Table of Contents
The first service
Micro does not oblige to use protobuf. But for better experience in communication between microservices (client - server) strongly recommended to use .proto files. It insures developers on a both sides they are using the same generated .proto structures and services.
Usually .proto files located in the directory of the project. If amount of services which are using .proto file are growing up, the best way to share .proto files is using any of storage (github, gitlab etc.).
File .proto usually contains from three part:
- header - contains imports and package names
- service - contains service names and methods with annotations
- messages - description for structures, which are using by service
See code below with .proto file example for better undestanding:
syntax = "proto3"; // syntax of proto file
package github; // service name
option go_package = "domain.tld/some_repo;pb"; // optional, help code generator names packages in a right way
import "api/annotations.proto"; // for using http next to grpc we have to define import
import "openapiv2/annotations.proto"; // for using openapi generation (describe our services) we have to define import
service Github {// service name - will be using by code generator on the client side and server side support functions (create service client, create service server), in Endpoints and openapi description
rpc LookupUser(LookupUserReq) returns (LookupUserRsp) {// description for method with structures to receive and respond
option (micro.openapiv2.openapiv2_operation) = {// openapi annotaiont
operation_id: "LookupUser"; // operation name in openapi
responses: {// type of responses
key: "default"; // using by any of response type except standart one described in the method
value: {
description: "Error response"; // openapi description
schema: {json_schema: {ref: ".github.Error";}}; // link to message type, consists with package name and message name
option (micro.api.http) = {get: "/users/{username}";}; // describes endpoint which should be used connecting to rpc LookupUser via http with method GET and path /users/username. In order to use POST, PUT, PATCH requests also may contain body. Body is defining the same way as path variable, but instead should be using link to message structure. If body is not pre-defined should be used body:'*' declaration.
message LookupUserReq {// request description
string username = 1; // the username field. Name have to be identical to path variable declaration in option google.api.http GET /users/{username}
message LookupUserRsp {// response description
string name = 1; // here define only one field from - name of user
message Error {// error description
string message = 1; // message from if user not found
Code generation
When a proto file has been created our next step will be code generation. For those purposes we are using protoc-gen-micro. It generates code based on proto description for server and client sides. The key thing here - imports have to be available. To make this happen we have to install them. The easiest way to do this - using file tools.go like example below:
// +build tools
package main
import (
_ ""
For using this file only in compilation time, we have to define // +build tools and pass the flag tools (we won't do that). The command go build / go get see the import and add the dependency.
Next step - script for code generation:
#!/bin/sh -e
INC=$(go list -f '{{ .Dir }}' -m
protoc $ARGS -Iproto --openapiv2_out=disable_default_errors=true,allow_merge=true:./proto/ --go_out=paths=source_relative:./proto/ --micro_out=components="micro|http",debug=true,paths=source_relative:./proto/ proto/*.proto
Here we want to generate swagger/openapi specification, go code with structures, micro interfaces and http client, server. All generated code will be stored in a proto directory.
The code below is describing creation client for Github service
package main
import (
mhttp ""
jsoncodec ""
pb ""
func main() {
hcli := mhttp.NewClient(client.ContentType("application/json"), client.Codec("application/json", jsoncodec.NewCodec()))
cli := client.NewClientCallOptions(hcli, client.WithAddress(""))
gh := pb.NewGithubClient("github", c)
rsp, err := gh.LookupUser(context.TODO(), &pb.LookupUserReq{Username: "vtolstov"})
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(context.TODO(), err)
if rsp.Name != "Vasiliy Tolstov" {
logger.Errorf(context.TODO(), "invalid rsp received: %#+v\n", rsp)
The code below is describing creation server for Github service
First step - creating handler
package handler
import (
httpsrv ""
pb ""
type GithubHandler struct{}
func NewGithubHandler() *GithubHandler {
return &GithubHandler{}
func (h *GithubHandler) LookupUser(ctx context.Context, req *pb.LookupUserReq, rsp *pb.LookupUserRsp) error {
if req.GetUsername() == "" || req.GetUsername() != "vtolstov" {
httpsrv.SetRspCode(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest)
return httpsrv.SetError(&pb.Error{Message: "name is not correct"})
rsp.Name = "Vasiliy Tolstov"
httpsrv.SetRspCode(ctx, http.StatusOK)
return nil
Second step - creating server
package main
import (
mhttp ""
jsoncodec ""
httpsrv ""
pb ""
func main() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
Options for service, pass the context with cancel
options := append([]micro.Option{},
server.Codec("application/json", jsoncodec.NewCodec()),
client.Codec("application/json", jsoncodec.NewCodec()),
// create new service
srv := micro.NewService(options...)
// init all stuff
if err := srv.Init(); err != nil {
logger.Fatal(ctx, err)
// create handler
eh := handler.NewGithubHandler()
// register handler in server
if err := pb.RegisterGithubServer(srv.Server(), eh); err != nil {
logger.Fatal(ctx, err)
// run service
if err := srv.Run(); err != nil {
logger.Fatal(ctx, err)
Important note:
- In order to use gRPC instead of http - need to replace http to grpc in --micro_out=components="micro|http"
- Implementation for gRPC in code has only one difference - need to pass grpcsrv.NewServer() instead of httpsrv.NewServer(). Library could be found here: