Remove consul registry (#818)
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import (
// registries
rmem ""
@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ var (
Name: "registry",
Usage: "Registry for discovery. consul, etcd, mdns",
Usage: "Registry for discovery. etcd, mdns",
Name: "registry_address",
@ -196,7 +195,6 @@ var (
DefaultRegistries = map[string]func(...registry.Option) registry.Registry{
"go.micro.registry": regSrv.NewRegistry,
"service": regSrv.NewRegistry,
"consul": consul.NewRegistry,
"etcd": etcd.NewRegistry,
"mdns": mdns.NewRegistry,
"memory": rmem.NewRegistry,
@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
package consul
import (
consul ""
mnet ""
hash ""
type consulRegistry struct {
Address []string
opts registry.Options
client *consul.Client
config *consul.Config
// connect enabled
connect bool
queryOptions *consul.QueryOptions
register map[string]uint64
// lastChecked tracks when a node was last checked as existing in Consul
lastChecked map[string]time.Time
func getDeregisterTTL(t time.Duration) time.Duration {
// splay slightly for the watcher?
splay := time.Second * 5
deregTTL := t + splay
// consul has a minimum timeout on deregistration of 1 minute.
if t < time.Minute {
deregTTL = time.Minute + splay
return deregTTL
func newTransport(config *tls.Config) *http.Transport {
if config == nil {
config = &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
t := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
Dial: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
TLSClientConfig: config,
runtime.SetFinalizer(&t, func(tr **http.Transport) {
return t
func configure(c *consulRegistry, opts ...registry.Option) {
// set opts
for _, o := range opts {
// use default config
config := consul.DefaultConfig()
if c.opts.Context != nil {
// Use the consul config passed in the options, if available
if co, ok := c.opts.Context.Value("consul_config").(*consul.Config); ok {
config = co
if cn, ok := c.opts.Context.Value("consul_connect").(bool); ok {
c.connect = cn
// Use the consul query options passed in the options, if available
if qo, ok := c.opts.Context.Value("consul_query_options").(*consul.QueryOptions); ok && qo != nil {
c.queryOptions = qo
if as, ok := c.opts.Context.Value("consul_allow_stale").(bool); ok {
c.queryOptions.AllowStale = as
// check if there are any addrs
var addrs []string
// iterate the options addresses
for _, address := range c.opts.Addrs {
// check we have a port
addr, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(address)
if ae, ok := err.(*net.AddrError); ok && ae.Err == "missing port in address" {
port = "8500"
addr = address
addrs = append(addrs, net.JoinHostPort(addr, port))
} else if err == nil {
addrs = append(addrs, net.JoinHostPort(addr, port))
// set the addrs
if len(addrs) > 0 {
c.Address = addrs
config.Address = c.Address[0]
if config.HttpClient == nil {
config.HttpClient = new(http.Client)
// requires secure connection?
if c.opts.Secure || c.opts.TLSConfig != nil {
config.Scheme = "https"
// We're going to support InsecureSkipVerify
config.HttpClient.Transport = newTransport(c.opts.TLSConfig)
// set timeout
if c.opts.Timeout > 0 {
config.HttpClient.Timeout = c.opts.Timeout
// set the config
c.config = config
// remove client
c.client = nil
// setup the client
func (c *consulRegistry) Init(opts ...registry.Option) error {
configure(c, opts...)
return nil
func (c *consulRegistry) Deregister(s *registry.Service) error {
if len(s.Nodes) == 0 {
return errors.New("Require at least one node")
// delete our hash and time check of the service
delete(c.register, s.Name)
delete(c.lastChecked, s.Name)
node := s.Nodes[0]
return c.Client().Agent().ServiceDeregister(node.Id)
func (c *consulRegistry) Register(s *registry.Service, opts ...registry.RegisterOption) error {
if len(s.Nodes) == 0 {
return errors.New("Require at least one node")
var regTCPCheck bool
var regInterval time.Duration
var options registry.RegisterOptions
for _, o := range opts {
if c.opts.Context != nil {
if tcpCheckInterval, ok := c.opts.Context.Value("consul_tcp_check").(time.Duration); ok {
regTCPCheck = true
regInterval = tcpCheckInterval
// create hash of service; uint64
h, err := hash.Hash(s, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
// use first node
node := s.Nodes[0]
// get existing hash and last checked time
v, ok := c.register[s.Name]
lastChecked := c.lastChecked[s.Name]
// if it's already registered and matches then just pass the check
if ok && v == h {
if options.TTL == time.Duration(0) {
// ensure that our service hasn't been deregistered by Consul
if time.Since(lastChecked) <= getDeregisterTTL(regInterval) {
return nil
services, _, err := c.Client().Health().Checks(s.Name, c.queryOptions)
if err == nil {
for _, v := range services {
if v.ServiceID == node.Id {
return nil
} else {
// if the err is nil we're all good, bail out
// if not, we don't know what the state is, so full re-register
if err := c.Client().Agent().PassTTL("service:"+node.Id, ""); err == nil {
return nil
// encode the tags
tags := encodeMetadata(node.Metadata)
tags = append(tags, encodeEndpoints(s.Endpoints)...)
tags = append(tags, encodeVersion(s.Version)...)
var check *consul.AgentServiceCheck
if regTCPCheck {
deregTTL := getDeregisterTTL(regInterval)
check = &consul.AgentServiceCheck{
TCP: node.Address,
Interval: fmt.Sprintf("%v", regInterval),
DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter: fmt.Sprintf("%v", deregTTL),
// if the TTL is greater than 0 create an associated check
} else if options.TTL > time.Duration(0) {
deregTTL := getDeregisterTTL(options.TTL)
check = &consul.AgentServiceCheck{
TTL: fmt.Sprintf("%v", options.TTL),
DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter: fmt.Sprintf("%v", deregTTL),
host, pt, _ := net.SplitHostPort(node.Address)
if host == "" {
host = node.Address
port, _ := strconv.Atoi(pt)
// register the service
asr := &consul.AgentServiceRegistration{
ID: node.Id,
Name: s.Name,
Tags: tags,
Port: port,
Address: host,
Check: check,
// Specify consul connect
if c.connect {
asr.Connect = &consul.AgentServiceConnect{
Native: true,
if err := c.Client().Agent().ServiceRegister(asr); err != nil {
return err
// save our hash and time check of the service
c.register[s.Name] = h
c.lastChecked[s.Name] = time.Now()
// if the TTL is 0 we don't mess with the checks
if options.TTL == time.Duration(0) {
return nil
// pass the healthcheck
return c.Client().Agent().PassTTL("service:"+node.Id, "")
func (c *consulRegistry) GetService(name string) ([]*registry.Service, error) {
var rsp []*consul.ServiceEntry
var err error
// if we're connect enabled only get connect services
if c.connect {
rsp, _, err = c.Client().Health().Connect(name, "", false, c.queryOptions)
} else {
rsp, _, err = c.Client().Health().Service(name, "", false, c.queryOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
serviceMap := map[string]*registry.Service{}
for _, s := range rsp {
if s.Service.Service != name {
// version is now a tag
version, _ := decodeVersion(s.Service.Tags)
// service ID is now the node id
id := s.Service.ID
// key is always the version
key := version
// address is service address
address := s.Service.Address
// use node address
if len(address) == 0 {
address = s.Node.Address
svc, ok := serviceMap[key]
if !ok {
svc = ®istry.Service{
Endpoints: decodeEndpoints(s.Service.Tags),
Name: s.Service.Service,
Version: version,
serviceMap[key] = svc
var del bool
for _, check := range s.Checks {
// delete the node if the status is critical
if check.Status == "critical" {
del = true
// if delete then skip the node
if del {
svc.Nodes = append(svc.Nodes, ®istry.Node{
Id: id,
Address: mnet.HostPort(address, s.Service.Port),
Metadata: decodeMetadata(s.Service.Tags),
var services []*registry.Service
for _, service := range serviceMap {
services = append(services, service)
return services, nil
func (c *consulRegistry) ListServices() ([]*registry.Service, error) {
rsp, _, err := c.Client().Catalog().Services(c.queryOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var services []*registry.Service
for service := range rsp {
services = append(services, ®istry.Service{Name: service})
return services, nil
func (c *consulRegistry) Watch(opts ...registry.WatchOption) (registry.Watcher, error) {
return newConsulWatcher(c, opts...)
func (c *consulRegistry) String() string {
return "consul"
func (c *consulRegistry) Options() registry.Options {
return c.opts
func (c *consulRegistry) Client() *consul.Client {
if c.client != nil {
return c.client
for _, addr := range c.Address {
// set the address
c.config.Address = addr
// create a new client
tmpClient, _ := consul.NewClient(c.config)
// test the client
_, err := tmpClient.Agent().Host()
if err != nil {
// set the client
c.client = tmpClient
return c.client
// set the default
c.client, _ = consul.NewClient(c.config)
// return the client
return c.client
func NewRegistry(opts ...registry.Option) registry.Registry {
cr := &consulRegistry{
opts: registry.Options{},
register: make(map[string]uint64),
lastChecked: make(map[string]time.Time),
queryOptions: &consul.QueryOptions{
AllowStale: true,
configure(cr, opts...)
return cr
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
package consul
import (
func encode(buf []byte) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
defer b.Reset()
w := zlib.NewWriter(&b)
if _, err := w.Write(buf); err != nil {
return ""
return hex.EncodeToString(b.Bytes())
func decode(d string) []byte {
hr, err := hex.DecodeString(d)
if err != nil {
return nil
br := bytes.NewReader(hr)
zr, err := zlib.NewReader(br)
if err != nil {
return nil
rbuf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(zr)
if err != nil {
return nil
return rbuf
func encodeEndpoints(en []*registry.Endpoint) []string {
var tags []string
for _, e := range en {
if b, err := json.Marshal(e); err == nil {
tags = append(tags, "e-"+encode(b))
return tags
func decodeEndpoints(tags []string) []*registry.Endpoint {
var en []*registry.Endpoint
// use the first format you find
var ver byte
for _, tag := range tags {
if len(tag) == 0 || tag[0] != 'e' {
// check version
if ver > 0 && tag[1] != ver {
var e *registry.Endpoint
var buf []byte
// Old encoding was plain
if tag[1] == '=' {
buf = []byte(tag[2:])
// New encoding is hex
if tag[1] == '-' {
buf = decode(tag[2:])
if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &e); err == nil {
en = append(en, e)
// set version
ver = tag[1]
return en
func encodeMetadata(md map[string]string) []string {
var tags []string
for k, v := range md {
if b, err := json.Marshal(map[string]string{
k: v,
}); err == nil {
// new encoding
tags = append(tags, "t-"+encode(b))
return tags
func decodeMetadata(tags []string) map[string]string {
md := make(map[string]string)
var ver byte
for _, tag := range tags {
if len(tag) == 0 || tag[0] != 't' {
// check version
if ver > 0 && tag[1] != ver {
var kv map[string]string
var buf []byte
// Old encoding was plain
if tag[1] == '=' {
buf = []byte(tag[2:])
// New encoding is hex
if tag[1] == '-' {
buf = decode(tag[2:])
// Now unmarshal
if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &kv); err == nil {
for k, v := range kv {
md[k] = v
// set version
ver = tag[1]
return md
func encodeVersion(v string) []string {
return []string{"v-" + encode([]byte(v))}
func decodeVersion(tags []string) (string, bool) {
for _, tag := range tags {
if len(tag) < 2 || tag[0] != 'v' {
// Old encoding was plain
if tag[1] == '=' {
return tag[2:], true
// New encoding is hex
if tag[1] == '-' {
return string(decode(tag[2:])), true
return "", false
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
package consul
import (
func TestEncodingEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
eps := []*registry.Endpoint{
Name: "endpoint1",
Request: ®istry.Value{
Name: "request",
Type: "request",
Response: ®istry.Value{
Name: "response",
Type: "response",
Metadata: map[string]string{
"foo1": "bar1",
Name: "endpoint2",
Request: ®istry.Value{
Name: "request",
Type: "request",
Response: ®istry.Value{
Name: "response",
Type: "response",
Metadata: map[string]string{
"foo2": "bar2",
Name: "endpoint3",
Request: ®istry.Value{
Name: "request",
Type: "request",
Response: ®istry.Value{
Name: "response",
Type: "response",
Metadata: map[string]string{
"foo3": "bar3",
testEp := func(ep *registry.Endpoint, enc string) {
// encode endpoint
e := encodeEndpoints([]*registry.Endpoint{ep})
// check there are two tags; old and new
if len(e) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 1 encoded tags, got %v", e)
// check old encoding
var seen bool
for _, en := range e {
if en == enc {
seen = true
if !seen {
t.Fatalf("Expected %s but not found", enc)
// decode
d := decodeEndpoints([]string{enc})
if len(d) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected %v got %v", ep, d)
// check name
if d[0].Name != ep.Name {
t.Fatalf("Expected ep %s got %s", ep.Name, d[0].Name)
// check all the metadata exists
for k, v := range ep.Metadata {
if gv := d[0].Metadata[k]; gv != v {
t.Fatalf("Expected key %s val %s got val %s", k, v, gv)
for _, ep := range eps {
// JSON encoded
jencoded, err := json.Marshal(ep)
if err != nil {
// HEX encoded
hencoded := encode(jencoded)
// endpoint tag
hepTag := "e-" + hencoded
testEp(ep, hepTag)
func TestEncodingVersion(t *testing.T) {
testData := []struct {
decoded string
encoded string
{"1.0.0", "v-789c32d433d03300040000ffff02ce00ee"},
{"latest", "v-789cca492c492d2e01040000ffff08cc028e"},
for _, data := range testData {
e := encodeVersion(data.decoded)
if e[0] != data.encoded {
t.Fatalf("Expected %s got %s", data.encoded, e)
d, ok := decodeVersion(e)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected %t for %s", ok, data.encoded)
if d != data.decoded {
t.Fatalf("Expected %s got %s", data.decoded, d)
d, ok = decodeVersion([]string{data.encoded})
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected %t for %s", ok, data.encoded)
if d != data.decoded {
t.Fatalf("Expected %s got %s", data.decoded, d)
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
package consul
import (
consul ""
// Connect specifies services should be registered as Consul Connect services
func Connect() registry.Option {
return func(o *registry.Options) {
if o.Context == nil {
o.Context = context.Background()
o.Context = context.WithValue(o.Context, "consul_connect", true)
func Config(c *consul.Config) registry.Option {
return func(o *registry.Options) {
if o.Context == nil {
o.Context = context.Background()
o.Context = context.WithValue(o.Context, "consul_config", c)
// AllowStale sets whether any Consul server (non-leader) can service
// a read. This allows for lower latency and higher throughput
// at the cost of potentially stale data.
// Works similar to Consul DNS Config option [1].
// Defaults to true.
// [1]
func AllowStale(v bool) registry.Option {
return func(o *registry.Options) {
if o.Context == nil {
o.Context = context.Background()
o.Context = context.WithValue(o.Context, "consul_allow_stale", v)
// QueryOptions specifies the QueryOptions to be used when calling
// Consul. See `Consul API` for more information [1].
// [1]
func QueryOptions(q *consul.QueryOptions) registry.Option {
return func(o *registry.Options) {
if q == nil {
if o.Context == nil {
o.Context = context.Background()
o.Context = context.WithValue(o.Context, "consul_query_options", q)
// TCPCheck will tell the service provider to check the service address
// and port every `t` interval. It will enabled only if `t` is greater than 0.
// See `TCP + Interval` for more information [1].
// [1]
func TCPCheck(t time.Duration) registry.Option {
return func(o *registry.Options) {
if t <= time.Duration(0) {
if o.Context == nil {
o.Context = context.Background()
o.Context = context.WithValue(o.Context, "consul_tcp_check", t)
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
package consul
import (
consul ""
type mockRegistry struct {
body []byte
status int
err error
url string
func encodeData(obj interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
enc := json.NewEncoder(buf)
if err := enc.Encode(obj); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
func newMockServer(rg *mockRegistry, l net.Listener) error {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc(rg.url, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if rg.err != nil {
http.Error(w, rg.err.Error(), 500)
return http.Serve(l, mux)
func newConsulTestRegistry(r *mockRegistry) (*consulRegistry, func()) {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0")
if err != nil {
// blurgh?!!
cfg := consul.DefaultConfig()
cfg.Address = l.Addr().String()
go newMockServer(r, l)
var cr = &consulRegistry{
config: cfg,
Address: []string{cfg.Address},
opts: registry.Options{},
register: make(map[string]uint64),
lastChecked: make(map[string]time.Time),
queryOptions: &consul.QueryOptions{
AllowStale: true,
return cr, func() {
func newServiceList(svc []*consul.ServiceEntry) []byte {
bts, _ := encodeData(svc)
return bts
func TestConsul_GetService_WithError(t *testing.T) {
cr, cl := newConsulTestRegistry(&mockRegistry{
err: errors.New("client-error"),
url: "/v1/health/service/service-name",
defer cl()
if _, err := cr.GetService("test-service"); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected error not to be `nil`")
func TestConsul_GetService_WithHealthyServiceNodes(t *testing.T) {
// warning is still seen as healthy, critical is not
svcs := []*consul.ServiceEntry{
"node-name-1", "node-address-1", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name-1", "service-name", "passing"),
newHealthCheck("node-name-1", "service-name", "warning"),
"node-name-2", "node-address-2", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name-2", "service-name", "passing"),
newHealthCheck("node-name-2", "service-name", "warning"),
cr, cl := newConsulTestRegistry(&mockRegistry{
status: 200,
body: newServiceList(svcs),
url: "/v1/health/service/service-name",
defer cl()
svc, err := cr.GetService("service-name")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)
if exp, act := 1, len(svc); exp != act {
t.Fatalf("Expected len of svc to be `%d`, got `%d`.", exp, act)
if exp, act := 2, len(svc[0].Nodes); exp != act {
t.Fatalf("Expected len of nodes to be `%d`, got `%d`.", exp, act)
func TestConsul_GetService_WithUnhealthyServiceNode(t *testing.T) {
// warning is still seen as healthy, critical is not
svcs := []*consul.ServiceEntry{
"node-name-1", "node-address-1", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name-1", "service-name", "passing"),
newHealthCheck("node-name-1", "service-name", "warning"),
"node-name-2", "node-address-2", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name-2", "service-name", "passing"),
newHealthCheck("node-name-2", "service-name", "critical"),
cr, cl := newConsulTestRegistry(&mockRegistry{
status: 200,
body: newServiceList(svcs),
url: "/v1/health/service/service-name",
defer cl()
svc, err := cr.GetService("service-name")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)
if exp, act := 1, len(svc); exp != act {
t.Fatalf("Expected len of svc to be `%d`, got `%d`.", exp, act)
if exp, act := 1, len(svc[0].Nodes); exp != act {
t.Fatalf("Expected len of nodes to be `%d`, got `%d`.", exp, act)
func TestConsul_GetService_WithUnhealthyServiceNodes(t *testing.T) {
// warning is still seen as healthy, critical is not
svcs := []*consul.ServiceEntry{
"node-name-1", "node-address-1", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name-1", "service-name", "passing"),
newHealthCheck("node-name-1", "service-name", "critical"),
"node-name-2", "node-address-2", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name-2", "service-name", "passing"),
newHealthCheck("node-name-2", "service-name", "critical"),
cr, cl := newConsulTestRegistry(&mockRegistry{
status: 200,
body: newServiceList(svcs),
url: "/v1/health/service/service-name",
defer cl()
svc, err := cr.GetService("service-name")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)
if exp, act := 1, len(svc); exp != act {
t.Fatalf("Expected len of svc to be `%d`, got `%d`.", exp, act)
if exp, act := 0, len(svc[0].Nodes); exp != act {
t.Fatalf("Expected len of nodes to be `%d`, got `%d`.", exp, act)
@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
package consul
import (
type consulWatcher struct {
r *consulRegistry
wo registry.WatchOptions
wp *watch.Plan
watchers map[string]*watch.Plan
next chan *registry.Result
exit chan bool
services map[string][]*registry.Service
func newConsulWatcher(cr *consulRegistry, opts ...registry.WatchOption) (registry.Watcher, error) {
var wo registry.WatchOptions
for _, o := range opts {
cw := &consulWatcher{
r: cr,
wo: wo,
exit: make(chan bool),
next: make(chan *registry.Result, 10),
watchers: make(map[string]*watch.Plan),
services: make(map[string][]*registry.Service),
wp, err := watch.Parse(map[string]interface{}{"type": "services"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
wp.Handler = cw.handle
go wp.RunWithClientAndLogger(cr.Client(), log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags))
cw.wp = wp
return cw, nil
func (cw *consulWatcher) serviceHandler(idx uint64, data interface{}) {
entries, ok := data.([]*api.ServiceEntry)
if !ok {
serviceMap := map[string]*registry.Service{}
serviceName := ""
for _, e := range entries {
serviceName = e.Service.Service
// version is now a tag
version, _ := decodeVersion(e.Service.Tags)
// service ID is now the node id
id := e.Service.ID
// key is always the version
key := version
// address is service address
address := e.Service.Address
// use node address
if len(address) == 0 {
address = e.Node.Address
svc, ok := serviceMap[key]
if !ok {
svc = ®istry.Service{
Endpoints: decodeEndpoints(e.Service.Tags),
Name: e.Service.Service,
Version: version,
serviceMap[key] = svc
var del bool
for _, check := range e.Checks {
// delete the node if the status is critical
if check.Status == "critical" {
del = true
// if delete then skip the node
if del {
svc.Nodes = append(svc.Nodes, ®istry.Node{
Id: id,
Address: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", address, e.Service.Port),
Metadata: decodeMetadata(e.Service.Tags),
// make a copy
rservices := make(map[string][]*registry.Service)
for k, v := range {
rservices[k] = v
var newServices []*registry.Service
// serviceMap is the new set of services keyed by name+version
for _, newService := range serviceMap {
// append to the new set of cached services
newServices = append(newServices, newService)
// check if the service exists in the existing cache
oldServices, ok := rservices[serviceName]
if !ok {
// does not exist? then we're creating brand new entries
|||| <- ®istry.Result{Action: "create", Service: newService}
// service exists. ok let's figure out what to update and delete version wise
action := "create"
for _, oldService := range oldServices {
// does this version exist?
// no? then default to create
if oldService.Version != newService.Version {
// yes? then it's an update
action = "update"
var nodes []*registry.Node
// check the old nodes to see if they've been deleted
for _, oldNode := range oldService.Nodes {
var seen bool
for _, newNode := range newService.Nodes {
if newNode.Id == oldNode.Id {
seen = true
// does the old node exist in the new set of nodes
// no? then delete that shit
if !seen {
nodes = append(nodes, oldNode)
// it's an update rather than creation
if len(nodes) > 0 {
delService := registry.CopyService(oldService)
delService.Nodes = nodes
|||| <- ®istry.Result{Action: "delete", Service: delService}
|||| <- ®istry.Result{Action: action, Service: newService}
// Now check old versions that may not be in new services map
for _, old := range rservices[serviceName] {
// old version does not exist in new version map
// kill it with fire!
if _, ok := serviceMap[old.Version]; !ok {
|||| <- ®istry.Result{Action: "delete", Service: old}
||||[serviceName] = newServices
func (cw *consulWatcher) handle(idx uint64, data interface{}) {
services, ok := data.(map[string][]string)
if !ok {
// add new watchers
for service, _ := range services {
// Filter on watch options
// wo.Service: Only watch services we care about
if len(cw.wo.Service) > 0 && service != cw.wo.Service {
if _, ok := cw.watchers[service]; ok {
wp, err := watch.Parse(map[string]interface{}{
"type": "service",
"service": service,
if err == nil {
wp.Handler = cw.serviceHandler
go wp.RunWithClientAndLogger(cw.r.Client(), log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags))
cw.watchers[service] = wp
|||| <- ®istry.Result{Action: "create", Service: ®istry.Service{Name: service}}
// make a copy
rservices := make(map[string][]*registry.Service)
for k, v := range {
rservices[k] = v
// remove unknown services from registry
// save the things we want to delete
deleted := make(map[string][]*registry.Service)
for service, _ := range rservices {
if _, ok := services[service]; !ok {
// save this before deleting
deleted[service] =[service]
delete(, service)
// remove unknown services from watchers
for service, w := range cw.watchers {
if _, ok := services[service]; !ok {
delete(cw.watchers, service)
for _, oldService := range deleted[service] {
// send a delete for the service nodes that we're removing
|||| <- ®istry.Result{Action: "delete", Service: oldService}
// sent the empty list as the last resort to indicate to delete the entire service
|||| <- ®istry.Result{Action: "delete", Service: ®istry.Service{Name: service}}
func (cw *consulWatcher) Next() (*registry.Result, error) {
select {
case <-cw.exit:
return nil, registry.ErrWatcherStopped
case r, ok := <
if !ok {
return nil, registry.ErrWatcherStopped
return r, nil
// NOTE: This is a dead code path: e.g. it will never be reached
// as we return in all previous code paths never leading to this return
return nil, registry.ErrWatcherStopped
func (cw *consulWatcher) Stop() {
select {
case <-cw.exit:
if cw.wp == nil {
// drain results
for {
select {
case <
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
package consul
import (
func TestHealthyServiceHandler(t *testing.T) {
watcher := newWatcher()
serviceEntry := newServiceEntry(
"node-name", "node-address", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name", "service-name", "passing"),
watcher.serviceHandler(1234, []*api.ServiceEntry{serviceEntry})
if len(["service-name"][0].Nodes) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected length of the service nodes to be 1")
func TestUnhealthyServiceHandler(t *testing.T) {
watcher := newWatcher()
serviceEntry := newServiceEntry(
"node-name", "node-address", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name", "service-name", "critical"),
watcher.serviceHandler(1234, []*api.ServiceEntry{serviceEntry})
if len(["service-name"][0].Nodes) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected length of the service nodes to be 0")
func TestUnhealthyNodeServiceHandler(t *testing.T) {
watcher := newWatcher()
serviceEntry := newServiceEntry(
"node-name", "node-address", "service-name", "v1.0.0",
newHealthCheck("node-name", "service-name", "passing"),
newHealthCheck("node-name", "serfHealth", "critical"),
watcher.serviceHandler(1234, []*api.ServiceEntry{serviceEntry})
if len(["service-name"][0].Nodes) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected length of the service nodes to be 0")
func newWatcher() *consulWatcher {
return &consulWatcher{
exit: make(chan bool),
next: make(chan *registry.Result, 10),
services: make(map[string][]*registry.Service),
func newHealthCheck(node, name, status string) *api.HealthCheck {
return &api.HealthCheck{
Node: node,
Name: name,
Status: status,
ServiceName: name,
func newServiceEntry(node, address, name, version string, checks []*api.HealthCheck) *api.ServiceEntry {
return &api.ServiceEntry{
Node: &api.Node{Node: node, Address: name},
Service: &api.AgentService{
Service: name,
Address: address,
Tags: encodeVersion(version),
Checks: checks,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user