commits
v3 ... tls

Author SHA1 Message Date
32e7875fab add tls headers
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-08-03 10:44:26 +03:00
93a0af7cde add tls headers
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-08-03 10:40:02 +03:00
4c3d3058f6 handler/swagger: initial import
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-06-18 20:49:29 +03:00
bcd27b833a Merge pull request 'fix query param struct filling' (#168) from matchesfix into master
Reviewed-on: #168
2023-05-29 12:29:39 +03:00
090b5e3c07 fix query param struct filling
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-05-29 12:29:04 +03:00
95109c9dc2 Merge pull request 'add scheme to metadata' (#166) from scheme into master
Reviewed-on: #166
2023-05-19 23:28:22 +03:00
69dcf71d3f add scheme to metadata
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-05-19 23:24:53 +03:00
0a0a986a70 Merge pull request 'move down path handler after specific handler' (#164) from path-handler into master
Reviewed-on: #164
2023-05-19 23:04:01 +03:00
76fe748e4a move down path handler after specific handler
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-05-19 23:02:42 +03:00
9926d52f78 Merge pull request 'fix build' (#161) from fixup into master
Reviewed-on: #161
2023-05-09 18:48:11 +03:00
2ed04e3e24 fix build
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-05-09 18:47:56 +03:00
4a9cc0f03f Merge pull request 'cleanup message stuf from server' (#160) from cleanup into master
Reviewed-on: #160
2023-05-09 18:39:08 +03:00
99af727138 cleanup message stuf from server
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-05-09 18:38:49 +03:00
89fe1dd6bc Merge pull request 'export Server to allow to cast' (#159) from exportServer into master
Reviewed-on: #159
2023-05-09 18:34:39 +03:00
8b591f7fd4 export Server to allow to cast
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-05-09 18:34:24 +03:00
bec1705d09 Merge pull request 'allow to expose some method via http.HandlerFunc' (#158) from httphandler into master
Reviewed-on: #158
2023-05-08 22:23:58 +03:00
316f644090 allow to expose some method via http.HandlerFunc
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-05-08 22:23:34 +03:00
3fdff4312c Merge pull request 'issue-155: add swagger-ui handler' (#156) from issue-155 into master
Reviewed-on: #156
2023-05-04 02:20:49 +03:00
09657b4b67 issue-155: add swagger-ui handler
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-05-04 02:20:25 +03:00
741a6f181b Merge pull request 'move to micro v4' (#154) from v4 into master
Reviewed-on: #154
2023-04-28 22:00:02 +03:00
7f971ee6c3 move to micro v4
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
2023-04-28 21:59:31 +03:00
44 changed files with 585 additions and 2777 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
name: lint
types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]
- master
- v3
- v4
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
filter: 'blob:none'
- name: setup go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
cache-dependency-path: "**/*.sum"
go-version: 'stable'
- name: setup deps
run: go get -v ./...
- name: run lint
version: 'latest'

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
name: test
types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]
- master
- v3
- v4
- master
- v3
- v4
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
filter: 'blob:none'
- name: setup go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
cache-dependency-path: "**/*.sum"
go-version: 'stable'
- name: setup deps
run: go get -v ./...
- name: run test
run: go test -mod readonly -v ./...

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
name: test
types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]
- master
- v3
- v4
- master
- v3
- v4
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
filter: 'blob:none'
- name: checkout tests
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: master
filter: 'blob:none'
repository: unistack-org/micro-tests
path: micro-tests
- name: setup go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
cache-dependency-path: "**/*.sum"
go-version: 'stable'
- name: setup go work
GOWORK: /workspace/${{ github.repository_owner }}/
run: |
go work init
go work use .
go work use micro-tests
- name: setup deps
GOWORK: /workspace/${{ github.repository_owner }}/
run: go get -v ./...
- name: run tests
GOWORK: /workspace/${{ github.repository_owner }}/
run: |
cd micro-tests
go test -mod readonly -v ./... || true

.github/dependabot.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# To get started with Dependabot version updates, you'll need to specify which
# package ecosystems to update and where the package manifests are located.
# Please see the documentation for all configuration options:
version: 2
# Maintain dependencies for GitHub Actions
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "daily"
# Maintain dependencies for Golang
- package-ecosystem: "gomod"
directory: "/"
interval: "daily"

.github/workflows/autoapprove.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name: "autoapprove"
types: [assigned, opened, synchronize, reopened]
pull-requests: write
contents: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: approve
uses: hmarr/auto-approve-action@v3
if: == 'vtolstov' || == 'dependabot[bot]'
id: approve
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

.github/workflows/automerge.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
name: "automerge"
types: [assigned, opened, synchronize, reopened]
pull-requests: write
contents: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: == 'vtolstov'
- name: merge
id: merge
run: gh pr merge --auto --merge "$PR_URL"
PR_URL: ${{github.event.pull_request.html_url}}
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{secrets.TOKEN}}

.github/workflows/build.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
name: build
- master
- v3
name: test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: setup
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: 1.17
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: cache
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ~/go/pkg/mod
key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-go-
- name: deps
run: go get -v -t -d ./...
- name: test
run: go test -mod readonly -v ./...
name: lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: lint
uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3.4.0
continue-on-error: true
# Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version.
version: v1.30
# Optional: working directory, useful for monorepos
# working-directory: somedir
# Optional: golangci-lint command line arguments.
# args: --issues-exit-code=0
# Optional: show only new issues if it's a pull request. The default value is `false`.
# only-new-issues: true

.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
# to commit it to your repository.
# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
# ******** NOTE ********
# We have attempted to detect the languages in your repository. Please check
# the `language` matrix defined below to confirm you have the correct set of
# supported CodeQL languages.
name: "codeql"
workflows: ["prbuild"]
- completed
branches: [ master, v3 ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ master, v3 ]
- cron: '34 1 * * 0'
name: analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
actions: read
contents: read
security-events: write
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'go' ]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ]
# Learn more:
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: setup
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: 1.17
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: init
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v2
# Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚
# ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
# and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
# uses a compiled language
#- run: |
# make bootstrap
# make release
- name: analyze
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
name: "dependabot-automerge"
types: [assigned, opened, synchronize, reopened]
pull-requests: write
contents: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: == 'dependabot[bot]'
- name: metadata
id: metadata
uses: dependabot/fetch-metadata@v1.3.6
github-token: "${{ secrets.TOKEN }}"
- name: merge
id: merge
if: ${{contains(steps.metadata.outputs.dependency-names, '')}}
run: gh pr merge --auto --merge "$PR_URL"
PR_URL: ${{github.event.pull_request.html_url}}
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{secrets.TOKEN}}

.github/workflows/pr.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
name: prbuild
- master
- v3
name: test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: setup
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: 1.17
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: cache
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ~/go/pkg/mod
key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-go-
- name: deps
run: go get -v -t -d ./...
- name: test
run: go test -mod readonly -v ./...
name: lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: lint
uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3.4.0
continue-on-error: true
# Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version.
version: v1.30
# Optional: working directory, useful for monorepos
# working-directory: somedir
# Optional: golangci-lint command line arguments.
# args: --issues-exit-code=0
# Optional: show only new issues if it's a pull request. The default value is `false`.
# only-new-issues: true

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, built with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it)
# vendor/
# Go workspace file
# General

View File

@ -1,5 +1,44 @@
run: run:
concurrency: 8 concurrency: 4
deadline: 5m deadline: 5m
issues-exit-code: 1 issues-exit-code: 1
tests: true tests: true
check-shadowing: true
- fieldalignment
- govet
- deadcode
- errcheck
- govet
- ineffassign
- staticcheck
- structcheck
- typecheck
- unused
- varcheck
- bodyclose
- gci
- goconst
- gocritic
- gosimple
- gofmt
- gofumpt
- goimports
- golint
- gosec
- makezero
- misspell
- nakedret
- nestif
- nilerr
- noctx
- prealloc
- unconvert
- unparam
disable-all: false

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ to create a HTTP Server that could potentially be used for REST based API servic
import ( import (
"net/http" "net/http"
"" ""
httpServer "" httpServer ""
) )
func main() { func main() {
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ Or as part of a service
import ( import (
"net/http" "net/http"
"" ""
"" ""
httpServer "" httpServer ""
) )
func main() { func main() {

View File

@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
module module
go 1.22.0
go 1.19
require ( require ( v3.9.15 v4.0.0 v3.10.3 v4.0.1 v3.4.1 v0.10.0 v3.11.30 v0.33.0
) )
require ( require ( v1.2.0 // indirect v1.5.3 // indirect v0.7.0 // indirect v0.6.9 // indirect v0.6.9 // indirect v0.5.9 // indirect v1.6.0 // indirect v0.2.0 // indirect v1.5.1 // indirect v1.30.0 // indirect v0.28.0 // indirect v1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c // indirect v0.0.0-20241223144023-3abc09e42ca8 // indirect v1.69.2 // indirect v1.36.1 // indirect v3.0.1 // indirect v3.0.1 // indirect
) )


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -6,29 +6,23 @@ import (
"io" "io"
"net/http" "net/http"
"reflect" "reflect"
"strings" "strings"
"sync" "sync"
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" rhttp ""
"" rflutil ""
rhttp ""
rflutil ""
) )
var ( var (
DefaultErrorHandler = func(ctx context.Context, s server.Handler, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error, status int) { DefaultErrorHandler = func(ctx context.Context, s server.Handler, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error, status int) {
w.WriteHeader(status) w.WriteHeader(status)
if _, cerr := w.Write([]byte(err.Error())); cerr != nil { if _, cerr := w.Write([]byte(err.Error())); cerr != nil {
logger.DefaultLogger.Error(ctx, "write error", cerr) logger.DefaultLogger.Errorf(ctx, "write failed: %v", cerr)
} }
} }
DefaultContentType = "application/json" DefaultContentType = "application/json"
@ -45,6 +39,7 @@ type httpHandler struct {
hd interface{} hd interface{}
handlers *rhttp.Trie handlers *rhttp.Trie
name string name string
eps []*register.Endpoint
sopts server.Options sopts server.Options
sync.RWMutex sync.RWMutex
} }
@ -57,6 +52,10 @@ func (h *httpHandler) Handler() interface{} {
return h.hd return h.hd
} }
func (h *httpHandler) Endpoints() []*register.Endpoint {
return h.eps
func (h *httpHandler) Options() server.HandlerOptions { func (h *httpHandler) Options() server.HandlerOptions {
return h.opts return h.opts
} }
@ -116,16 +115,15 @@ func (h *Server) HTTPHandlerFunc(handler interface{}) (http.HandlerFunc, error)
md["Method"] = r.Method md["Method"] = r.Method
md["URL"] = r.URL.String() md["URL"] = r.URL.String()
md["Proto"] = r.Proto md["Proto"] = r.Proto
md["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.ContentLength) md["ContentLength"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.ContentLength)
md["Transfer-Encoding"] = strings.Join(r.TransferEncoding, ",") md["TransferEncoding"] = strings.Join(r.TransferEncoding, ",")
md["Host"] = r.Host md["Host"] = r.Host
md["RequestURI"] = r.RequestURI md["RequestURI"] = r.RequestURI
if r.TLS != nil { if r.TLS != nil {
md["TLS"] = "true" md["TLS"] = "true"
md["TLS-ALPN"] = r.TLS.NegotiatedProtocol md["TLS_ALPN"] = r.TLS.NegotiatedProtocol
md["TLS-ServerName"] = r.TLS.ServerName md["TLS_ServerName"] = r.TLS.ServerName
} }
ctx = metadata.NewIncomingContext(ctx, md) ctx = metadata.NewIncomingContext(ctx, md)
path := r.URL.Path path := r.URL.Path
@ -166,7 +164,7 @@ func (h *Server) HTTPHandlerFunc(handler interface{}) (http.HandlerFunc, error)
hdlr := shdlr.(*httpHandler) hdlr := shdlr.(*httpHandler)
fh, mp, err := hdlr.handlers.Search(http.MethodPost, "/"+microMethod) fh, mp, err := hdlr.handlers.Search(http.MethodPost, "/"+microMethod)
if err == nil { if err == nil {
// match = true match = true
for k, v := range mp { for k, v := range mp {
matches[k] = v matches[k] = v
} }
@ -193,7 +191,8 @@ func (h *Server) HTTPHandlerFunc(handler interface{}) (http.HandlerFunc, error)
cf, err := h.newCodec(ct) cf, err := h.newCodec(ct)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest)
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(err.Error()))
return return
} }
@ -272,11 +271,9 @@ func (h *Server) HTTPHandlerFunc(handler interface{}) (http.HandlerFunc, error)
} }
// wrap the handler func // wrap the handler func
h.opts.Hooks.EachPrev(func(hook options.Hook) { for i := len(handler.sopts.HdlrWrappers); i > 0; i-- {
if h, ok := hook.(server.HookHandler); ok { fn = handler.sopts.HdlrWrappers[i-1](fn)
fn = h(fn)
} }
if ct == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" { if ct == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" {
cf, err = h.newCodec(DefaultContentType) cf, err = h.newCodec(DefaultContentType)
@ -305,7 +302,7 @@ func (h *Server) HTTPHandlerFunc(handler interface{}) (http.HandlerFunc, error)
} }
if nct := w.Header().Get(metadata.HeaderContentType); nct != ct { if nct := w.Header().Get(metadata.HeaderContentType); nct != ct {
if cf, err = h.newCodec(nct); err != nil { if cf, err = h.newCodec(nct); err != nil {
h.errorHandler(ctx, nil, w, r, err, http.StatusInternalServerError) h.errorHandler(ctx, nil, w, r, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
return return
} }
} }
@ -326,7 +323,7 @@ func (h *Server) HTTPHandlerFunc(handler interface{}) (http.HandlerFunc, error)
} }
if err != nil && handler.sopts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if err != nil && handler.sopts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
handler.sopts.Logger.Error(handler.sopts.Context, "handler error", err) handler.sopts.Logger.Errorf(handler.sopts.Context, "handler err: %v", err)
return return
} }
@ -336,7 +333,7 @@ func (h *Server) HTTPHandlerFunc(handler interface{}) (http.HandlerFunc, error)
w.WriteHeader(scode) w.WriteHeader(scode)
if _, cerr := w.Write(buf); cerr != nil { if _, cerr := w.Write(buf); cerr != nil {
handler.sopts.Logger.Error(ctx, "write failed", cerr) handler.sopts.Logger.Errorf(ctx, "write failed: %v", cerr)
} }
}, nil }, nil
} }
@ -347,11 +344,8 @@ func (h *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ct = htype ct = htype
} }
ts := time.Now()
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), rspCodeKey{}, &rspCodeVal{}) ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), rspCodeKey{}, &rspCodeVal{})
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, rspHeaderKey{}, &rspHeaderVal{}) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, rspHeaderKey{}, &rspHeaderVal{})
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx) md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok { if !ok {
md = metadata.New(len(r.Header) + 8) md = metadata.New(len(r.Header) + 8)
@ -375,7 +369,6 @@ func (h *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
md["Host"] = r.Host md["Host"] = r.Host
md["RequestURI"] = r.RequestURI md["RequestURI"] = r.RequestURI
ctx = metadata.NewIncomingContext(ctx, md) ctx = metadata.NewIncomingContext(ctx, md)
ctx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, metadata.New(0))
path := r.URL.Path path := r.URL.Path
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") { if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
@ -427,116 +420,21 @@ func (h *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
} }
} }
var sp tracer.Span
if !match && h.hd != nil { if !match && h.hd != nil {
if hdlr, ok := h.hd.Handler().(http.Handler); ok { if hdlr, ok := h.hd.Handler().(http.Handler); ok {
endpointName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s",, hldr.mtype.method.Name) hdlr.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if !slices.Contains(tracer.DefaultSkipEndpoints, endpointName) {
ctx, sp = h.opts.Tracer.Start(ctx, "rpc-server",
"endpoint", endpointName,
defer func() {
n := GetRspCode(ctx)
if s, _ := sp.Status(); s != tracer.SpanStatusError && n > 399 {
sp.SetStatus(tracer.SpanStatusError, http.StatusText(n))
if !slices.Contains(meter.DefaultSkipEndpoints, endpointName) {
h.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.ServerRequestInflight, "endpoint", endpointName, "server", "http").Inc()
defer func() {
n := GetRspCode(ctx)
if n > 399 {
h.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.ServerRequestTotal, "endpoint", endpointName, "server", "http", "status", "success", "code", strconv.Itoa(n)).Inc()
} else {
h.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.ServerRequestTotal, "endpoint", endpointName, "server", "http", "status", "failure", "code", strconv.Itoa(n)).Inc()
te := time.Since(ts)
h.opts.Meter.Summary(semconv.ServerRequestLatencyMicroseconds, "endpoint", endpointName, "server", "http").Update(te.Seconds())
h.opts.Meter.Histogram(semconv.ServerRequestDurationSeconds, "endpoint", endpointName, "server", "http").Update(te.Seconds())
h.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.ServerRequestInflight, "endpoint", endpointName, "server", "http").Dec()
hdlr.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
return return
} }
} else if !match { } else if !match {
// check for http.HandlerFunc handlers // check for http.HandlerFunc handlers
if !slices.Contains(tracer.DefaultSkipEndpoints, r.URL.Path) {
ctx, sp = h.opts.Tracer.Start(ctx, "rpc-server",
"endpoint", r.URL.Path,
"server", "http",
defer func() {
if n := GetRspCode(ctx); n > 399 {
sp.SetStatus(tracer.SpanStatusError, http.StatusText(n))
} else {
sp.SetStatus(tracer.SpanStatusError, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound))
if ph, _, err := h.pathHandlers.Search(r.Method, r.URL.Path); err == nil { if ph, _, err := h.pathHandlers.Search(r.Method, r.URL.Path); err == nil {
ph.(http.HandlerFunc)(w, r.WithContext(ctx)) ph.(http.HandlerFunc)(w, r)
return return
} }
h.errorHandler(ctx, nil, w, r, fmt.Errorf("not matching route found"), http.StatusNotFound) h.errorHandler(ctx, nil, w, r, fmt.Errorf("not matching route found"), http.StatusNotFound)
return return
} }
endpointName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s",, hldr.mtype.method.Name)
topts := []tracer.SpanOption{
"endpoint", endpointName,
"server", "http",
if slices.Contains(tracer.DefaultSkipEndpoints, endpointName) {
topts = append(topts, tracer.WithSpanRecord(false))
ctx, sp = h.opts.Tracer.Start(ctx, "rpc-server", topts...)
if !slices.Contains(meter.DefaultSkipEndpoints, {
defer func() {
te := time.Since(ts)
h.opts.Meter.Summary(semconv.ServerRequestLatencyMicroseconds, "endpoint",, "server", "http").Update(te.Seconds())
h.opts.Meter.Histogram(semconv.ServerRequestDurationSeconds, "endpoint",, "server", "http").Update(te.Seconds())
h.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.ServerRequestInflight, "endpoint",, "server", "http").Dec()
n := GetRspCode(ctx)
if n > 399 {
h.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.ServerRequestTotal, "endpoint",, "server", "http", "status", "failure", "code", strconv.Itoa(n)).Inc()
} else {
h.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.ServerRequestTotal, "endpoint",, "server", "http", "status", "success", "code", strconv.Itoa(n)).Inc()
defer func() {
n := GetRspCode(ctx)
if n > 399 {
if s, _ := sp.Status(); s != tracer.SpanStatusError {
sp.SetStatus(tracer.SpanStatusError, http.StatusText(n))
// get fields from url values // get fields from url values
if len(r.URL.RawQuery) > 0 { if len(r.URL.RawQuery) > 0 {
umd, cerr := rflutil.URLMap(r.URL.RawQuery) umd, cerr := rflutil.URLMap(r.URL.RawQuery)
@ -583,7 +481,6 @@ func (h *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Body != nil { if r.Body != nil {
var buf []byte var buf []byte
buf, err = io.ReadAll(r.Body) buf, err = io.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF { if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
h.errorHandler(ctx, handler, w, r, err, http.StatusInternalServerError) h.errorHandler(ctx, handler, w, r, err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
return return
@ -633,18 +530,13 @@ func (h *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
} }
metadata.SetOutgoingContext(ctx, md) metadata.SetOutgoingContext(ctx, md)
if err != nil && sp != nil {
sp.SetStatus(tracer.SpanStatusError, err.Error())
return err return err
} }
h.opts.Hooks.EachPrev(func(hook options.Hook) { // wrap the handler func
if h, ok := hook.(server.HookHandler); ok { for i := len(handler.sopts.HdlrWrappers); i > 0; i-- {
fn = h(fn) fn = handler.sopts.HdlrWrappers[i-1](fn)
} }
if ct == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" { if ct == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" {
cf, err = h.newCodec(DefaultContentType) cf, err = h.newCodec(DefaultContentType)
@ -673,7 +565,7 @@ func (h *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
} }
if nct := w.Header().Get(metadata.HeaderContentType); nct != ct { if nct := w.Header().Get(metadata.HeaderContentType); nct != ct {
if cf, err = h.newCodec(nct); err != nil { if cf, err = h.newCodec(nct); err != nil {
h.errorHandler(ctx, nil, w, r, err, http.StatusInternalServerError) h.errorHandler(ctx, nil, w, r, err, http.StatusBadRequest)
return return
} }
} }
@ -693,18 +585,17 @@ func (h *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
buf, err = cf.Marshal(replyv.Interface()) buf, err = cf.Marshal(replyv.Interface())
} }
if err != nil { if err != nil && handler.sopts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
if handler.sopts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { handler.sopts.Logger.Errorf(handler.sopts.Context, "handler err: %v", err)
handler.sopts.Logger.Error(handler.sopts.Context, "handler error", err) return
scode = http.StatusInternalServerError
} else if nscode := GetRspCode(ctx); nscode != 0 {
scode = nscode
} }
if nscode := GetRspCode(ctx); nscode != 0 {
scode = nscode
w.WriteHeader(scode) w.WriteHeader(scode)
if _, cerr := w.Write(buf); cerr != nil { if _, cerr := w.Write(buf); cerr != nil {
handler.sopts.Logger.Error(ctx, "respoonse write error", cerr) handler.sopts.Logger.Errorf(ctx, "write failed: %v", cerr)
} }
} }

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package handler
import ( import (
// import required packages // import required packages
_ "" _ ""
) )
//go:generate sh -c "curl -L -o - | bsdtar -C swagger-ui --strip-components=2 -xv swagger-ui-4.18.3/dist && rm swagger-ui/*.map swagger-ui/*-es-*.js swagger-ui/swagger-ui.js swagger-ui/swagger-initializer.js" //go:generate sh -c "curl -L -o - | bsdtar -C swagger-ui --strip-components=2 -xv swagger-ui-4.18.3/dist && rm swagger-ui/*.map swagger-ui/*-es-*.js swagger-ui/swagger-ui.js swagger-ui/swagger-initializer.js"
//go:generate sh -c "protoc -I./ -I$(go list -f '{{ .Dir }}' -m --go-micro_out='components=micro|http|server',standalone=false,debug=true,paths=source_relative:./ ./meter/meter.proto" //go:generate sh -c "protoc -I./ -I$(go list -f '{{ .Dir }}' -m --go-micro_out='components=micro|http|server',standalone=false,debug=true,paths=source_relative:./ ./meter/meter.proto"
//go:generate sh -c "protoc -I./ -I$(go list -f '{{ .Dir }}' -m --go-micro_out='components=micro|http|server',standalone=false,debug=true,paths=source_relative:./ ./health/health.proto" //go:generate sh -c "protoc -I./ -I$(go list -f '{{ .Dir }}' -m --go-micro_out='components=micro|http|server',standalone=false,debug=true,paths=source_relative:./ ./health/health.proto"

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
//go:build ignore
package graphql_handler
import (
var _ graphql.Cache = (*cacheWrapper)(nil)
type Handler struct {
opts Options
type Option func(*Options)
type Options struct {
cache *cacheWrapper
Path string
type cacheWrapper struct {
s store.Store
l logger.Logger
func (c *cacheWrapper) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (interface{}, bool) {
var val interface{}
if err := c.s.Read(ctx, key, val); err != nil && err != store.ErrNotFound {
c.l.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("cache.Get %s failed", key), err)
return nil, false
return val, true
func (c *cacheWrapper) Add(ctx context.Context, key string, val interface{}) {
if err := c.s.Write(ctx, key, val); err != nil {
c.l.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("cache.Add %s failed", key), err)
func Store(s store.Store) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
if o.cache == nil {
o.cache = &cacheWrapper{}
o.cache.s = s
func Logger(l logger.Logger) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
if o.cache == nil {
o.cache = &cacheWrapper{}
o.cache.l = l
func Path(path string) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Path = path
func NewHandler(opts ...Option) *Handler {
options := Options{}
for _, o := range opts {
return &Handler{opts: options}

View File

@ -1,42 +1,27 @@
package health_handler package health // import ""
import ( import (
"context" "context"
codecpb "" codecpb ""
"" ""
) )
var _ HealthServiceServer = &Handler{} var _ HealthServiceServer = (*Handler)(nil)
type Handler struct { type Handler struct {
opts Options opts Options
} }
type ( type CheckFunc func(context.Context) error
CheckFunc func(context.Context) error
Option func(*Options)
type Stater interface { type Option func(*Options)
Live() bool
Ready() bool
Health() bool
type Options struct { type Options struct {
Version string Version string
Name string Name string
Staters []Stater
LiveChecks []CheckFunc LiveChecks []CheckFunc
ReadyChecks []CheckFunc ReadyChecks []CheckFunc
HealthChecks []CheckFunc
func Service(s ...Stater) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Staters = append(o.Staters, s...)
} }
func LiveChecks(fns ...CheckFunc) Option { func LiveChecks(fns ...CheckFunc) Option {
@ -51,12 +36,6 @@ func ReadyChecks(fns ...CheckFunc) Option {
} }
} }
func HealthChecks(fns ...CheckFunc) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.HealthChecks = append(o.HealthChecks, fns...)
func Name(name string) Option { func Name(name string) Option {
return func(o *Options) { return func(o *Options) {
o.Name = name o.Name = name
@ -77,51 +56,18 @@ func NewHandler(opts ...Option) *Handler {
return &Handler{opts: options} return &Handler{opts: options}
} }
func (h *Handler) Healthy(ctx context.Context, req *codecpb.Frame, rsp *codecpb.Frame) error {
var err error
for _, s := range h.opts.Staters {
if !s.Health() {
return errors.ServiceUnavailable(h.opts.Name, "%v", err)
for _, fn := range h.opts.HealthChecks {
if err = fn(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.ServiceUnavailable(h.opts.Name, "%v", err)
return nil
func (h *Handler) Live(ctx context.Context, req *codecpb.Frame, rsp *codecpb.Frame) error { func (h *Handler) Live(ctx context.Context, req *codecpb.Frame, rsp *codecpb.Frame) error {
var err error var err error
for _, s := range h.opts.Staters {
if !s.Live() {
return errors.ServiceUnavailable(h.opts.Name, "%v", err)
for _, fn := range h.opts.LiveChecks { for _, fn := range h.opts.LiveChecks {
if err = fn(ctx); err != nil { if err = fn(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.ServiceUnavailable(h.opts.Name, "%v", err) return errors.ServiceUnavailable(h.opts.Name, "%v", err)
} }
} }
return nil return nil
} }
func (h *Handler) Ready(ctx context.Context, req *codecpb.Frame, rsp *codecpb.Frame) error { func (h *Handler) Ready(ctx context.Context, req *codecpb.Frame, rsp *codecpb.Frame) error {
var err error var err error
for _, s := range h.opts.Staters {
if !s.Ready() {
return errors.ServiceUnavailable(h.opts.Name, "%v", err)
for _, fn := range h.opts.ReadyChecks { for _, fn := range h.opts.ReadyChecks {
if err = fn(ctx); err != nil { if err = fn(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.ServiceUnavailable(h.opts.Name, "%v", err) return errors.ServiceUnavailable(h.opts.Name, "%v", err)

View File

@ -1,29 +1,13 @@
syntax = "proto3"; syntax = "proto3";
package; package;
option go_package = ";health_handler"; option go_package = ";health";
import "api/annotations.proto"; import "api/annotations.proto";
import "openapiv3/annotations.proto"; import "openapiv3/annotations.proto";
import "codec/frame.proto"; import "codec/frame.proto";
service HealthService { service HealthService {
rpc Healthy(micro.codec.Frame) returns (micro.codec.Frame) {
option (micro.openapiv3.openapiv3_operation) = {
operation_id: "Healthy";
responses: {
default: {
reference: {
_ref: "micro.codec.Frame";
option (micro.api.http) = {
get: "/health";
additional_bindings: { get: "/healthz"; }
rpc Live(micro.codec.Frame) returns (micro.codec.Frame) { rpc Live(micro.codec.Frame) returns (micro.codec.Frame) {
option (micro.openapiv3.openapiv3_operation) = { option (micro.openapiv3.openapiv3_operation) = {
operation_id: "Live"; operation_id: "Live";
@ -35,10 +19,7 @@ service HealthService {
}; };
}; };
}; };
option (micro.api.http) = { option (micro.api.http) = { get: "/live"; };
get: "/live";
additional_bindings: { get: "/livez"; }
}; };
rpc Ready(micro.codec.Frame) returns (micro.codec.Frame) { rpc Ready(micro.codec.Frame) returns (micro.codec.Frame) {
option (micro.openapiv3.openapiv3_operation) = { option (micro.openapiv3.openapiv3_operation) = {
@ -51,9 +32,7 @@ service HealthService {
}; };
}; };
}; };
option (micro.api.http) = { get: "/ready"; option (micro.api.http) = { get: "/ready"; };
additional_bindings: { get: "/readyz"; }
}; };
rpc Version(micro.codec.Frame) returns (micro.codec.Frame) { rpc Version(micro.codec.Frame) returns (micro.codec.Frame) {
option (micro.openapiv3.openapiv3_operation) = { option (micro.openapiv3.openapiv3_operation) = {

View File

@ -1,30 +1,47 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-micro. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-micro. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions: // versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-micro v3.10.4 // - protoc-gen-go-micro v4.0.0
// - protoc v5.28.3 // - protoc v3.21.12
// source: health/health.proto // source: health/health.proto
package health_handler package health
import ( import (
context "context" context "context"
codec "" codec ""
client "" v4 ""
) )
var ( var (
HealthServiceName = "HealthService" HealthServiceName = "HealthService"
) )
var (
type HealthServiceClient interface { HealthServiceServerEndpoints = []v4.EndpointMetadata{
Healthy(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) {
Live(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) Name: "HealthService.Live",
Ready(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) Path: "/live",
Version(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
Name: "HealthService.Ready",
Path: "/ready",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
Name: "HealthService.Version",
Path: "/version",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
} }
type HealthServiceServer interface { type HealthServiceServer interface {
Healthy(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error
Live(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error Live(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error
Ready(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error Ready(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error
Version(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error Version(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error

View File

@ -1,162 +1,20 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-micro. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-micro. DO NOT EDIT.
// protoc-gen-go-micro version: v3.10.4 // protoc-gen-go-micro version: v4.0.0
// source: health/health.proto // source: health/health.proto
package health_handler package health
import ( import (
context "context" context "context"
v31 "" codec ""
codec "" v4 ""
v3 "" server ""
client ""
server ""
http "net/http"
) )
var (
HealthServiceServerEndpoints = []v3.EndpointMetadata{
Name: "HealthService.Healthy",
Path: "/health",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
Name: "HealthService.Healthy",
Path: "/healthz",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
Name: "HealthService.Live",
Path: "/live",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
Name: "HealthService.Live",
Path: "/livez",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
Name: "HealthService.Ready",
Path: "/ready",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
Name: "HealthService.Ready",
Path: "/readyz",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
Name: "HealthService.Version",
Path: "/version",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
type healthServiceClient struct {
c client.Client
name string
func NewHealthServiceClient(name string, c client.Client) HealthServiceClient {
return &healthServiceClient{c: c, name: name}
func (c *healthServiceClient) Healthy(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) {
errmap := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
errmap["default"] = &codec.Frame{}
opts = append(opts,
opts = append(opts,
rsp := &codec.Frame{}
err := c.c.Call(ctx, c.c.NewRequest(, "HealthService.Healthy", req), rsp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rsp, nil
func (c *healthServiceClient) Live(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) {
errmap := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
errmap["default"] = &codec.Frame{}
opts = append(opts,
opts = append(opts,
rsp := &codec.Frame{}
err := c.c.Call(ctx, c.c.NewRequest(, "HealthService.Live", req), rsp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rsp, nil
func (c *healthServiceClient) Ready(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) {
errmap := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
errmap["default"] = &codec.Frame{}
opts = append(opts,
opts = append(opts,
rsp := &codec.Frame{}
err := c.c.Call(ctx, c.c.NewRequest(, "HealthService.Ready", req), rsp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rsp, nil
func (c *healthServiceClient) Version(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) {
errmap := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
errmap["default"] = &codec.Frame{}
opts = append(opts,
opts = append(opts,
rsp := &codec.Frame{}
err := c.c.Call(ctx, c.c.NewRequest(, "HealthService.Version", req), rsp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rsp, nil
type healthServiceServer struct { type healthServiceServer struct {
HealthServiceServer HealthServiceServer
} }
func (h *healthServiceServer) Healthy(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error {
return h.HealthServiceServer.Healthy(ctx, req, rsp)
func (h *healthServiceServer) Live(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error { func (h *healthServiceServer) Live(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error {
return h.HealthServiceServer.Live(ctx, req, rsp) return h.HealthServiceServer.Live(ctx, req, rsp)
} }
@ -171,7 +29,6 @@ func (h *healthServiceServer) Version(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp
func RegisterHealthServiceServer(s server.Server, sh HealthServiceServer, opts ...server.HandlerOption) error { func RegisterHealthServiceServer(s server.Server, sh HealthServiceServer, opts ...server.HandlerOption) error {
type healthService interface { type healthService interface {
Healthy(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error
Live(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error Live(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error
Ready(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error Ready(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error
Version(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error Version(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error
@ -181,6 +38,6 @@ func RegisterHealthServiceServer(s server.Server, sh HealthServiceServer, opts .
} }
h := &healthServiceServer{sh} h := &healthServiceServer{sh}
var nopts []server.HandlerOption var nopts []server.HandlerOption
nopts = append(nopts, v3.HandlerEndpoints(HealthServiceServerEndpoints)) nopts = append(nopts, v4.HandlerEndpoints(HealthServiceServerEndpoints))
return s.Handle(s.NewHandler(&HealthService{h}, append(nopts, opts...)...)) return s.Handle(s.NewHandler(&HealthService{h}, append(nopts, opts...)...))
} }

View File

@ -1,41 +1,19 @@
package meter_handler package meter // import ""
import ( import (
"bytes" "bytes"
"context" "context"
codecpb "" codecpb ""
"" ""
"" ""
) )
const (
contentEncodingHeader = "Content-Encoding"
acceptEncodingHeader = "Accept-Encoding"
var gzipPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return gzip.NewWriter(nil)
var bufPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
// guard to fail early // guard to fail early
var _ MeterServiceServer = &Handler{} var _ MeterServiceServer = (*Handler)(nil)
type Handler struct { type Handler struct {
Options Options opts Options
} }
type Option func(*Options) type Option func(*Options)
@ -44,7 +22,6 @@ type Options struct {
Meter meter.Meter Meter meter.Meter
Name string Name string
MeterOptions []meter.Option MeterOptions []meter.Option
DisableCompress bool
} }
func Meter(m meter.Meter) Option { func Meter(m meter.Meter) Option {
@ -59,12 +36,6 @@ func Name(name string) Option {
} }
} }
func DisableCompress(g bool) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.DisableCompress = g
func MeterOptions(opts ...meter.Option) Option { func MeterOptions(opts ...meter.Option) Option {
return func(o *Options) { return func(o *Options) {
o.MeterOptions = append(o.MeterOptions, opts...) o.MeterOptions = append(o.MeterOptions, opts...)
@ -72,7 +43,7 @@ func MeterOptions(opts ...meter.Option) Option {
} }
func NewOptions(opts ...Option) Options { func NewOptions(opts ...Option) Options {
options := Options{Meter: meter.DefaultMeter, DisableCompress: false} options := Options{Meter: meter.DefaultMeter}
for _, o := range opts { for _, o := range opts {
o(&options) o(&options)
} }
@ -81,52 +52,16 @@ func NewOptions(opts ...Option) Options {
func NewHandler(opts ...Option) *Handler { func NewHandler(opts ...Option) *Handler {
options := NewOptions(opts...) options := NewOptions(opts...)
return &Handler{Options: options} return &Handler{opts: options}
} }
func (h *Handler) Metrics(ctx context.Context, req *codecpb.Frame, rsp *codecpb.Frame) error { func (h *Handler) Metrics(ctx context.Context, req *codecpb.Frame, rsp *codecpb.Frame) error {
log, ok := logger.FromContext(ctx) buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if !ok { if err := h.opts.Meter.Write(buf, h.opts.MeterOptions...); err != nil {
log = logger.DefaultLogger return errors.InternalServerError(h.opts.Name, "%v", err)
buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
defer bufPool.Put(buf)
w := io.Writer(buf)
if md, ok := metadata.FromOutgoingContext(ctx); gzipAccepted(md) && ok && !h.Options.DisableCompress {
omd, _ := metadata.FromOutgoingContext(ctx)
omd.Set(contentEncodingHeader, "gzip")
gz := gzipPool.Get().(*gzip.Writer)
defer gzipPool.Put(gz)
defer gz.Close()
w = gz
if err := h.Options.Meter.Write(w, h.Options.MeterOptions...); err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "http/meter write failed", err)
return nil
} }
rsp.Data = buf.Bytes() rsp.Data = buf.Bytes()
return nil return nil
} }
// gzipAccepted returns whether the client will accept gzip-encoded content.
func gzipAccepted(md metadata.Metadata) bool {
a, ok := md.Get(acceptEncodingHeader)
if !ok {
return false
if strings.Contains(a, "gzip") {
return true
return false

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
syntax = "proto3"; syntax = "proto3";
package micro.server.http.v3.handler.meter; package micro.server.http.v4.handler.meter;
option go_package = ";meter_handler"; option go_package = ";meter";
import "api/annotations.proto"; import "api/annotations.proto";
import "openapiv3/annotations.proto"; import "openapiv3/annotations.proto";

View File

@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-micro. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-micro. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions: // versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-micro v3.10.4 // - protoc-gen-go-micro v4.0.0
// - protoc v5.28.3 // - protoc v3.21.12
// source: meter/meter.proto // source: meter/meter.proto
package meter_handler package meter
import ( import (
context "context" context "context"
codec "" codec ""
client "" v4 ""
) )
var ( var (
MeterServiceName = "MeterService" MeterServiceName = "MeterService"
) )
var (
type MeterServiceClient interface { MeterServiceServerEndpoints = []v4.EndpointMetadata{
Metrics(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) {
Name: "MeterService.Metrics",
Path: "/metrics",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
} }
type MeterServiceServer interface { type MeterServiceServer interface {
Metrics(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error Metrics(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, rsp *codec.Frame) error

View File

@ -1,58 +1,16 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-micro. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-micro. DO NOT EDIT.
// protoc-gen-go-micro version: v3.10.4 // protoc-gen-go-micro version: v4.0.0
// source: meter/meter.proto // source: meter/meter.proto
package meter_handler package meter
import ( import (
context "context" context "context"
v31 "" codec ""
codec "" v4 ""
v3 "" server ""
client ""
server ""
http "net/http"
) )
var (
MeterServiceServerEndpoints = []v3.EndpointMetadata{
Name: "MeterService.Metrics",
Path: "/metrics",
Method: "GET",
Body: "",
Stream: false,
type meterServiceClient struct {
c client.Client
name string
func NewMeterServiceClient(name string, c client.Client) MeterServiceClient {
return &meterServiceClient{c: c, name: name}
func (c *meterServiceClient) Metrics(ctx context.Context, req *codec.Frame, opts ...client.CallOption) (*codec.Frame, error) {
errmap := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
errmap["default"] = &codec.Frame{}
opts = append(opts,
opts = append(opts,
rsp := &codec.Frame{}
err := c.c.Call(ctx, c.c.NewRequest(, "MeterService.Metrics", req), rsp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rsp, nil
type meterServiceServer struct { type meterServiceServer struct {
MeterServiceServer MeterServiceServer
} }
@ -70,6 +28,6 @@ func RegisterMeterServiceServer(s server.Server, sh MeterServiceServer, opts ...
} }
h := &meterServiceServer{sh} h := &meterServiceServer{sh}
var nopts []server.HandlerOption var nopts []server.HandlerOption
nopts = append(nopts, v3.HandlerEndpoints(MeterServiceServerEndpoints)) nopts = append(nopts, v4.HandlerEndpoints(MeterServiceServerEndpoints))
return s.Handle(s.NewHandler(&MeterService{h}, append(nopts, opts...)...)) return s.Handle(s.NewHandler(&MeterService{h}, append(nopts, opts...)...))
} }

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package pprof_handler
import (
func NewHandler(prefixPath string, initFuncs ...func()) http.HandlerFunc {
for _, fn := range initFuncs {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch {
case strings.EqualFold(r.RequestURI, prefixPath) && r.RequestURI[len(r.RequestURI)-1] != '/':
http.Redirect(w, r, r.RequestURI+"/", http.StatusMovedPermanently)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "cmdline")):
pprof.Cmdline(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "profile")):
pprof.Profile(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "symbol")):
pprof.Symbol(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "trace")):
pprof.Trace(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "goroutine")):
pprof.Handler("goroutine").ServeHTTP(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "threadcreate")):
pprof.Handler("threadcreate").ServeHTTP(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "mutex")):
pprof.Handler("mutex").ServeHTTP(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "heap")):
pprof.Handler("heap").ServeHTTP(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "block")):
pprof.Handler("block").ServeHTTP(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "allocs")):
pprof.Handler("allocs").ServeHTTP(w, r)
case strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURI, path.Join(prefixPath, "vars")):
expvar.Handler().ServeHTTP(w, r)
pprof.Index(w, r)

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package spa
import (
// Handler serve files from dir and redirect to index if file not exists
var Handler = func(prefix string, dir fs.FS) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
f := http.StripPrefix(prefix, http.FileServer(http.FS(dir)))
if _, err := fs.Stat(dir, strings.TrimPrefix(r.RequestURI, prefix)); err != nil {
r.RequestURI = prefix
r.URL.Path = prefix
f.ServeHTTP(w, r)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
window.onload = function() {
//<editor-fold desc="Changeable Configuration Block">
// the following lines will be replaced by docker/configurator, when it runs in a docker-container
window.ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
url: "{{ .SWAGGER }}",
dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
deepLinking: true,
presets: [
plugins: [
layout: "StandaloneLayout"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package swaggerui_handler package swaggerui // import ""
import ( import (
"embed" "embed"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package swaggerui_handler package swaggerui
import ( import (
"net/http" "net/http"

View File

@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
package swagger_handler package swagger // import ""
import ( import (
"io/fs" "io/fs"
"net/http" "net/http"
yamlcodec "" httpsrv ""
rutil "" ""
type (
Hook func([]byte) []byte
ErrorHandler func(ctx context.Context, s server.Handler, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error, status int)
) )
// Handler append to generated swagger data from dst map[string]interface{} // Handler append to generated swagger data from dst map[string]interface{}
var Handler = func(dst map[string]interface{}, fsys fs.FS) http.HandlerFunc { var Handler = func(fsys fs.FS, hooks []Hook, h httpsrv.ErrorHandler) http.HandlerFunc {
c := yamlcodec.NewCodec()
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet { if r.Method != http.MethodGet {
w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound)
return return
} }
@ -29,32 +35,6 @@ var Handler = func(dst map[string]interface{}, fsys fs.FS) http.HandlerFunc {
return return
} }
if dst == nil {
_, _ = w.Write(buf)
var src interface{}
if err = c.Unmarshal(buf, src); err != nil {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(err.Error()))
if err = rutil.Merge(src, dst); err != nil {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(err.Error()))
if buf, err = c.Marshal(src); err != nil {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(err.Error()))
w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
_, _ = w.Write(buf) _, _ = w.Write(buf)
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Package http implements a go-micro.Server // Package http implements a go-micro.Server
package http // import "" package http // import ""
import ( import (
"context" "context"
@ -9,18 +9,15 @@ import (
"net" "net"
"net/http" "net/http"
"reflect" "reflect"
"strings" "strings"
"sync" "sync"
"time" "time"
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" rhttp ""
rhttp ""
"" ""
) )
@ -31,13 +28,9 @@ type Server struct {
rsvc *register.Service rsvc *register.Service
handlers map[string]server.Handler handlers map[string]server.Handler
exit chan chan error exit chan chan error
subscribers map[*httpSubscriber][]broker.Subscriber
errorHandler func(context.Context, server.Handler, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error, int) errorHandler func(context.Context, server.Handler, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error, int)
pathHandlers *rhttp.Trie pathHandlers *rhttp.Trie
opts server.Options opts server.Options
stateLive *atomic.Uint32
stateReady *atomic.Uint32
stateHealth *atomic.Uint32
registerRPC bool registerRPC bool
sync.RWMutex sync.RWMutex
registered bool registered bool
@ -105,10 +98,6 @@ func (h *Server) Init(opts ...server.Option) error {
h.RUnlock() h.RUnlock()
return err return err
} }
if err := h.opts.Broker.Init(); err != nil {
return err
if err := h.opts.Tracer.Init(); err != nil { if err := h.opts.Tracer.Init(); err != nil {
h.RUnlock() h.RUnlock()
return err return err
@ -121,7 +110,10 @@ func (h *Server) Init(opts ...server.Option) error {
h.RUnlock() h.RUnlock()
return err return err
} }
if err := h.opts.Transport.Init(); err != nil {
return err
h.RUnlock() h.RUnlock()
h.Lock() h.Lock()
@ -163,7 +155,16 @@ func (h *Server) Handle(handler server.Handler) error {
func (h *Server) NewHandler(handler interface{}, opts ...server.HandlerOption) server.Handler { func (h *Server) NewHandler(handler interface{}, opts ...server.HandlerOption) server.Handler {
options := server.NewHandlerOptions(opts...) options := server.NewHandlerOptions(opts...)
eps := make([]*register.Endpoint, 0, len(options.Metadata))
for name, metadata := range options.Metadata {
eps = append(eps, &register.Endpoint{
Name: name,
Metadata: metadata,
hdlr := &httpHandler{ hdlr := &httpHandler{
eps: eps,
hd: handler, hd: handler,
opts: options, opts: options,
sopts: h.opts, sopts: h.opts,
@ -183,11 +184,6 @@ func (h *Server) NewHandler(handler interface{}, opts ...server.HandlerOption) s
} }
*/ */
registerCORS := false
if v, ok := options.Context.Value(registerCORSHandlerKey{}).(bool); ok && v {
registerCORS = true
for hn, md := range options.Metadata { for hn, md := range options.Metadata {
var method reflect.Method var method reflect.Method
mname := hn[strings.Index(hn, ".")+1:] mname := hn[strings.Index(hn, ".")+1:]
@ -201,16 +197,16 @@ func (h *Server) NewHandler(handler interface{}, opts ...server.HandlerOption) s
} }
if method.Name == "" && h.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if method.Name == "" && h.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("nil method for %s", mname)) h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "nil method for %s", mname)
continue continue
} }
mtype, err := prepareEndpoint(method) mtype, err := prepareEndpoint(method)
if err != nil && h.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if err != nil && h.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, "endpoint error", err) h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "%v", err)
continue continue
} else if mtype == nil { } else if mtype == nil {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("nil mtype for %s", mname)) h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "nil mtype for %s", mname)
continue continue
} }
@ -220,23 +216,14 @@ func (h *Server) NewHandler(handler interface{}, opts ...server.HandlerOption) s
pth := &patHandler{mtype: mtype, name: name, rcvr: rcvr} pth := &patHandler{mtype: mtype, name: name, rcvr: rcvr} = name = name
methods := []string{md["Method"]} if err := hdlr.handlers.Insert([]string{md["Method"]}, md["Path"], pth); err != nil {
if registerCORS { h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "cant add handler for %s %s", md["Method"], md["Path"])
methods = append(methods, http.MethodOptions)
if err := hdlr.handlers.Insert(methods, md["Path"], pth); err != nil {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("cant add handler for %v %s", methods, md["Path"]))
} }
if h.registerRPC { if h.registerRPC {
methods := []string{http.MethodPost} h.opts.Logger.Infof(h.opts.Context, "register rpc handler for http.MethodPost %s /%s", hn, hn)
if registerCORS { if err := hdlr.handlers.Insert([]string{http.MethodPost}, "/"+hn, pth); err != nil {
methods = append(methods, http.MethodOptions) h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "cant add rpc handler for http.MethodPost %s /%s", hn, hn)
if err := hdlr.handlers.Insert(methods, "/"+hn, pth); err != nil {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("cant add rpc handler for http.MethodPost %s /%s", hn, hn))
} }
} }
} }
@ -260,16 +247,16 @@ func (h *Server) NewHandler(handler interface{}, opts ...server.HandlerOption) s
} }
if method.Name == "" && h.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if method.Name == "" && h.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("nil method for %s", mname)) h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "nil method for %s", mname)
continue continue
} }
mtype, err := prepareEndpoint(method) mtype, err := prepareEndpoint(method)
if err != nil && h.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if err != nil && h.opts.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, "prepare endpoint error", err) h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "%v", err)
continue continue
} else if mtype == nil { } else if mtype == nil {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("nil mtype for %s", mname)) h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "nil mtype for %s", mname)
continue continue
} }
@ -279,24 +266,14 @@ func (h *Server) NewHandler(handler interface{}, opts ...server.HandlerOption) s
pth := &patHandler{mtype: mtype, name: name, rcvr: rcvr} pth := &patHandler{mtype: mtype, name: name, rcvr: rcvr} = name = name
methods := []string{md.Method} if err := hdlr.handlers.Insert([]string{md.Method}, md.Path, pth); err != nil {
if registerCORS { h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "cant add handler for %s %s", md.Method, md.Path)
methods = append(methods, http.MethodOptions)
if err := hdlr.handlers.Insert(methods, md.Path, pth); err != nil {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("cant add handler for %s %s", md.Method, md.Path))
} }
if h.registerRPC { if h.registerRPC {
methods := []string{http.MethodPost} h.opts.Logger.Infof(h.opts.Context, "register rpc handler for http.MethodPost %s /%s", hn, hn)
if registerCORS { if err := hdlr.handlers.Insert([]string{http.MethodPost}, "/"+hn, pth); err != nil {
methods = append(methods, http.MethodOptions) h.opts.Logger.Errorf(h.opts.Context, "cant add rpc handler for http.MethodPost %s /%s", hn, hn)
h.opts.Logger.Info(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("register rpc handler for http.MethodPost %s /%s", hn, hn))
if err := hdlr.handlers.Insert(methods, "/"+hn, pth); err != nil {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, fmt.Sprintf("cant add rpc handler for http.MethodPost %s /%s", hn, hn))
} }
} }
} }
@ -304,37 +281,12 @@ func (h *Server) NewHandler(handler interface{}, opts ...server.HandlerOption) s
return hdlr return hdlr
} }
func (h *Server) NewSubscriber(topic string, handler interface{}, opts ...server.SubscriberOption) server.Subscriber {
return newSubscriber(topic, handler, opts...)
func (h *Server) Subscribe(sb server.Subscriber) error {
sub, ok := sb.(*httpSubscriber)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid subscriber: expected *httpSubscriber")
if len(sub.handlers) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid subscriber: no handler functions")
if err := server.ValidateSubscriber(sb); err != nil {
return err
_, ok = h.subscribers[sub]
if ok {
return fmt.Errorf("subscriber %v already exists", h)
h.subscribers[sub] = nil
return nil
func (h *Server) Register() error { func (h *Server) Register() error {
var eps []*register.Endpoint
h.RLock() h.RLock()
for _, hdlr := range h.handlers {
eps = append(eps, hdlr.Endpoints()...)
rsvc := h.rsvc rsvc := h.rsvc
config := h.opts config := h.opts
h.RUnlock() h.RUnlock()
@ -351,18 +303,8 @@ func (h *Server) Register() error {
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
service.Nodes[0].Metadata["protocol"] = "http"
h.Lock() service.Endpoints = eps
subscriberList := make([]*httpSubscriber, 0, len(h.subscribers))
for e := range h.subscribers {
// Only advertise non internal subscribers
subscriberList = append(subscriberList, e)
sort.Slice(subscriberList, func(i, j int) bool {
return subscriberList[i].topic > subscriberList[j].topic
h.RLock() h.RLock()
registered := h.registered registered := h.registered
@ -370,7 +312,7 @@ func (h *Server) Register() error {
if !registered { if !registered {
if config.Logger.V(logger.InfoLevel) { if config.Logger.V(logger.InfoLevel) {
config.Logger.Info(config.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Register [%s] Registering node: %s", config.Register.String(), service.Nodes[0].ID)) config.Logger.Infof(config.Context, "Register [%s] Registering node: %s", config.Register.String(), service.Nodes[0].ID)
} }
} }
@ -385,7 +327,6 @@ func (h *Server) Register() error {
} }
h.Lock() h.Lock()
h.registered = true h.registered = true
h.rsvc = service h.rsvc = service
h.Unlock() h.Unlock()
@ -393,35 +334,6 @@ func (h *Server) Register() error {
return nil return nil
} }
func (h *Server) subscribe() error {
config := h.opts
for sb := range h.subscribers {
handler := h.createSubHandler(sb, config)
var opts []broker.SubscribeOption
if queue := sb.Options().Queue; len(queue) > 0 {
opts = append(opts, broker.SubscribeGroup(queue))
subCtx := config.Context
if cx := sb.Options().Context; cx != nil {
subCtx = cx
opts = append(opts, broker.SubscribeContext(subCtx))
opts = append(opts, broker.SubscribeAutoAck(sb.Options().AutoAck))
opts = append(opts, broker.SubscribeBodyOnly(sb.Options().BodyOnly))
sub, err := config.Broker.Subscribe(subCtx, sb.Topic(), handler, opts...)
if err != nil {
return err
h.subscribers[sb] = []broker.Subscriber{sub}
return nil
func (h *Server) Deregister() error { func (h *Server) Deregister() error {
h.RLock() h.RLock()
config := h.opts config := h.opts
@ -433,7 +345,7 @@ func (h *Server) Deregister() error {
} }
if config.Logger.V(logger.InfoLevel) { if config.Logger.V(logger.InfoLevel) {
config.Logger.Info(config.Context, "Deregistering node: "+service.Nodes[0].ID) config.Logger.Infof(config.Context, "Deregistering node: %s", service.Nodes[0].ID)
} }
if err := server.DefaultDeregisterFunc(service, config); err != nil { if err := server.DefaultDeregisterFunc(service, config); err != nil {
@ -449,23 +361,6 @@ func (h *Server) Deregister() error {
} }
h.registered = false h.registered = false
subCtx := h.opts.Context
for sb, subs := range h.subscribers {
if cx := sb.Options().Context; cx != nil {
subCtx = cx
for _, sub := range subs {
config.Logger.Info(config.Context, "Unsubscribing from topic: "+sub.Topic())
if err := sub.Unsubscribe(subCtx); err != nil {
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, fmt.Sprintf("failed to unsubscribe topic: %s, error", sb.Topic()), err)
return err
h.subscribers[sb] = nil
h.Unlock() h.Unlock()
return nil return nil
} }
@ -500,7 +395,7 @@ func (h *Server) Start() error {
} }
if config.Logger.V(logger.InfoLevel) { if config.Logger.V(logger.InfoLevel) {
config.Logger.Info(config.Context, "Listening on "+ts.Addr().String()) config.Logger.Infof(config.Context, "Listening on %s", ts.Addr().String())
} }
h.Lock() h.Lock()
@ -508,6 +403,7 @@ func (h *Server) Start() error {
h.Unlock() h.Unlock()
var handler http.Handler var handler http.Handler
var srvFunc func(net.Listener) error
// nolint: nestif // nolint: nestif
if h.opts.Context != nil { if h.opts.Context != nil {
@ -538,13 +434,9 @@ func (h *Server) Start() error {
return fmt.Errorf("cant process with nil handler") return fmt.Errorf("cant process with nil handler")
} }
if err := config.Broker.Connect(h.opts.Context); err != nil {
return err
if err := config.RegisterCheck(h.opts.Context); err != nil { if err := config.RegisterCheck(h.opts.Context); err != nil {
if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Server %s-%s register check error", config.Name, config.ID), err) config.Logger.Errorf(config.Context, "Server %s-%s register check error: %s", config.Name, config.ID, err)
} }
} else { } else {
if err = h.Register(); err != nil { if err = h.Register(); err != nil {
@ -552,13 +444,8 @@ func (h *Server) Start() error {
} }
} }
if err := h.subscribe(); err != nil {
return err
fn := handler fn := handler
var hs *http.Server
if h.opts.Context != nil { if h.opts.Context != nil {
if mwf, ok := h.opts.Context.Value(middlewareKey{}).([]func(http.Handler) http.Handler); ok && len(mwf) > 0 { if mwf, ok := h.opts.Context.Value(middlewareKey{}).([]func(http.Handler) http.Handler); ok && len(mwf) > 0 {
// wrap the handler func // wrap the handler func
@ -566,22 +453,25 @@ func (h *Server) Start() error {
fn = mwf[i-1](fn) fn = mwf[i-1](fn)
} }
} }
var ok bool if hs, ok := h.opts.Context.Value(serverKey{}).(*http.Server); ok && hs != nil {
if hs, ok = h.opts.Context.Value(serverKey{}).(*http.Server); ok && hs != nil {
hs.Handler = fn hs.Handler = fn
} else { srvFunc = hs.Serve
hs = &http.Server{Handler: fn}
} }
} }
if srvFunc != nil {
go func() { go func() {
if cerr := hs.Serve(ts); cerr != nil && !errors.Is(cerr, http.ErrServerClosed) { if cerr := srvFunc(ts); cerr != nil && !errors.Is(cerr, net.ErrClosed) {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, "serve error", cerr) h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, cerr)
} }
}() }()
} else {
go func() {
if cerr := http.Serve(ts, fn); cerr != nil && !errors.Is(cerr, net.ErrClosed) {
h.opts.Logger.Error(h.opts.Context, cerr)
go func() { go func() {
t := new(time.Ticker) t := new(time.Ticker)
@ -607,28 +497,28 @@ func (h *Server) Start() error {
// nolint: nestif // nolint: nestif
if rerr != nil && registered { if rerr != nil && registered {
if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Server %s-%s register check error, deregister it", config.Name, config.ID), rerr) config.Logger.Errorf(config.Context, "Server %s-%s register check error: %s, deregister it", config.Name, config.ID, rerr)
} }
// deregister self in case of error // deregister self in case of error
if err := h.Deregister(); err != nil { if err := h.Deregister(); err != nil {
if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Server %s-%s deregister error", config.Name, config.ID), err) config.Logger.Errorf(config.Context, "Server %s-%s deregister error: %s", config.Name, config.ID, err)
} }
} }
} else if rerr != nil && !registered { } else if rerr != nil && !registered {
if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Server %s-%s register check error", config.Name, config.ID), rerr) config.Logger.Errorf(config.Context, "Server %s-%s register check error: %s", config.Name, config.ID, rerr)
} }
continue continue
} }
if err := h.Register(); err != nil { if err := h.Register(); err != nil {
if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) { if config.Logger.V(logger.ErrorLevel) {
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, fmt.Sprintf("Server %s-%s register error", config.Name, config.ID), err) config.Logger.Errorf(config.Context, "Server %s-%s register error: %s", config.Name, config.ID, err)
} }
} }
if err := h.Register(); err != nil { if err := h.Register(); err != nil {
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, "Server register error", err) config.Logger.Errorf(config.Context, "Server register error: %s", err)
} }
// wait for exit // wait for exit
case ch = <-h.exit: case ch = <-h.exit:
@ -638,28 +528,12 @@ func (h *Server) Start() error {
// deregister // deregister
if err := h.Deregister(); err != nil { if err := h.Deregister(); err != nil {
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, "Server deregister error", err) config.Logger.Errorf(config.Context, "Server deregister error: %s", err)
} }
if err := config.Broker.Disconnect(config.Context); err != nil { ch <- ts.Close()
config.Logger.Error(config.Context, "Broker disconnect error", err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), h.opts.GracefulTimeout)
defer cancel()
err := hs.Shutdown(ctx)
if err != nil {
err = hs.Close()
ch <- err
}() }()
return nil return nil
} }
@ -677,18 +551,6 @@ func (h *Server) Name() string {
return h.opts.Name return h.opts.Name
} }
func (h *Server) Live() bool {
return h.stateLive.Load() == 1
func (h *Server) Ready() bool {
return h.stateReady.Load() == 1
func (h *Server) Health() bool {
return h.stateHealth.Load() == 1
func NewServer(opts ...server.Option) *Server { func NewServer(opts ...server.Option) *Server {
options := server.NewOptions(opts...) options := server.NewOptions(opts...)
eh := DefaultErrorHandler eh := DefaultErrorHandler
@ -696,12 +558,8 @@ func NewServer(opts ...server.Option) *Server {
eh = v eh = v
} }
return &Server{ return &Server{
stateLive: &atomic.Uint32{},
stateReady: &atomic.Uint32{},
stateHealth: &atomic.Uint32{},
opts: options, opts: options,
exit: make(chan chan error), exit: make(chan chan error),
subscribers: make(map[*httpSubscriber][]broker.Subscriber),
errorHandler: eh, errorHandler: eh,
pathHandlers: rhttp.NewTrie(), pathHandlers: rhttp.NewTrie(),
} }

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package http package http
import ( import (
"" ""
"" ""
) )
type httpMessage struct { type httpMessage struct {
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ type httpMessage struct {
header metadata.Metadata header metadata.Metadata
topic string topic string
contentType string contentType string
body []byte
} }
func (r *httpMessage) Topic() string { func (r *httpMessage) Topic() string {

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"net/http" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
// SetError pass error to caller // SetError pass error to caller
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func getRspHeader(ctx context.Context) http.Header {
// GetRspCode used internally by generated http server handler // GetRspCode used internally by generated http server handler
func GetRspCode(ctx context.Context) int { func GetRspCode(ctx context.Context) int {
code := int(200) var code int
if rsp, ok := ctx.Value(rspCodeKey{}).(*rspCodeVal); ok { if rsp, ok := ctx.Value(rspCodeKey{}).(*rspCodeVal); ok {
code = rsp.code code = rsp.code
} }
@ -133,13 +133,6 @@ func RegisterRPCHandler(b bool) server.Option {
return server.SetOption(registerRPCHandlerKey{}, b) return server.SetOption(registerRPCHandlerKey{}, b)
} }
type registerCORSHandlerKey struct{}
// RegisterCORSHandler registers cors endpoints with /ServiceName.ServiceEndpoint method POPTIONSOST
func RegisterCORSHandler(b bool) server.HandlerOption {
return server.SetHandlerOption(registerCORSHandlerKey{}, b)
type handlerEndpointsKey struct{} type handlerEndpointsKey struct{}
type EndpointMetadata struct { type EndpointMetadata struct {

View File

@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
package http package http
import ( import (
"" "io"
"" ""
) )
var ( var _ server.Request = &rpcRequest{}
_ server.Request = &rpcRequest{}
_ server.Message = &rpcMessage{}
type rpcRequest struct { type rpcRequest struct {
// rw io.ReadWriter rw io.ReadWriter
payload interface{} payload interface{}
codec codec.Codec codec codec.Codec
header metadata.Metadata header metadata.Metadata
@ -23,14 +22,6 @@ type rpcRequest struct {
stream bool stream bool
} }
type rpcMessage struct {
payload interface{}
codec codec.Codec
header metadata.Metadata
topic string
contentType string
func (r *rpcRequest) ContentType() string { func (r *rpcRequest) ContentType() string {
return r.contentType return r.contentType
} }
@ -56,7 +47,11 @@ func (r *rpcRequest) Header() metadata.Metadata {
} }
func (r *rpcRequest) Read() ([]byte, error) { func (r *rpcRequest) Read() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil f := &codec.Frame{}
if err := r.codec.ReadBody(, f); err != nil {
return nil, err
return f.Data, nil
} }
func (r *rpcRequest) Stream() bool { func (r *rpcRequest) Stream() bool {
@ -66,23 +61,3 @@ func (r *rpcRequest) Stream() bool {
func (r *rpcRequest) Body() interface{} { func (r *rpcRequest) Body() interface{} {
return r.payload return r.payload
} }
func (r *rpcMessage) ContentType() string {
return r.contentType
func (r *rpcMessage) Topic() string {
return r.topic
func (r *rpcMessage) Body() interface{} {
return r.payload
func (r *rpcMessage) Header() metadata.Metadata {
return r.header
func (r *rpcMessage) Codec() codec.Codec {
return r.codec

View File

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ import (
"unicode" "unicode"
"unicode/utf8" "unicode/utf8"
"" ""
) )
var typeOfError = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
type methodType struct { type methodType struct {
ArgType reflect.Type ArgType reflect.Type
ReplyType reflect.Type ReplyType reflect.Type

View File

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
package http
import (
var typeOfError = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
type handler struct {
reqType reflect.Type
ctxType reflect.Type
method reflect.Value
type httpSubscriber struct {
topic string
rcvr reflect.Value
typ reflect.Type
subscriber interface{}
handlers []*handler
opts server.SubscriberOptions
func newSubscriber(topic string, sub interface{}, opts ...server.SubscriberOption) server.Subscriber {
options := server.NewSubscriberOptions(opts...)
var handlers []*handler
if typ := reflect.TypeOf(sub); typ.Kind() == reflect.Func {
h := &handler{
method: reflect.ValueOf(sub),
switch typ.NumIn() {
case 1:
h.reqType = typ.In(0)
case 2:
h.ctxType = typ.In(0)
h.reqType = typ.In(1)
handlers = append(handlers, h)
} else {
for m := 0; m < typ.NumMethod(); m++ {
method := typ.Method(m)
h := &handler{
method: method.Func,
switch method.Type.NumIn() {
case 2:
h.reqType = method.Type.In(1)
case 3:
h.ctxType = method.Type.In(1)
h.reqType = method.Type.In(2)
handlers = append(handlers, h)
return &httpSubscriber{
rcvr: reflect.ValueOf(sub),
typ: reflect.TypeOf(sub),
topic: topic,
subscriber: sub,
handlers: handlers,
opts: options,
func (s *Server) createSubHandler(sb *httpSubscriber, opts server.Options) broker.Handler {
return func(p broker.Event) error {
msg := p.Message()
ct := msg.Header["Content-Type"]
cf, err := s.newCodec(ct)
if err != nil {
return err
hdr := metadata.Copy(msg.Header)
ctx := metadata.NewIncomingContext(context.Background(), hdr)
results := make(chan error, len(sb.handlers))
for i := 0; i < len(sb.handlers); i++ {
handler := sb.handlers[i]
var isVal bool
var req reflect.Value
if handler.reqType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
req = reflect.New(handler.reqType.Elem())
} else {
req = reflect.New(handler.reqType)
isVal = true
if isVal {
req = req.Elem()
if err := cf.Unmarshal(msg.Body, req.Interface()); err != nil {
return err
fn := func(ctx context.Context, msg server.Message) error {
var vals []reflect.Value
if sb.typ.Kind() != reflect.Func {
vals = append(vals, sb.rcvr)
if handler.ctxType != nil {
vals = append(vals, reflect.ValueOf(ctx))
vals = append(vals, reflect.ValueOf(msg.Body()))
returnValues := handler.method.Call(vals)
if err := returnValues[0].Interface(); err != nil {
return err.(error)
return nil
opts.Hooks.EachPrev(func(hook options.Hook) {
if h, ok := hook.(server.HookSubHandler); ok {
fn = h(fn)
go func() {
results <- fn(ctx, &httpMessage{
topic: sb.topic,
contentType: ct,
payload: req.Interface(),
header: msg.Header,
codec: cf,
var errors []string
for i := 0; i < len(sb.handlers); i++ {
if err := <-results; err != nil {
errors = append(errors, err.Error())
if len(errors) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("subscriber error: %s", strings.Join(errors, "\n"))
return nil
func (s *httpSubscriber) Topic() string {
return s.topic
func (s *httpSubscriber) Subscriber() interface{} {
return s.subscriber
func (s *httpSubscriber) Options() server.SubscriberOptions {
return s.opts

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import (
"net/http" "net/http"
"strings" "strings"
"" ""
rutil "" rutil ""
) )
func FillRequest(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, opts ...FillRequestOption) error { func FillRequest(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, opts ...FillRequestOption) error {

View File

@ -7,53 +7,9 @@ import (
"strings" "strings"
"testing" "testing"
"" ""
) )
func Test_Hook(t *testing.T) {
opts := server.Options{}
var fn server.HandlerFunc = func(fctx context.Context, req server.Request, rsp interface{}) (err error) {
// fmt.Println("1")
return nil
var fn2 server.HandlerWrapper = func(next server.HandlerFunc) server.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, req server.Request, rsp interface{}) error {
// fmt.Println("2")
return next(ctx, req, rsp)
var fn3 server.HandlerWrapper = func(next server.HandlerFunc) server.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, req server.Request, rsp interface{}) error {
// fmt.Println("3")
return next(ctx, req, rsp)
var fn4 server.HandlerWrapper = func(next server.HandlerFunc) server.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, req server.Request, rsp interface{}) error {
// fmt.Println("4")
return next(ctx, req, rsp)
opts.Hooks = append(opts.Hooks, fn2, fn3, fn4)
opts.Hooks.EachNext(func(hook options.Hook) {
if h, ok := hook.(server.HandlerWrapper); ok {
// fmt.Printf("h %#+v\n", h)
fn = h(fn)
err := fn(nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
func TestFillrequest(t *testing.T) { func TestFillrequest(t *testing.T) {
md := metadata.New(1) md := metadata.New(1)
md.Set("ClientID", "xxx") md.Set("ClientID", "xxx")