magodo 92b998c3ab consul config source support 1st-level array
Check whetehr the 1st level encoded json is array or not, to
support 1st level array in consul config.

During debug, i suspected the incapability of arrray is caused by
json reader, so i added test for array. I think it makes no harm
to also check that in.
2019-06-21 00:25:39 +08:00
2019-05-30 23:11:13 +01:00
2019-05-30 23:11:13 +01:00

Consul Source

The consul source reads config from consul key/values

Consul Format

The consul source expects keys under the default prefix micro/config

Values are expected to be json

// set database
consul kv put micro/config/database '{"address": "", "port": 3306}'
// set cache
consul kv put micro/config/cache '{"address": "", "port": 6379}'

Keys are split on / so access becomes

conf.Get("micro", "config", "database")

New Source

Specify source with data

consulSource := consul.NewSource(
	// optionally specify consul address; default to localhost:8500
	// optionally specify prefix; defaults to micro/config
  // optionally strip the provided prefix from the keys, defaults to false

Load Source

Load the source into config

// Create new config
conf := config.NewConfig()

// Load file source