Milos Gajdos 0c1a28a9b6
Router routing table management. Table route hashes. Status codes changed.
We now manage routing table actions using dedicated functions run on
either registry or services in the registry.

Routing table now uses Route.Hash() instead of maintaining its own hash
struct filed which previously performed these operations.

Various names of variables have been changed to make them more concise.
2019-07-09 15:46:31 +01:00

92 lines
1.8 KiB

package router
import (
var (
// DefaultLocalMetric is default route cost metric for the local network
DefaultLocalMetric = 1
// DefaultNetworkMetric is default route cost metric for the micro network
DefaultNetworkMetric = 10
// RoutePolicy defines routing table policy
type RoutePolicy int
const (
// Insert inserts a new route if it does not already exist
Insert RoutePolicy = iota
// Override overrides the route if it already exists
// Skip skips modifying the route if it already exists
// String returns human reprensentation of policy
func (p RoutePolicy) String() string {
switch p {
case Insert:
return "INSERT"
case Override:
return "OVERRIDE"
case Skip:
return "SKIP"
return "UNKNOWN"
// Route is network route
type Route struct {
// Destination is destination address
Destination string
// Gateway is route gateway
Gateway string
// Router is the router address
Router string
// Network is network address
Network string
// Metric is the route cost metric
Metric int
// Policy defines route policy
Policy RoutePolicy
// Hash returns route hash sum.
func (r *Route) Hash() uint64 {
h := fnv.New64()
h.Write([]byte(r.Destination + r.Gateway + r.Network))
return h.Sum64()
// String returns human readable route
func (r Route) String() string {
// this will help us build routing table string
sb := &strings.Builder{}
// create nice table printing structure
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(sb)
table.SetHeader([]string{"Destination", "Gateway", "Router", "Network", "Metric"})
strRoute := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.Metric),
// render table into sb
return sb.String()