package broker

import (


// Options struct
type Options struct {
	// Tracer used for tracing
	Tracer tracer.Tracer
	// Register can be used for clustering
	Register register.Register
	// Codec holds the codec for marshal/unmarshal
	Codec codec.Codec
	// Logger used for logging
	Logger logger.Logger
	// Meter used for metrics
	Meter meter.Meter
	// Context holds external options
	Context context.Context
	// TLSConfig holds tls.TLSConfig options
	TLSConfig *tls.Config
	// ErrorHandler used when broker can't unmarshal incoming message
	ErrorHandler Handler
	// BatchErrorHandler used when broker can't unmashal incoming messages
	BatchErrorHandler BatchHandler
	// Name holds the broker name
	Name string
	// Addrs holds the broker address
	Addrs []string
	// Wait waits for a collection of goroutines to finish
	Wait *sync.WaitGroup
	// GracefulTimeout contains time to wait to finish in flight requests
	GracefulTimeout time.Duration
	// Hooks can be run before broker Publish/BatchPublish and
	// Subscribe/BatchSubscribe methods
	Hooks options.Hooks

// NewOptions create new Options
func NewOptions(opts ...Option) Options {
	options := Options{
		Register:        register.DefaultRegister,
		Logger:          logger.DefaultLogger,
		Context:         context.Background(),
		Meter:           meter.DefaultMeter,
		Codec:           codec.DefaultCodec,
		Tracer:          tracer.DefaultTracer,
		GracefulTimeout: DefaultGracefulTimeout,
	for _, o := range opts {
	return options

// Context sets the context option
func Context(ctx context.Context) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Context = ctx

// PublishOptions struct
type PublishOptions struct {
	// Context holds external options
	Context context.Context
	// BodyOnly flag says the message contains raw body bytes
	BodyOnly bool

// NewPublishOptions creates PublishOptions struct
func NewPublishOptions(opts ...PublishOption) PublishOptions {
	options := PublishOptions{
		Context: context.Background(),
	for _, o := range opts {
	return options

// SubscribeOptions struct
type SubscribeOptions struct {
	// Context holds external options
	Context context.Context
	// ErrorHandler used when broker can't unmarshal incoming message
	ErrorHandler Handler
	// BatchErrorHandler used when broker can't unmashal incoming messages
	BatchErrorHandler BatchHandler
	// Group holds consumer group
	Group string
	// AutoAck flag specifies auto ack of incoming message when no error happens
	AutoAck bool
	// BodyOnly flag specifies that message contains only body bytes without header
	BodyOnly bool
	// BatchSize flag specifies max batch size
	BatchSize int
	// BatchWait flag specifies max wait time for batch filling
	BatchWait time.Duration

// Option func
type Option func(*Options)

// PublishOption func
type PublishOption func(*PublishOptions)

// PublishBodyOnly publish only body of the message
func PublishBodyOnly(b bool) PublishOption {
	return func(o *PublishOptions) {
		o.BodyOnly = b

// PublishContext sets the context
func PublishContext(ctx context.Context) PublishOption {
	return func(o *PublishOptions) {
		o.Context = ctx

// Addrs sets the host addresses to be used by the broker
func Addrs(addrs ...string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Addrs = addrs

// Codec sets the codec used for encoding/decoding used where
// a broker does not support headers
func Codec(c codec.Codec) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Codec = c

// ErrorHandler will catch all broker errors that cant be handled
// in normal way, for example Codec errors
func ErrorHandler(h Handler) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.ErrorHandler = h

// BatchErrorHandler will catch all broker errors that cant be handled
// in normal way, for example Codec errors
func BatchErrorHandler(h BatchHandler) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.BatchErrorHandler = h

// SubscribeErrorHandler will catch all broker errors that cant be handled
// in normal way, for example Codec errors
func SubscribeErrorHandler(h Handler) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.ErrorHandler = h

// SubscribeBatchErrorHandler will catch all broker errors that cant be handled
// in normal way, for example Codec errors
func SubscribeBatchErrorHandler(h BatchHandler) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.BatchErrorHandler = h

// Queue sets the subscribers queue
// Deprecated
func Queue(name string) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.Group = name

// SubscribeGroup sets the name of the queue to share messages on
func SubscribeGroup(name string) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.Group = name

// Register sets register option
func Register(r register.Register) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Register = r

// TLSConfig sets the TLS Config
func TLSConfig(t *tls.Config) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.TLSConfig = t

// Logger sets the logger
func Logger(l logger.Logger) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Logger = l

// Tracer to be used for tracing
func Tracer(t tracer.Tracer) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Tracer = t

// Meter sets the meter
func Meter(m meter.Meter) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Meter = m

// Name sets the name
func Name(n string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Name = n

// Hooks sets hook runs before action
func Hooks(h ...options.Hook) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Hooks = append(o.Hooks, h...)

// SubscribeContext set context
func SubscribeContext(ctx context.Context) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.Context = ctx

// DisableAutoAck disables auto ack
// Deprecated
func DisableAutoAck() SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.AutoAck = false

// SubscribeAutoAck contol auto acking of messages
// after they have been handled.
func SubscribeAutoAck(b bool) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.AutoAck = b

// SubscribeBodyOnly consumes only body of the message
func SubscribeBodyOnly(b bool) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.BodyOnly = b

// SubscribeBatchSize specifies max batch size
func SubscribeBatchSize(n int) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.BatchSize = n

// SubscribeBatchWait specifies max batch wait time
func SubscribeBatchWait(td time.Duration) SubscribeOption {
	return func(o *SubscribeOptions) {
		o.BatchWait = td

// SubscribeOption func
type SubscribeOption func(*SubscribeOptions)

// NewSubscribeOptions creates new SubscribeOptions
func NewSubscribeOptions(opts ...SubscribeOption) SubscribeOptions {
	options := SubscribeOptions{
		AutoAck: true,
		Context: context.Background(),
	for _, o := range opts {
	return options