Vasiliy Tolstov 58598d0fe0
fixes for safe conversation and avoid panics (#1213)
* fixes for safe convertation

Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <v.tolstov@unistack.org>

* fix client publish panic

If broker connect returns error we dont check it status and use
it later to publish message, mostly this is unexpected because
broker connection failed and we cant use it.
Also proposed solution have benefit - we flag connection status
only when we have succeseful broker connection

Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <v.tolstov@unistack.org>

* api/handler/broker: fix possible broker publish panic

Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <v.tolstov@unistack.org>
2020-02-18 23:05:38 +00:00

666 lines
15 KiB

// Package grpc provides a gRPC client
package grpc
import (
raw "github.com/micro/go-micro/v2/codec/bytes"
gmetadata "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata"
type grpcClient struct {
opts client.Options
pool *pool
once atomic.Value
func init() {
// secure returns the dial option for whether its a secure or insecure connection
func (g *grpcClient) secure() grpc.DialOption {
if g.opts.Context != nil {
if v := g.opts.Context.Value(tlsAuth{}); v != nil {
tls := v.(*tls.Config)
creds := credentials.NewTLS(tls)
return grpc.WithTransportCredentials(creds)
return grpc.WithInsecure()
func (g *grpcClient) next(request client.Request, opts client.CallOptions) (selector.Next, error) {
service := request.Service()
// get proxy
if prx := os.Getenv("MICRO_PROXY"); len(prx) > 0 {
// default name
if prx == "service" {
prx = "go.micro.proxy"
service = prx
// get proxy address
if prx := os.Getenv("MICRO_PROXY_ADDRESS"); len(prx) > 0 {
opts.Address = []string{prx}
// return remote address
if len(opts.Address) > 0 {
return func() (*registry.Node, error) {
return &registry.Node{
Address: opts.Address[0],
}, nil
}, nil
// get next nodes from the selector
next, err := g.opts.Selector.Select(service, opts.SelectOptions...)
if err != nil {
if err == selector.ErrNotFound {
return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", "service %s: %s", service, err.Error())
return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", "error selecting %s node: %s", service, err.Error())
return next, nil
func (g *grpcClient) call(ctx context.Context, node *registry.Node, req client.Request, rsp interface{}, opts client.CallOptions) error {
address := node.Address
header := make(map[string]string)
if md, ok := metadata.FromContext(ctx); ok {
for k, v := range md {
header[k] = v
// set timeout in nanoseconds
header["timeout"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", opts.RequestTimeout)
// set the content type for the request
header["x-content-type"] = req.ContentType()
md := gmetadata.New(header)
ctx = gmetadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md)
cf, err := g.newGRPCCodec(req.ContentType())
if err != nil {
return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())
maxRecvMsgSize := g.maxRecvMsgSizeValue()
maxSendMsgSize := g.maxSendMsgSizeValue()
var grr error
grpcDialOptions := []grpc.DialOption{
if opts := g.getGrpcDialOptions(); opts != nil {
grpcDialOptions = append(grpcDialOptions, opts...)
cc, err := g.pool.getConn(address, grpcDialOptions...)
if err != nil {
return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("Error sending request: %v", err))
defer func() {
// defer execution of release
g.pool.release(address, cc, grr)
ch := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
grpcCallOptions := []grpc.CallOption{grpc.CallContentSubtype(cf.Name())}
if opts := g.getGrpcCallOptions(); opts != nil {
grpcCallOptions = append(grpcCallOptions, opts...)
err := cc.Invoke(ctx, methodToGRPC(req.Service(), req.Endpoint()), req.Body(), rsp, grpcCallOptions...)
ch <- microError(err)
select {
case err := <-ch:
grr = err
case <-ctx.Done():
grr = errors.Timeout("go.micro.client", "%v", ctx.Err())
return grr
func (g *grpcClient) stream(ctx context.Context, node *registry.Node, req client.Request, opts client.CallOptions) (client.Stream, error) {
address := node.Address
header := make(map[string]string)
if md, ok := metadata.FromContext(ctx); ok {
for k, v := range md {
header[k] = v
// set timeout in nanoseconds
header["timeout"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", opts.RequestTimeout)
// set the content type for the request
header["x-content-type"] = req.ContentType()
md := gmetadata.New(header)
ctx = gmetadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md)
cf, err := g.newGRPCCodec(req.ContentType())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())
var dialCtx context.Context
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if opts.DialTimeout >= 0 {
dialCtx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, opts.DialTimeout)
} else {
dialCtx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
wc := wrapCodec{cf}
grpcDialOptions := []grpc.DialOption{
if opts := g.getGrpcDialOptions(); opts != nil {
grpcDialOptions = append(grpcDialOptions, opts...)
cc, err := grpc.DialContext(dialCtx, address, grpcDialOptions...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("Error sending request: %v", err))
desc := &grpc.StreamDesc{
StreamName: req.Service() + req.Endpoint(),
ClientStreams: true,
ServerStreams: true,
grpcCallOptions := []grpc.CallOption{grpc.CallContentSubtype(cf.Name())}
if opts := g.getGrpcCallOptions(); opts != nil {
grpcCallOptions = append(grpcCallOptions, opts...)
// create a new cancelling context
newCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
st, err := cc.NewStream(newCtx, desc, methodToGRPC(req.Service(), req.Endpoint()), grpcCallOptions...)
if err != nil {
// we need to cleanup as we dialled and created a context
// cancel the context
// close the connection
// now return the error
return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("Error creating stream: %v", err))
codec := &grpcCodec{
s: st,
c: wc,
// set request codec
if r, ok := req.(*grpcRequest); ok {
r.codec = codec
rsp := &response{
conn: cc,
stream: st,
codec: cf,
gcodec: codec,
return &grpcStream{
context: ctx,
request: req,
response: rsp,
stream: st,
conn: cc,
cancel: cancel,
}, nil
func (g *grpcClient) poolMaxStreams() int {
if g.opts.Context == nil {
return DefaultPoolMaxStreams
v := g.opts.Context.Value(poolMaxStreams{})
if v == nil {
return DefaultPoolMaxStreams
return v.(int)
func (g *grpcClient) poolMaxIdle() int {
if g.opts.Context == nil {
return DefaultPoolMaxIdle
v := g.opts.Context.Value(poolMaxIdle{})
if v == nil {
return DefaultPoolMaxIdle
return v.(int)
func (g *grpcClient) maxRecvMsgSizeValue() int {
if g.opts.Context == nil {
return DefaultMaxRecvMsgSize
v := g.opts.Context.Value(maxRecvMsgSizeKey{})
if v == nil {
return DefaultMaxRecvMsgSize
return v.(int)
func (g *grpcClient) maxSendMsgSizeValue() int {
if g.opts.Context == nil {
return DefaultMaxSendMsgSize
v := g.opts.Context.Value(maxSendMsgSizeKey{})
if v == nil {
return DefaultMaxSendMsgSize
return v.(int)
func (g *grpcClient) newGRPCCodec(contentType string) (encoding.Codec, error) {
codecs := make(map[string]encoding.Codec)
if g.opts.Context != nil {
if v := g.opts.Context.Value(codecsKey{}); v != nil {
codecs = v.(map[string]encoding.Codec)
if c, ok := codecs[contentType]; ok {
return wrapCodec{c}, nil
if c, ok := defaultGRPCCodecs[contentType]; ok {
return wrapCodec{c}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported Content-Type: %s", contentType)
func (g *grpcClient) Init(opts ...client.Option) error {
size := g.opts.PoolSize
ttl := g.opts.PoolTTL
for _, o := range opts {
// update pool configuration if the options changed
if size != g.opts.PoolSize || ttl != g.opts.PoolTTL {
g.pool.size = g.opts.PoolSize
g.pool.ttl = int64(g.opts.PoolTTL.Seconds())
return nil
func (g *grpcClient) Options() client.Options {
return g.opts
func (g *grpcClient) NewMessage(topic string, msg interface{}, opts ...client.MessageOption) client.Message {
return newGRPCEvent(topic, msg, g.opts.ContentType, opts...)
func (g *grpcClient) NewRequest(service, method string, req interface{}, reqOpts ...client.RequestOption) client.Request {
return newGRPCRequest(service, method, req, g.opts.ContentType, reqOpts...)
func (g *grpcClient) Call(ctx context.Context, req client.Request, rsp interface{}, opts ...client.CallOption) error {
// make a copy of call opts
callOpts := g.opts.CallOptions
for _, opt := range opts {
next, err := g.next(req, callOpts)
if err != nil {
return err
// check if we already have a deadline
d, ok := ctx.Deadline()
if !ok {
// no deadline so we create a new one
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, callOpts.RequestTimeout)
defer cancel()
} else {
// got a deadline so no need to setup context
// but we need to set the timeout we pass along
opt := client.WithRequestTimeout(time.Until(d))
// should we noop right here?
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return errors.New("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Err()), 408)
// make copy of call method
gcall := g.call
// wrap the call in reverse
for i := len(callOpts.CallWrappers); i > 0; i-- {
gcall = callOpts.CallWrappers[i-1](gcall)
// return errors.New("go.micro.client", "request timeout", 408)
call := func(i int) error {
// call backoff first. Someone may want an initial start delay
t, err := callOpts.Backoff(ctx, req, i)
if err != nil {
return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())
// only sleep if greater than 0
if t.Seconds() > 0 {
// select next node
node, err := next()
service := req.Service()
if err != nil {
if err == selector.ErrNotFound {
return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", "service %s: %s", service, err.Error())
return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", "error selecting %s node: %s", service, err.Error())
// make the call
err = gcall(ctx, node, req, rsp, callOpts)
g.opts.Selector.Mark(service, node, err)
return err
ch := make(chan error, callOpts.Retries+1)
var gerr error
for i := 0; i <= callOpts.Retries; i++ {
go func(i int) {
ch <- call(i)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return errors.New("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Err()), 408)
case err := <-ch:
// if the call succeeded lets bail early
if err == nil {
return nil
retry, rerr := callOpts.Retry(ctx, req, i, err)
if rerr != nil {
return rerr
if !retry {
return err
gerr = err
return gerr
func (g *grpcClient) Stream(ctx context.Context, req client.Request, opts ...client.CallOption) (client.Stream, error) {
// make a copy of call opts
callOpts := g.opts.CallOptions
for _, opt := range opts {
next, err := g.next(req, callOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// #200 - streams shouldn't have a request timeout set on the context
// should we noop right here?
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, errors.New("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Err()), 408)
call := func(i int) (client.Stream, error) {
// call backoff first. Someone may want an initial start delay
t, err := callOpts.Backoff(ctx, req, i)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())
// only sleep if greater than 0
if t.Seconds() > 0 {
node, err := next()
service := req.Service()
if err != nil {
if err == selector.ErrNotFound {
return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", "service %s: %s", service, err.Error())
return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", "error selecting %s node: %s", service, err.Error())
stream, err := g.stream(ctx, node, req, callOpts)
g.opts.Selector.Mark(service, node, err)
return stream, err
type response struct {
stream client.Stream
err error
ch := make(chan response, callOpts.Retries+1)
var grr error
for i := 0; i <= callOpts.Retries; i++ {
go func(i int) {
s, err := call(i)
ch <- response{s, err}
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, errors.New("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Err()), 408)
case rsp := <-ch:
// if the call succeeded lets bail early
if rsp.err == nil {
return rsp.stream, nil
retry, rerr := callOpts.Retry(ctx, req, i, err)
if rerr != nil {
return nil, rerr
if !retry {
return nil, rsp.err
grr = rsp.err
return nil, grr
func (g *grpcClient) Publish(ctx context.Context, p client.Message, opts ...client.PublishOption) error {
var options client.PublishOptions
for _, o := range opts {
md, ok := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
md = make(map[string]string)
md["Content-Type"] = p.ContentType()
md["Micro-Topic"] = p.Topic()
cf, err := g.newGRPCCodec(p.ContentType())
if err != nil {
return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())
var body []byte
// passed in raw data
if d, ok := p.Payload().(*raw.Frame); ok {
body = d.Data
} else {
// set the body
b, err := cf.Marshal(p.Payload())
if err != nil {
return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())
body = b
if !g.once.Load().(bool) {
if err = g.opts.Broker.Connect(); err != nil {
return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())
topic := p.Topic()
// get the exchange
if len(options.Exchange) > 0 {
topic = options.Exchange
return g.opts.Broker.Publish(topic, &broker.Message{
Header: md,
Body: body,
func (g *grpcClient) String() string {
return "grpc"
func (g *grpcClient) getGrpcDialOptions() []grpc.DialOption {
if g.opts.CallOptions.Context == nil {
return nil
v := g.opts.CallOptions.Context.Value(grpcDialOptions{})
if v == nil {
return nil
opts, ok := v.([]grpc.DialOption)
if !ok {
return nil
return opts
func (g *grpcClient) getGrpcCallOptions() []grpc.CallOption {
if g.opts.CallOptions.Context == nil {
return nil
v := g.opts.CallOptions.Context.Value(grpcCallOptions{})
if v == nil {
return nil
opts, ok := v.([]grpc.CallOption)
if !ok {
return nil
return opts
func newClient(opts ...client.Option) client.Client {
options := client.NewOptions()
// default content type for grpc
options.ContentType = "application/grpc+proto"
for _, o := range opts {
rc := &grpcClient{
opts: options,
rc.pool = newPool(options.PoolSize, options.PoolTTL, rc.poolMaxIdle(), rc.poolMaxStreams())
c := client.Client(rc)
// wrap in reverse
for i := len(options.Wrappers); i > 0; i-- {
c = options.Wrappers[i-1](c)
return c
func NewClient(opts ...client.Option) client.Client {
return newClient(opts...)