# Agent 

Agent is a library used to create commands, inputs and robot services

## Getting Started

- [Commands](#commands) - Commands are functions executed by the bot based on text based pattern matching.
- [Inputs](#inputs) - Inputs are plugins for communication e.g Slack, Telegram, IRC, etc.
- [Services](#services) - Write bots as micro services

## Commands

Commands are functions executed by the bot based on text based pattern matching.

### Write a Command

import "github.com/micro/go-micro/agent/command"

func Ping() command.Command {
	usage := "ping"
	description := "Returns pong"

	return command.NewCommand("ping", usage, desc, func(args ...string) ([]byte, error) {
		return []byte("pong"), nil

### Register the command

Add the command to the Commands map with a pattern key that can be matched by golang/regexp.Match

import "github.com/micro/go-micro/agent/command"

func init() {
	command.Commands["^ping$"] = Ping()

### Rebuild Micro

Build binary
cd github.com/micro/micro

// For local use
go build -i -o micro ./main.go

// For docker image
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-w' -i -o micro ./main.go

## Inputs

Inputs are plugins for communication e.g Slack, HipChat, XMPP, IRC, SMTP, etc, etc. 

New inputs can be added in the following way.

### Write an Input

Write an input that satisfies the Input interface.

type Input interface {
	// Provide cli flags
	Flags() []cli.Flag
	// Initialise input using cli context
	Init(*cli.Context) error
	// Stream events from the input
	Stream() (Conn, error)
	// Start the input
	Start() error
	// Stop the input
	Stop() error
	// name of the input
	String() string

### Register the input

Add the input to the Inputs map.

import "github.com/micro/micro/bot/input"

func init() {
	input.Inputs["name"] = MyInput

### Rebuild Micro

Build binary
cd github.com/micro/micro

// For local use
go build -i -o micro ./main.go

// For docker image
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-w' -i -o micro ./main.go

## Services

The micro bot supports the ability to create commands as micro services. 

### How does it work?

The bot watches the service registry for services with it's namespace. The default namespace is `go.micro.bot`. 
Any service within this namespace will automatically be added to the list of available commands. When a command 
is executed, the bot will call the service with method `Command.Exec`. It also expects the method `Command.Help` 
to exist for usage info.

The service interface is as follows and can be found at [go-micro/agent/proto](https://github.com/micro/go-micro/agent/blob/master/proto/bot.proto)

syntax = "proto3";

package go.micro.bot;

service Command {
	rpc Help(HelpRequest) returns (HelpResponse) {};
	rpc Exec(ExecRequest) returns (ExecResponse) {};

message HelpRequest {

message HelpResponse {
	string usage = 1;
	string description = 2;

message ExecRequest {
	repeated string args = 1;

message ExecResponse {
	bytes result = 1;
	string error = 2;

### Example

Here's an example echo command as a microservice

package main

import (


	proto "github.com/micro/go-micro/agent/proto"

type Command struct{}

// Help returns the command usage
func (c *Command) Help(ctx context.Context, req *proto.HelpRequest, rsp *proto.HelpResponse) error {
	// Usage should include the name of the command
	rsp.Usage = "echo"
	rsp.Description = "This is an example bot command as a micro service which echos the message"
	return nil

// Exec executes the command
func (c *Command) Exec(ctx context.Context, req *proto.ExecRequest, rsp *proto.ExecResponse) error {
	rsp.Result = []byte(strings.Join(req.Args, " "))
	// rsp.Error could be set to return an error instead
	// the function error would only be used for service level issues
	return nil

func main() {
	service := micro.NewService(


	proto.RegisterCommandHandler(service.Server(), new(Command))

	if err := service.Run(); err != nil {