//+build linux

package file

import (


type watcher struct {
	f *file

	fw   *fsnotify.Watcher
	exit chan bool

func newWatcher(f *file) (source.Watcher, error) {
	fw, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	return &watcher{
		f:    f,
		fw:   fw,
		exit: make(chan bool),
	}, nil

func (w *watcher) Next() (*source.ChangeSet, error) {
	// is it closed?
	select {
	case <-w.exit:
		return nil, source.ErrWatcherStopped

	// try get the event
	select {
	case event, _ := <-w.fw.Events:
		if event.Op == fsnotify.Rename {
			// check existence of file, and add watch again
			_, err := os.Stat(event.Name)
			if err == nil || os.IsExist(err) {

		c, err := w.f.Read()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// add path again for the event bug of fsnotify

		return c, nil
	case err := <-w.fw.Errors:
		return nil, err
	case <-w.exit:
		return nil, source.ErrWatcherStopped

func (w *watcher) Stop() error {
	return w.fw.Close()