ben-toogood 76ade7efd9
Auth - Swap Refresh to Token and change secrets to be strings, not tokens (#1444)
* Refresh => Token

* Secret is no longer a token

Co-authored-by: Ben Toogood <ben@micro.mu>
2020-03-31 10:06:13 +01:00

80 lines
1.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package go.micro.auth;
option go_package = "auth;auth";
service Auth {
rpc Generate(GenerateRequest) returns (GenerateResponse) {};
rpc Inspect(InspectRequest) returns (InspectResponse) {};
rpc Token(TokenRequest) returns (TokenResponse) {};
message Token {
string token = 1;
string type = 2;
int64 created = 3;
int64 expiry = 4;
string subject = 5;
repeated string roles = 6;
map<string, string> metadata = 7;
string namespace = 8;
message Account {
string id = 1;
string secret = 2;
repeated string roles = 3;
map<string, string> metadata = 4;
string namespace = 5;
message Resource{
string name = 1;
string type = 2;
string endpoint = 3;
message GenerateRequest {
string id = 1;
repeated string roles = 2;
map<string, string> metadata = 3;
string namespace = 4;
message GenerateResponse {
Account account = 1;
message GrantRequest {
string role = 1;
Resource resource = 2;
message GrantResponse {}
message RevokeRequest {
string role = 1;
Resource resource = 2;
message RevokeResponse {}
message InspectRequest {
string token = 1;
message InspectResponse {
Account account = 1;
message TokenRequest {
string id = 1;
string secret = 2;
int64 token_expiry = 3;
message TokenResponse {
Token token = 1;