Milos Gajdos d09b7dbbef
Broadcast neighbourhood; fix critical bugs in channel connections
This commit introduces neighbourhood announcements which allows to
maintaing neighbour map if each next-hop node.

It also fixes a critical bug when accepting connections for a particular
tunnel channel.
2019-08-28 20:11:19 +01:00

32 lines
615 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package go.micro.network;
// Node is network node
message Node {
// node ide
string id = 1;
// node address
string address = 2;
// Connect is sent when the node connects to the network
message Connect {
// network mode
Node node = 1;
// Close is sent when the node disconnects from the network
message Close {
// network mode
Node node = 1;
// Neighbour is used to nnounce node neighbourhood
message Neighbour {
// network mode
Node node = 1;
// neighbours
repeated Node neighbours = 3;