## Pull Request template Please, go through these steps before clicking submit on this PR. 1. Give a descriptive title to your PR. 2. Provide a description of your changes. 3. Make sure you have some relevant tests. 4. Put `closes #XXXX` in your comment to auto-close the issue that your PR fixes (if applicable). **PLEASE REMOVE THIS TEMPLATE BEFORE SUBMITTING** Reviewed-on: #369 Co-authored-by: Evstigneev Denis <danteevstigneev@yandex.ru> Co-committed-by: Evstigneev Denis <danteevstigneev@yandex.ru>
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package dns
import (
// DialFunc is a [net.Resolver.Dial] function.
type DialFunc func(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// NewNetResolver creates a caching [net.Resolver] that uses parent to resolve names.
func NewNetResolver(opts ...Option) *net.Resolver {
options := Options{Resolver: &net.Resolver{}}
for _, o := range opts {
if options.Meter == nil {
options.Meter = meter.DefaultMeter
opts = append(opts, Meter(options.Meter))
return &net.Resolver{
PreferGo: true,
StrictErrors: options.Resolver.StrictErrors,
Dial: NewNetDialer(options.Resolver.Dial, append(opts, Resolver(options.Resolver))...),
// NewNetDialer adds caching to a [net.Resolver.Dial] function.
func NewNetDialer(parent DialFunc, opts ...Option) DialFunc {
cache := cache{dial: parent, opts: Options{}}
for _, o := range opts {
if cache.opts.MaxCacheEntries == 0 {
cache.opts.MaxCacheEntries = DefaultMaxCacheEntries
return func(_ context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
conn := &dnsConn{}
conn.roundTrip = cachingRoundTrip(&cache, network, address)
return conn, nil
const DefaultMaxCacheEntries = 300
// A Option customizes the resolver cache.
type Option func(*Options)
type Options struct {
Resolver *net.Resolver
MaxCacheEntries int
MaxCacheTTL time.Duration
MinCacheTTL time.Duration
NegativeCache bool
PreferIPV4 bool
PreferIPV6 bool
Timeout time.Duration
Meter meter.Meter
// MaxCacheEntries sets the maximum number of entries to cache.
// If zero, [DefaultMaxCacheEntries] is used; negative means no limit.
func MaxCacheEntries(n int) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.MaxCacheEntries = n
// MaxCacheTTL sets the maximum time-to-live for entries in the cache.
func MaxCacheTTL(td time.Duration) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.MaxCacheTTL = td
// MinCacheTTL sets the minimum time-to-live for entries in the cache.
func MinCacheTTL(td time.Duration) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.MinCacheTTL = td
// NegativeCache sets whether to cache negative responses.
func NegativeCache(b bool) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.NegativeCache = b
// Meter sets meter.Meter
func Meter(m meter.Meter) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Meter = m
// Timeout sets upstream *net.Resolver timeout
func Timeout(td time.Duration) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Timeout = td
// Resolver sets upstream *net.Resolver.
func Resolver(r *net.Resolver) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Resolver = r
// PreferIPV4 resolve ipv4 records.
func PreferIPV4(b bool) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.PreferIPV4 = b
// PreferIPV6 resolve ipv4 records.
func PreferIPV6(b bool) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.PreferIPV6 = b
type cache struct {
entries map[string]cacheEntry
dial DialFunc
opts Options
type cacheEntry struct {
deadline time.Time
value string
func (c *cache) put(req string, res string) {
// ignore uncacheable/unparseable answers
if invalid(req, res) {
// ignore errors (if requested)
if nameError(res) && !c.opts.NegativeCache {
// ignore uncacheable/unparseable answers
ttl := getTTL(res)
if ttl <= 0 {
// adjust TTL
if ttl < c.opts.MinCacheTTL {
ttl = c.opts.MinCacheTTL
// maxTTL overrides minTTL
if ttl > c.opts.MaxCacheTTL && c.opts.MaxCacheTTL != 0 {
ttl = c.opts.MaxCacheTTL
if c.entries == nil {
c.entries = make(map[string]cacheEntry)
// do some cache evition
var tested, evicted int
for k, e := range c.entries {
if time.Until(e.deadline) <= 0 {
c.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.CacheItemsTotal, "type", "dns").Dec()
c.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.CacheRequestTotal, "type", "dns", "method", "evict").Inc()
// delete expired entry
delete(c.entries, k)
if tested < 8 {
if evicted == 0 && c.opts.MaxCacheEntries > 0 && len(c.entries) >= c.opts.MaxCacheEntries {
c.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.CacheItemsTotal, "type", "dns").Dec()
c.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.CacheRequestTotal, "type", "dns", "method", "evict").Inc()
// delete at least one entry
delete(c.entries, k)
// remove message IDs
c.entries[req[2:]] = cacheEntry{
deadline: time.Now().Add(ttl),
value: res[2:],
c.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.CacheItemsTotal, "type", "dns").Inc()
func (c *cache) get(req string) (res string) {
// ignore invalid messages
if len(req) < 12 {
return ""
if req[2] >= 0x7f {
return ""
defer c.RUnlock()
if c.entries == nil {
return ""
// remove message ID
entry, ok := c.entries[req[2:]]
if ok && time.Until(entry.deadline) > 0 {
// prepend correct ID
return req[:2] + entry.value
return ""
func invalid(req string, res string) bool {
if len(req) < 12 || len(res) < 12 { // header size
return true
if req[0] != res[0] || req[1] != res[1] { // IDs match
return true
if req[2] >= 0x7f || res[2] < 0x7f { // query, response
return true
if req[2]&0x7a != 0 || res[2]&0x7a != 0 { // standard query, not truncated
return true
if res[3]&0xf != 0 && res[3]&0xf != 3 { // no error, or name error
return true
return false
func nameError(res string) bool {
return res[3]&0xf == 3
func getTTL(msg string) time.Duration {
ttl := math.MaxInt32
qdcount := getUint16(msg[4:])
ancount := getUint16(msg[6:])
nscount := getUint16(msg[8:])
arcount := getUint16(msg[10:])
rdcount := ancount + nscount + arcount
msg = msg[12:] // skip header
// skip questions
for i := 0; i < qdcount; i++ {
name := getNameLen(msg)
if name < 0 || name+4 > len(msg) {
return -1
msg = msg[name+4:]
// parse records
for i := 0; i < rdcount; i++ {
name := getNameLen(msg)
if name < 0 || name+10 > len(msg) {
return -1
rtyp := getUint16(msg[name+0:])
rttl := getUint32(msg[name+4:])
rlen := getUint16(msg[name+8:])
if name+10+rlen > len(msg) {
return -1
// skip EDNS OPT since it doesn't have a TTL
if rtyp != 41 && rttl < ttl {
ttl = rttl
msg = msg[name+10+rlen:]
return time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second
func getNameLen(msg string) int {
i := 0
for i < len(msg) {
if msg[i] == 0 {
// end of name
if msg[i] >= 0xc0 {
// compressed name
i += 2
if msg[i] >= 0x40 {
// reserved
return -1
i += int(msg[i] + 1)
return i
func getUint16(s string) int {
return int(s[1]) | int(s[0])<<8
func getUint32(s string) int {
return int(s[3]) | int(s[2])<<8 | int(s[1])<<16 | int(s[0])<<24
func cachingRoundTrip(cache *cache, network, address string) roundTripper {
return func(ctx context.Context, req string) (res string, err error) {
cache.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.CacheRequestInflight, "type", "dns").Inc()
defer cache.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.CacheRequestInflight, "type", "dns").Dec()
// check cache
if res = cache.get(req); res != "" {
return res, nil
cache.opts.Meter.Counter(semconv.CacheRequestTotal, "type", "dns", "method", "get", "status", "miss").Inc()
ts := time.Now()
defer func() {
cache.opts.Meter.Summary(semconv.CacheRequestLatencyMicroseconds, "type", "dns", "method", "get").UpdateDuration(ts)
cache.opts.Meter.Histogram(semconv.CacheRequestDurationSeconds, "type", "dns", "method", "get").UpdateDuration(ts)
switch {
case cache.opts.PreferIPV4 && cache.opts.PreferIPV6:
network = "udp"
case cache.opts.PreferIPV4:
network = "udp4"
case cache.opts.PreferIPV6:
network = "udp6"
network = "udp"
if cache.opts.Timeout > 0 {
var cancel func()
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, cache.opts.Timeout)
defer cancel()
// dial connection
var conn net.Conn
if cache.dial != nil {
conn, err = cache.dial(ctx, network, address)
} else {
var d net.Dialer
conn, err = d.DialContext(ctx, network, address)
if err != nil {
return "", err
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
defer cancel()
if t, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
err = conn.SetDeadline(t)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// send request
err = writeMessage(conn, req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// read response
res, err = readMessage(conn)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// cache response
cache.put(req, res)
return res, nil