package runtime

import (


type Option func(o *Options)

// Options configure runtime
type Options struct {
	// Scheduler for updates
	Scheduler Scheduler
	// Service type to manage
	Type string
	// Source of the services repository
	Source string
	// Base image to use
	Image string
	// Client to use when making requests
	Client client.Client

// WithSource sets the base image / repository
func WithSource(src string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Source = src

// WithScheduler specifies a scheduler for updates
func WithScheduler(n Scheduler) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Scheduler = n

// WithType sets the service type to manage
func WithType(t string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Type = t

// WithImage sets the image to use
func WithImage(t string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Image = t

// WithClient sets the client to use
func WithClient(c client.Client) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Client = c

type CreateOption func(o *CreateOptions)

type ReadOption func(o *ReadOptions)

// CreateOptions configure runtime services
type CreateOptions struct {
	// Command to execut
	Command []string
	// Args to pass into command
	Args []string
	// Environment to configure
	Env []string
	// Log output
	Output io.Writer
	// Type of service to create
	Type string
	// Retries before failing deploy
	Retries int
	// Specify the image to use
	Image string
	// Namespace to create the service in
	Namespace string
	// Specify the context to use
	Context context.Context

// ReadOptions queries runtime services
type ReadOptions struct {
	// Service name
	Service string
	// Version queries services with given version
	Version string
	// Type of service
	Type string
	// Namespace the service is running in
	Namespace string
	// Specify the context to use
	Context context.Context

// CreateType sets the type of service to create
func CreateType(t string) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		o.Type = t

// CreateImage sets the image to use
func CreateImage(img string) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		o.Image = img

// CreateNamespace sets the namespace
func CreateNamespace(ns string) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		o.Namespace = ns

// CreateContext sets the context
func CreateContext(ctx context.Context) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		o.Context = ctx

// WithCommand specifies the command to execute
func WithCommand(cmd ...string) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		// set command
		o.Command = cmd

// WithArgs specifies the command to execute
func WithArgs(args ...string) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		// set command
		o.Args = args

// WithRetries sets the max retries attemps
func WithRetries(retries int) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		o.Retries = retries

// WithEnv sets the created service environment
func WithEnv(env []string) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		o.Env = env

// WithOutput sets the arg output
func WithOutput(out io.Writer) CreateOption {
	return func(o *CreateOptions) {
		o.Output = out

// ReadService returns services with the given name
func ReadService(service string) ReadOption {
	return func(o *ReadOptions) {
		o.Service = service

// ReadVersion confifgures service version
func ReadVersion(version string) ReadOption {
	return func(o *ReadOptions) {
		o.Version = version

// ReadType returns services of the given type
func ReadType(t string) ReadOption {
	return func(o *ReadOptions) {
		o.Type = t

// ReadNamespace sets the namespace
func ReadNamespace(ns string) ReadOption {
	return func(o *ReadOptions) {
		o.Namespace = ns

// ReadContext sets the context
func ReadContext(ctx context.Context) ReadOption {
	return func(o *ReadOptions) {
		o.Context = ctx

type UpdateOption func(o *UpdateOptions)

type UpdateOptions struct {
	// Namespace the service is running in
	Namespace string
	// Specify the context to use
	Context context.Context

// UpdateNamespace sets the namespace
func UpdateNamespace(ns string) UpdateOption {
	return func(o *UpdateOptions) {
		o.Namespace = ns

// UpdateContext sets the context
func UpdateContext(ctx context.Context) UpdateOption {
	return func(o *UpdateOptions) {
		o.Context = ctx

type DeleteOption func(o *DeleteOptions)

type DeleteOptions struct {
	// Namespace the service is running in
	Namespace string
	// Specify the context to use
	Context context.Context

// DeleteNamespace sets the namespace
func DeleteNamespace(ns string) DeleteOption {
	return func(o *DeleteOptions) {
		o.Namespace = ns

// DeleteContext sets the context
func DeleteContext(ctx context.Context) DeleteOption {
	return func(o *DeleteOptions) {
		o.Context = ctx

// LogsOption configures runtime logging
type LogsOption func(o *LogsOptions)

// LogsOptions configure runtime logging
type LogsOptions struct {
	// How many existing lines to show
	Count int64
	// Stream new lines?
	Stream bool
	// Namespace the service is running in
	Namespace string
	// Specify the context to use
	Context context.Context

// LogsExistingCount confiures how many existing lines to show
func LogsCount(count int64) LogsOption {
	return func(l *LogsOptions) {
		l.Count = count

// LogsStream configures whether to stream new lines
func LogsStream(stream bool) LogsOption {
	return func(l *LogsOptions) {
		l.Stream = stream

// LogsNamespace sets the namespace
func LogsNamespace(ns string) LogsOption {
	return func(o *LogsOptions) {
		o.Namespace = ns

// LogsContext sets the context
func LogsContext(ctx context.Context) LogsOption {
	return func(o *LogsOptions) {
		o.Context = ctx