Milos Gajdos 23d65145e6
Use the same logic for advertising routes in Router and Network
router.Query() allows to query the routes with given router.Strategy.
It uses the same logic as was implemented in flushRoutes but the code
was never updated. This way we are consistent across both router and
network packages.
2020-01-17 16:25:18 +00:00

822 lines
20 KiB

package router
import (
var (
// AdvertiseEventsTick is time interval in which the router advertises route updates
AdvertiseEventsTick = 10 * time.Second
// AdvertiseTableTick is time interval in which router advertises all routes found in routing table
AdvertiseTableTick = 2 * time.Minute
// DefaultAdvertTTL is default advertisement TTL
DefaultAdvertTTL = 2 * time.Minute
// AdvertSuppress is advert suppression threshold
AdvertSuppress = 200.0
// AdvertRecover is advert recovery threshold
AdvertRecover = 20.0
// Penalty for routes processed multiple times
Penalty = 100.0
// PenaltyHalfLife is the time the advert penalty decays to half its value
PenaltyHalfLife = 30.0
// MaxSuppressTime defines time after which the suppressed advert is deleted
MaxSuppressTime = 90 * time.Second
// PenaltyDecay is a coefficient which controls the speed the advert penalty decays
PenaltyDecay = math.Log(2) / PenaltyHalfLife
// router implements default router
type router struct {
options Options
status Status
table *table
exit chan struct{}
errChan chan error
eventChan chan *Event
advertWg *sync.WaitGroup
wg *sync.WaitGroup
// advert subscribers
sub sync.RWMutex
subscribers map[string]chan *Advert
// newRouter creates new router and returns it
func newRouter(opts ...Option) Router {
// get default options
options := DefaultOptions()
// apply requested options
for _, o := range opts {
// set initial status to Stopped
status := Status{Code: Stopped, Error: nil}
return &router{
options: options,
status: status,
table: newTable(),
advertWg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
wg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
subscribers: make(map[string]chan *Advert),
// Init initializes router with given options
func (r *router) Init(opts ...Option) error {
defer r.Unlock()
for _, o := range opts {
return nil
// Options returns router options
func (r *router) Options() Options {
defer r.RUnlock()
options := r.options
return options
// Table returns routing table
func (r *router) Table() Table {
return r.table
// manageRoute applies action on a given route
func (r *router) manageRoute(route Route, action string) error {
switch action {
case "create":
if err := r.table.Create(route); err != nil && err != ErrDuplicateRoute {
return fmt.Errorf("failed adding route for service %s: %s", route.Service, err)
case "delete":
if err := r.table.Delete(route); err != nil && err != ErrRouteNotFound {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting route for service %s: %s", route.Service, err)
case "update":
if err := r.table.Update(route); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating route for service %s: %s", route.Service, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to manage route for service %s: unknown action %s", route.Service, action)
return nil
// manageServiceRoutes applies action to all routes of the service.
// It returns error of the action fails with error.
func (r *router) manageServiceRoutes(service *registry.Service, action string) error {
// action is the routing table action
action = strings.ToLower(action)
// take route action on each service node
for _, node := range service.Nodes {
route := Route{
Service: service.Name,
Address: node.Address,
Gateway: "",
Network: r.options.Network,
Router: r.options.Id,
Link: DefaultLink,
Metric: DefaultLocalMetric,
if err := r.manageRoute(route, action); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// manageRegistryRoutes applies action to all routes of each service found in the registry.
// It returns error if either the services failed to be listed or the routing table action fails.
func (r *router) manageRegistryRoutes(reg registry.Registry, action string) error {
services, err := reg.ListServices()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed listing services: %v", err)
// add each service node as a separate route
for _, service := range services {
// get the service to retrieve all its info
srvs, err := reg.GetService(service.Name)
if err != nil {
// manage the routes for all returned services
for _, srv := range srvs {
if err := r.manageServiceRoutes(srv, action); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// watchRegistry watches registry and updates routing table based on the received events.
// It returns error if either the registry watcher fails with error or if the routing table update fails.
func (r *router) watchRegistry(w registry.Watcher) error {
exit := make(chan bool)
defer func() {
// close the exit channel when the go routine finishes
// wait in the background for the router to stop
// when the router stops, stop the watcher and exit
go func() {
defer w.Stop()
defer r.wg.Done()
select {
case <-r.exit:
case <-exit:
var watchErr error
for {
res, err := w.Next()
if err != nil {
if err != registry.ErrWatcherStopped {
watchErr = err
if err := r.manageServiceRoutes(res.Service, res.Action); err != nil {
return err
return watchErr
// watchTable watches routing table entries and either adds or deletes locally registered service to/from network registry
// It returns error if the locally registered services either fails to be added/deleted to/from network registry.
func (r *router) watchTable(w Watcher) error {
exit := make(chan bool)
defer func() {
// close the exit channel when the go routine finishes
// wait in the background for the router to stop
// when the router stops, stop the watcher and exit
go func() {
defer w.Stop()
defer r.wg.Done()
select {
case <-r.exit:
case <-exit:
var watchErr error
for {
event, err := w.Next()
if err != nil {
if err != ErrWatcherStopped {
watchErr = err
select {
case <-r.exit:
return nil
case r.eventChan <- event:
// close event channel on error
return watchErr
// publishAdvert publishes router advert to advert channel
func (r *router) publishAdvert(advType AdvertType, events []*Event) {
a := &Advert{
Id: r.options.Id,
Type: advType,
TTL: DefaultAdvertTTL,
Timestamp: time.Now(),
Events: events,
for _, sub := range r.subscribers {
// now send the message
select {
case sub <- a:
case <-r.exit:
// advertiseTable advertises the whole routing table to the network
func (r *router) advertiseTable() error {
// create table advertisement ticker
ticker := time.NewTicker(AdvertiseTableTick)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
// do full table flush
events, err := r.flushRouteEvents(Update)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed flushing routes: %s", err)
// advertise routes to subscribers
if len(events) > 0 {
log.Debugf("Router flushing table with %d events: %s", len(events), r.options.Id)
go func() {
defer r.advertWg.Done()
r.publishAdvert(RouteUpdate, events)
case <-r.exit:
return nil
// advert contains a route event to be advertised
type advert struct {
// event received from routing table
event *Event
// lastSeen records the time of the last advert update
lastSeen time.Time
// penalty is current advert penalty
penalty float64
// isSuppressed flags the advert suppression
isSuppressed bool
// suppressTime records the time interval the advert has been suppressed for
suppressTime time.Time
// adverts maintains a map of router adverts
type adverts map[uint64]*advert
// process processes advert
// It updates advert timestamp, increments its penalty and
// marks upresses or recovers it if it reaches configured thresholds
func (m adverts) process(a *advert) error {
// lookup advert in adverts
hash := a.event.Route.Hash()
a, ok := m[hash]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("advert not found")
// decay the event penalty
delta := time.Since(a.lastSeen).Seconds()
// decay advert penalty
a.penalty = a.penalty * math.Exp(-delta*PenaltyDecay)
service := a.event.Route.Service
address := a.event.Route.Address
// suppress/recover the event based on its penalty level
switch {
case a.penalty > AdvertSuppress && !a.isSuppressed:
log.Debugf("Router suppressing advert %d %.2f for route %s %s", hash, a.penalty, service, address)
a.isSuppressed = true
a.suppressTime = time.Now()
case a.penalty < AdvertRecover && a.isSuppressed:
log.Debugf("Router recovering advert %d %.2f for route %s %s", hash, a.penalty, service, address)
a.isSuppressed = false
// if suppressed, checked how long has it been suppressed for
if a.isSuppressed {
// max suppression time threshold has been reached, delete the advert
if time.Since(a.suppressTime) > MaxSuppressTime {
delete(m, hash)
return nil
return nil
// advertiseEvents advertises routing table events
// It suppresses unhealthy flapping events and advertises healthy events upstream.
func (r *router) advertiseEvents() error {
// ticker to periodically scan event for advertising
ticker := time.NewTicker(AdvertiseEventsTick)
defer ticker.Stop()
// adverts is a map of advert events
adverts := make(adverts)
// routing table watcher
tableWatcher, err := r.Watch()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed creating routing table watcher: %v", err)
go func() {
defer r.wg.Done()
select {
case r.errChan <- r.watchTable(tableWatcher):
case <-r.exit:
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
// If we're not advertising any events then sip processing them entirely
if r.options.Advertise == AdvertiseNone {
var events []*Event
// collect all events which are not flapping
for key, advert := range adverts {
// process the advert
if err := adverts.process(advert); err != nil {
log.Debugf("Router failed processing advert %d: %v", key, err)
// if suppressed go to the next advert
if advert.isSuppressed {
// if we only advertise local routes skip processing anything not link local
if r.options.Advertise == AdvertiseLocal && advert.event.Route.Link != "local" {
// copy the event and append
e := new(Event)
// this is ok, because router.Event only contains builtin types
// and no references so this creates a deep copy of struct Event
*e = *(advert.event)
events = append(events, e)
// delete the advert from adverts
delete(adverts, key)
// advertise events to subscribers
if len(events) > 0 {
log.Debugf("Router publishing %d events", len(events))
go func() {
defer r.advertWg.Done()
r.publishAdvert(RouteUpdate, events)
case e := <-r.eventChan:
// if event is nil, continue
if e == nil {
// If we're not advertising any events then skip processing them entirely
if r.options.Advertise == AdvertiseNone {
// if we only advertise local routes skip processing anything not link local
if r.options.Advertise == AdvertiseLocal && e.Route.Link != "local" {
now := time.Now()
log.Debugf("Router processing table event %s for service %s %s", e.Type, e.Route.Service, e.Route.Address)
// check if we have already registered the route
hash := e.Route.Hash()
a, ok := adverts[hash]
if !ok {
a = &advert{
event: e,
penalty: Penalty,
lastSeen: now,
adverts[hash] = a
// override the route event only if the previous event was different
if a.event.Type != e.Type {
a.event = e
// process the advert
if err := adverts.process(a); err != nil {
log.Debugf("Router error processing advert %d: %v", hash, err)
// update event penalty and timestamp
a.lastSeen = now
// increment the penalty
a.penalty += Penalty
log.Debugf("Router advert %d for route %s %s event penalty: %f", hash, a.event.Route.Service, a.event.Route.Address, a.penalty)
case <-r.exit:
// first wait for the advertiser to finish
return nil
// close closes exit channels
func (r *router) close() {
log.Debugf("Router closing remaining channels")
// drain the advertise channel only if advertising
if r.status.Code == Advertising {
// drain the event channel
for range r.eventChan {
// close advert subscribers
for id, sub := range r.subscribers {
select {
case <-sub:
// close the channel
// delete the subscriber
delete(r.subscribers, id)
// mark the router as Stopped and set its Error to nil
r.status = Status{Code: Stopped, Error: nil}
// watchErrors watches router errors and takes appropriate actions
func (r *router) watchErrors() {
var err error
select {
case <-r.exit:
case err = <-r.errChan:
defer r.Unlock()
// if the router is not stopped, stop it
if r.status.Code != Stopped {
// notify all goroutines to finish
// close all the channels
// set the status error
if err != nil {
r.status.Error = err
// Start starts the router
func (r *router) Start() error {
defer r.Unlock()
// only start if we're stopped
if r.status.Code != Stopped {
return nil
// add all local service routes into the routing table
if err := r.manageRegistryRoutes(r.options.Registry, "create"); err != nil {
e := fmt.Errorf("failed adding registry routes: %s", err)
r.status = Status{Code: Error, Error: e}
return e
// add default gateway into routing table
if r.options.Gateway != "" {
// note, the only non-default value is the gateway
route := Route{
Service: "*",
Address: "*",
Gateway: r.options.Gateway,
Network: "*",
Router: r.options.Id,
Link: DefaultLink,
Metric: DefaultLocalMetric,
if err := r.table.Create(route); err != nil {
e := fmt.Errorf("failed adding default gateway route: %s", err)
r.status = Status{Code: Error, Error: e}
return e
// create error and exit channels
r.errChan = make(chan error, 1)
r.exit = make(chan struct{})
// registry watcher
regWatcher, err := r.options.Registry.Watch()
if err != nil {
e := fmt.Errorf("failed creating registry watcher: %v", err)
r.status = Status{Code: Error, Error: e}
return e
go func() {
defer r.wg.Done()
select {
case r.errChan <- r.watchRegistry(regWatcher):
case <-r.exit:
// watch for errors and cleanup
go func() {
defer r.wg.Done()
// mark router as Running
r.status = Status{Code: Running, Error: nil}
return nil
// Advertise stars advertising the routes to the network and returns the advertisements channel to consume from.
// If the router is already advertising it returns the channel to consume from.
// It returns error if either the router is not running or if the routing table fails to list the routes to advertise.
func (r *router) Advertise() (<-chan *Advert, error) {
defer r.Unlock()
switch r.status.Code {
case Advertising:
advertChan := make(chan *Advert, 128)
r.subscribers[uuid.New().String()] = advertChan
return advertChan, nil
case Running:
// list all the routes and pack them into even slice to advertise
events, err := r.flushRouteEvents(Create)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to flush routes: %s", err)
// create event channels
r.eventChan = make(chan *Event)
// create advert channel
advertChan := make(chan *Advert, 128)
r.subscribers[uuid.New().String()] = advertChan
// advertise your presence
go func() {
defer r.advertWg.Done()
r.publishAdvert(Announce, events)
go func() {
defer r.wg.Done()
select {
case r.errChan <- r.advertiseEvents():
case <-r.exit:
go func() {
defer r.advertWg.Done()
// advertise the whole routing table
select {
case r.errChan <- r.advertiseTable():
case <-r.exit:
// mark router as Running and set its Error to nil
r.status = Status{Code: Advertising, Error: nil}
log.Debugf("Router starting to advertise")
return advertChan, nil
case Stopped:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not running")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error: %s", r.status.Error)
// Process updates the routing table using the advertised values
func (r *router) Process(a *Advert) error {
// NOTE: event sorting might not be necessary
// copy update events intp new slices
events := make([]*Event, len(a.Events))
copy(events, a.Events)
// sort events by timestamp
sort.Slice(events, func(i, j int) bool {
return events[i].Timestamp.Before(events[j].Timestamp)
log.Tracef("Router %s processing advert from: %s", r.options.Id, a.Id)
for _, event := range events {
// skip if the router is the origin of this route
if event.Route.Router == r.options.Id {
log.Tracef("Router skipping processing its own route: %s", r.options.Id)
// create a copy of the route
route := event.Route
action := event.Type
log.Tracef("Router %s applying %s from router %s for service %s %s", r.options.Id, action, route.Router, route.Service, route.Address)
if err := r.manageRoute(route, action.String()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed applying action %s to routing table: %s", action, err)
return nil
// flushRouteEvents returns a slice of events, one per each route in the routing table
func (r *router) flushRouteEvents(evType EventType) ([]*Event, error) {
// get a list of routes for each service in our routing table
// for the configured advertising strategy
q := []QueryOption{
routes, err := r.Table().Query(q...)
if err != nil && err != ErrRouteNotFound {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Router advertising %d routes with strategy %s", len(routes), r.options.Advertise)
// build a list of events to advertise
events := make([]*Event, len(routes))
var i int
for _, route := range routes {
event := &Event{
Type: evType,
Timestamp: time.Now(),
Route: route,
events[i] = event
return events, nil
// Lookup routes in the routing table
func (r *router) Lookup(q ...QueryOption) ([]Route, error) {
return r.table.Query(q...)
// Watch routes
func (r *router) Watch(opts ...WatchOption) (Watcher, error) {
return r.table.Watch(opts...)
// Status returns router status
func (r *router) Status() Status {
defer r.RUnlock()
// make a copy of the status
status := r.status
return status
// Stop stops the router
func (r *router) Stop() error {
log.Debugf("Router shutting down")
switch r.status.Code {
case Stopped, Error:
return r.status.Error
case Running, Advertising:
// notify all goroutines to finish
// close all the channels
// NOTE: close marks the router status as Stopped
log.Tracef("Router waiting for all goroutines to finish")
// wait for all goroutines to finish
log.Debugf("Router successfully stopped")
return nil
// String prints debugging information about router
func (r *router) String() string {
return "memory"