Milos Gajdos 16fcf1fbda
Nodes, Peers and Topology methods for node
Topology accepts an argument to define the depth of the topology
requested from the network. proto definitions have been modified
accordingly, too.
2019-09-13 03:03:55 +01:00

175 lines
4.3 KiB

package network
import "testing"
var (
testNodeId = "testNode"
testNodeAddress = "testAddress"
testNodeNetName = "testNetwork"
testNodePeerIds = []string{"peer1", "peer2", "peer3"}
testPeerOfPeerIds = []string{"peer11", "peer12"}
func testSetup() *node {
testNode := &node{
id: testNodeId,
address: testNodeAddress,
peers: make(map[string]*node),
network: newNetwork(Name(testNodeNetName)),
// add some peers to the node
for _, id := range testNodePeerIds {
testNode.peers[id] = &node{
id: id,
address: testNode.address + "-" + id,
peers: make(map[string]*node),
network: testNode.network,
// add peers to peer1
// NOTE: these are peers of peers!
for _, id := range testPeerOfPeerIds {
testNode.peers["peer1"].peers[id] = &node{
id: id,
address: testNode.address + "-" + id,
peers: make(map[string]*node),
network: testNode.network,
// connect peer1 with peer2
testNode.peers["peer1"].peers["peer2"] = testNode.peers["peer2"]
// connect peer2 with peer3
testNode.peers["peer2"].peers["peer3"] = testNode.peers["peer3"]
return testNode
func TestNodeId(t *testing.T) {
node := testSetup()
if node.Id() != testNodeId {
t.Errorf("Expected id: %s, found: %s", testNodeId, node.Id())
func TestNodeAddress(t *testing.T) {
node := testSetup()
if node.Address() != testNodeAddress {
t.Errorf("Expected address: %s, found: %s", testNodeAddress, node.Address())
func TestNodeNetwork(t *testing.T) {
node := testSetup()
if node.Network().Name() != testNodeNetName {
t.Errorf("Expected network: %s, found: %s", testNodeNetName, node.Network().Name())
func TestNodes(t *testing.T) {
// single node
single := &node{
id: testNodeId,
address: testNodeAddress,
peers: make(map[string]*node),
network: newNetwork(Name(testNodeNetName)),
// get all the nodes including yourself
nodes := single.Nodes()
nodeCount := 1
if len(nodes) != nodeCount {
t.Errorf("Expected to find %d nodes, found: %d", nodeCount, len(nodes))
// complicated node graph
node := testSetup()
// get all the nodes including yourself
nodes = node.Nodes()
// compile a list of ids of all nodes in the network into map for easy indexing
nodeIds := make(map[string]bool)
// add yourself
nodeIds[node.id] = true
// add peer Ids
for _, id := range testNodePeerIds {
nodeIds[id] = true
// add peer1 peers i.e. peers of peer
for _, id := range testPeerOfPeerIds {
nodeIds[id] = true
// we should return the correct number of nodes
if len(nodes) != len(nodeIds) {
t.Errorf("Expected %d nodes, found: %d", len(nodeIds), len(nodes))
// iterate through the list of nodes and makes sure all have been returned
for _, node := range nodes {
if _, ok := nodeIds[node.Id()]; !ok {
t.Errorf("Expected to find %s node", node.Id())
func TestPeers(t *testing.T) {
// single node
single := &node{
id: testNodeId,
address: testNodeAddress,
peers: make(map[string]*node),
network: newNetwork(Name(testNodeNetName)),
// get all the nodes including yourself
peers := single.Peers()
peerCount := 0
if len(peers) != peerCount {
t.Errorf("Expected to find %d peers, found: %d", peerCount, len(peers))
// complicated node graph
node := testSetup()
// get all the nodes including yourself
peers = node.Peers()
// compile a list of ids of all nodes in the network into map for easy indexing
peerIds := make(map[string]bool)
// add peer Ids
for _, id := range testNodePeerIds {
peerIds[id] = true
// we should return the correct number of peers
if len(peers) != len(peerIds) {
t.Errorf("Expected %d nodes, found: %d", len(peerIds), len(peers))
// iterate through the list of peers and makes sure all have been returned
for _, peer := range peers {
if _, ok := peerIds[peer.Id()]; !ok {
t.Errorf("Expected to find %s peer", node.Id())
func TestTopology(t *testing.T) {
// single node
single := &node{
id: testNodeId,
address: testNodeAddress,
peers: make(map[string]*node),
network: newNetwork(Name(testNodeNetName)),
// get all the nodes including yourself
topology := single.Topology(MaxDepth)
// you should not be in your topology
topCount := 0
if len(topology) != topCount {
t.Errorf("Expected to find %d nodes, found: %d", topCount, len(topology))