Milos Gajdos 16fcf1fbda
Nodes, Peers and Topology methods for node
Topology accepts an argument to define the depth of the topology
requested from the network. proto definitions have been modified
accordingly, too.
2019-09-13 03:03:55 +01:00

225 lines
5.0 KiB

package network
import (
pb "github.com/micro/go-micro/network/proto"
var (
// MaxDepth defines max depth of peer topology
MaxDepth uint = 3
// node is network node
type node struct {
// id is node id
id string
// address is node address
address string
// peers are nodes with direct link to this node
peers map[string]*node
// network returns the node network
network Network
// lastSeen keeps track of node lifetime and updates
lastSeen time.Time
// Id is node ide
func (n *node) Id() string {
return n.id
// Address returns node address
func (n *node) Address() string {
return n.address
// Network returns node network
func (n *node) Network() Network {
return n.network
// Nodes returns a slice if all nodes in node topology
func (n *node) Nodes() []Node {
// we need to freeze the network graph here
// otherwise we might get invalid results
defer n.RUnlock()
//track the visited nodes
visited := make(map[string]*node)
// queue of the nodes to visit
queue := list.New()
// push node to the back of queue
// mark the node as visited
visited[n.id] = n
// keep iterating over the queue until its empty
for queue.Len() > 0 {
// pop the node from the front of the queue
qnode := queue.Front()
// iterate through all of the node peers
// mark the visited nodes; enqueue the non-visted
for id, node := range qnode.Value.(*node).peers {
if _, ok := visited[id]; !ok {
visited[id] = node
// remove the node from the queue
var nodes []Node
// collect all the nodes and return them
for _, node := range visited {
nodes = append(nodes, node)
return nodes
// Peers returns node peers
func (n *node) Peers() []Node {
var peers []Node
for _, peer := range n.peers {
// make a copy of the node
p := &node{
id: peer.id,
address: peer.address,
network: peer.network,
// NOTE: we do not care about peer's peers
// we only collect the node's peers i.e. its adjacent nodes
peers = append(peers, p)
return peers
// Topology returns a slice of all nodes in reachable by node up to given depth
func (n *node) Topology(depth uint) []Node {
// get all the nodes
nodes := n.Nodes()
// sort the slice of nodes
sort.Slice(nodes, func(i, j int) bool { return nodes[i].Id() <= nodes[j].Id() })
// find the node with our id
i := sort.Search(len(nodes), func(j int) bool { return nodes[j].Id() >= n.id })
// TODO: finish implementing this
var topology []Node
// collect all the reachable nodes into slice
if i < len(nodes) && nodes[i].Id() == n.id {
for _, peer := range nodes[i].Peers() {
// don't return yourself
if peer.Id() == n.id {
topNode := &node{
id: peer.Id(),
address: peer.Address(),
topology = append(topology, topNode)
return topology
// getProtoTopology returns node peers up to given depth encoded in protobufs
// NOTE: this method is NOT thread-safe, so make sure you serialize access to it
func (n *node) getProtoTopology(depth uint) (*pb.Peer, error) {
node := &pb.Node{
Id: n.id,
Address: n.address,
pbPeers := &pb.Peer{
Node: node,
Peers: make([]*pb.Peer, 0),
// return if have either reached the depth or have no more peers
if depth == 0 || len(n.peers) == 0 {
return pbPeers, nil
// decrement the depth
var peers []*pb.Peer
for _, peer := range n.peers {
// get peers of the node peers
// NOTE: this is [not] a recursive call
pbPeerPeer, err := peer.getProtoTopology(depth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// add current peer to explored peers
peers = append(peers, pbPeerPeer)
// add peers to the parent topology
pbPeers.Peers = peers
return pbPeers, nil
// unpackPeer unpacks pb.Peer into node topology of given depth
// NOTE: this method is NOT thread-safe, so make sure you serialize access to it
func unpackPeer(pbPeer *pb.Peer, depth uint) *node {
peerNode := &node{
id: pbPeer.Node.Id,
address: pbPeer.Node.Address,
peers: make(map[string]*node),
// return if have either reached the depth or have no more peers
if depth == 0 || len(pbPeer.Peers) == 0 {
return peerNode
// decrement the depth
peers := make(map[string]*node)
for _, pbPeer := range pbPeer.Peers {
peer := unpackPeer(pbPeer, depth)
peers[pbPeer.Node.Id] = peer
peerNode.peers = peers
return peerNode
// updatePeer updates node peer up to given depth
// NOTE: this method is not thread safe, so make sure you serialize access to it
func (n *node) updatePeerTopology(pbPeer *pb.Peer, depth uint) error {
if pbPeer == nil {
return errors.New("peer not initialized")
// NOTE: we need MaxDepth-1 because node n is the parent adding which
// gives us the max peer topology we maintain and propagate
peer := unpackPeer(pbPeer, MaxDepth-1)
// update node peers with new topology
n.peers[pbPeer.Node.Id] = peer
return nil