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2015-05-27 00:39:48 +03:00
package server
import (
2018-03-03 14:53:52 +03:00
2016-01-27 02:32:27 +03:00
2015-05-27 00:39:48 +03:00
// Option func
type Option func(*Options)
// Options server struct
type Options struct {
// Context holds the external options and can be used for server shutdown
Context context.Context
// Broker holds the server broker
Broker broker.Broker
// Register holds the register
Register register.Register
// Tracer holds the tracer
Tracer tracer.Tracer
// Auth holds the auth
Auth auth.Auth
// Logger holds the logger
Logger logger.Logger
// Meter holds the meter
Meter meter.Meter
// Transport holds the transport
Transport transport.Transport
// Router for requests
Router Router
// Listener may be passed if already created
Listener net.Listener
// Wait group
Wait *sync.WaitGroup
// TLSConfig specifies tls.Config for secure serving
TLSConfig *tls.Config
// Metadata holds the server metadata
Metadata metadata.Metadata
// RegisterCheck run before register server
RegisterCheck func(context.Context) error
// Codecs map to handle content-type
Codecs map[string]codec.Codec
// Id holds the id of the server
Id string
// Namespace for te server
Namespace string
// Name holds the server name
Name string
// Address holds the server address
Address string
// Advertise holds the advertise address
Advertise string
// Version holds the server version
Version string
// SubWrappers holds the server subscribe wrappers
SubWrappers []SubscriberWrapper
// HdlrWrappers holds the handler wrappers
HdlrWrappers []HandlerWrapper
// RegisterAttempts holds the number of register attempts before error
RegisterAttempts int
// RegisterInterval holds he interval for re-register
RegisterInterval time.Duration
// RegisterTTL specifies TTL for register record
RegisterTTL time.Duration
// MaxConn limits number of connections
MaxConn int
// DeregisterAttempts holds the number of deregister attempts before error
DeregisterAttempts int
// NewOptions returns new options struct with default or passed values
func NewOptions(opts ...Option) Options {
options := Options{
Auth: auth.DefaultAuth,
Codecs: make(map[string]codec.Codec),
Context: context.Background(),
Metadata: metadata.New(0),
RegisterInterval: DefaultRegisterInterval,
RegisterTTL: DefaultRegisterTTL,
RegisterCheck: DefaultRegisterCheck,
Logger: logger.DefaultLogger,
Meter: meter.DefaultMeter,
Tracer: tracer.DefaultTracer,
Broker: broker.DefaultBroker,
Register: register.DefaultRegister,
Transport: transport.DefaultTransport,
Address: DefaultAddress,
Name: DefaultName,
Version: DefaultVersion,
Id: DefaultId,
Namespace: DefaultNamespace,
2015-11-25 22:50:05 +03:00
for _, o := range opts {
return options
2015-05-27 00:39:48 +03:00
// Name sets the server name option
func Name(n string) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Name = n
// Namespace to register handlers in
func Namespace(n string) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Namespace = n
// Logger sets the logger option
func Logger(l logger.Logger) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Logger = l
// Meter sets the meter option
func Meter(m meter.Meter) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Meter = m
// Id unique server id
func Id(id string) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Id = id
2015-11-26 03:23:36 +03:00
// Version of the service
func Version(v string) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Version = v
2015-11-26 03:23:36 +03:00
// Address to bind to - host:port
func Address(a string) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Address = a
// Advertise the address to advertise for discovery - host:port
2015-11-11 21:22:04 +03:00
func Advertise(a string) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Advertise = a
2015-11-11 21:22:04 +03:00
2015-11-26 03:23:36 +03:00
// Broker to use for pub/sub
func Broker(b broker.Broker) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Broker = b
2015-11-26 03:23:36 +03:00
// Codec to use to encode/decode requests for a given content type
func Codec(contentType string, c codec.Codec) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Codecs[contentType] = c
2015-11-25 22:50:05 +03:00
// Context specifies a context for the service.
// Can be used to signal shutdown of the service
// Can be used for extra option values.
func Context(ctx context.Context) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Context = ctx
// Register used for discovery
func Register(r register.Register) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Register = r
2020-01-29 18:45:11 +03:00
// Tracer mechanism for distributed tracking
func Tracer(t tracer.Tracer) Option {
2020-01-29 18:45:11 +03:00
return func(o *Options) {
o.Tracer = t
// Auth mechanism for role based access control
func Auth(a auth.Auth) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Auth = a
2015-11-26 03:23:36 +03:00
// Transport mechanism for communication e.g http, rabbitmq, etc
func Transport(t transport.Transport) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Transport = t
2015-11-26 03:23:36 +03:00
// Metadata associated with the server
func Metadata(md metadata.Metadata) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Metadata = metadata.Copy(md)
// RegisterCheck run func before register service
func RegisterCheck(fn func(context.Context) error) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.RegisterCheck = fn
// RegisterTTL registers service with a TTL
2016-01-27 15:23:18 +03:00
func RegisterTTL(t time.Duration) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.RegisterTTL = t
// RegisterInterval registers service with at interval
2019-01-24 16:22:17 +03:00
func RegisterInterval(t time.Duration) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.RegisterInterval = t
// TLSConfig specifies a *tls.Config
func TLSConfig(t *tls.Config) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
// set the internal tls
o.TLSConfig = t
// set the default transport if one is not
// already set. Required for Init call below.
// set the transport tls
2019-01-08 23:32:47 +03:00
// WithRouter sets the request router
func WithRouter(r Router) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Router = r
2019-01-08 23:32:47 +03:00
2017-05-31 21:47:50 +03:00
// Wait tells the server to wait for requests to finish before exiting
// If `wg` is nil, server only wait for completion of rpc handler.
// For user need finer grained control, pass a concrete `wg` here, server will
// wait against it on stop.
func Wait(wg *sync.WaitGroup) Option {
2017-05-31 21:47:50 +03:00
return func(o *Options) {
if wg == nil {
wg = new(sync.WaitGroup)
o.Wait = wg
2017-05-31 21:47:50 +03:00
// WrapHandler adds a handler Wrapper to a list of options passed into the server
2015-12-02 14:54:36 +03:00
func WrapHandler(w HandlerWrapper) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.HdlrWrappers = append(o.HdlrWrappers, w)
2015-12-02 14:54:36 +03:00
// WrapSubscriber adds a subscriber Wrapper to a list of options passed into the server
2015-12-02 14:54:36 +03:00
func WrapSubscriber(w SubscriberWrapper) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.SubWrappers = append(o.SubWrappers, w)
2015-12-02 14:54:36 +03:00
// MaxConn specifies maximum number of max simultaneous connections to server
func MaxConn(n int) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.MaxConn = n
// Listener specifies the net.Listener to use instead of the default
func Listener(l net.Listener) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Listener = l
// HandlerOption func
type HandlerOption func(*HandlerOptions)
// HandlerOptions struct
type HandlerOptions struct {
// Context holds external options
Context context.Context
// Metadata for hondler
Metadata map[string]metadata.Metadata
// Internal flag limits exporting to other nodes via register
Internal bool
// NewHandlerOptions creates new HandlerOptions
func NewHandlerOptions(opts ...HandlerOption) HandlerOptions {
options := HandlerOptions{
Context: context.Background(),
Metadata: make(map[string]metadata.Metadata),
for _, o := range opts {
return options
// SubscriberOption func
type SubscriberOption func(*SubscriberOptions)
// SubscriberOptions struct
type SubscriberOptions struct {
// Context holds the external options
Context context.Context
// Queue holds the subscription queue
Queue string
// AutoAck flag for auto ack messages after processing
AutoAck bool
// Internal flag limit exporting info via register
Internal bool
// BodyOnly flag specifies that message without headers
BodyOnly bool
// NewSubscriberOptions create new SubscriberOptions
func NewSubscriberOptions(opts ...SubscriberOption) SubscriberOptions {
options := SubscriberOptions{
AutoAck: true,
Context: context.Background(),
for _, o := range opts {
return options
// EndpointMetadata is a Handler option that allows metadata to be added to
// individual endpoints.
func EndpointMetadata(name string, md metadata.Metadata) HandlerOption {
return func(o *HandlerOptions) {
o.Metadata[name] = metadata.Copy(md)
// InternalHandler options specifies that a handler is not advertised
// to the discovery system. In the future this may also limit request
// to the internal network or authorised user.
func InternalHandler(b bool) HandlerOption {
return func(o *HandlerOptions) {
o.Internal = b
// InternalSubscriber options specifies that a subscriber is not advertised
// to the discovery system.
func InternalSubscriber(b bool) SubscriberOption {
return func(o *SubscriberOptions) {
o.Internal = b
// DisableAutoAck will disable auto acking of messages
// after they have been handled.
func DisableAutoAck() SubscriberOption {
return func(o *SubscriberOptions) {
o.AutoAck = false
// SubscriberQueue sets the shared queue name distributed messages across subscribers
func SubscriberQueue(n string) SubscriberOption {
return func(o *SubscriberOptions) {
o.Queue = n
// SubscriberGroup sets the shared group name distributed messages across subscribers
func SubscriberGroup(n string) SubscriberOption {
return func(o *SubscriberOptions) {
o.Queue = n
// SubscriberBodyOnly says broker that message contains raw data with absence of micro broker.Message format
func SubscriberBodyOnly(b bool) SubscriberOption {
return func(o *SubscriberOptions) {
o.BodyOnly = b
// SubscriberContext set context options to allow broker SubscriberOption passed
func SubscriberContext(ctx context.Context) SubscriberOption {
return func(o *SubscriberOptions) {
o.Context = ctx