- (feat) add concept of post processors
- (feat) add 'key as default value' post processor (closes #109) - (chore) move clean functionality to a post processor - (chore) move sort functionality to a post processor - (refactor) get rid of leading underscore on protected properties/methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,10 +24,7 @@
"keywords": [
@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ import { PipeParser } from '../parsers/pipe.parser';
import { DirectiveParser } from '../parsers/directive.parser';
import { ServiceParser } from '../parsers/service.parser';
import { FunctionParser } from '../parsers/function.parser';
import { PostProcessorInterface } from '../post-processors/post-processor.interface';
import { SortByKeyPostProcessor } from '../post-processors/sort-by-key.post-processor';
import { KeyAsDefaultValuePostProcessor } from '../post-processors/key-as-default-value.post-processor';
import { PurgeObsoleteKeysPostProcessor } from '../post-processors/purge-obsolete-keys.post-processor';
import { CompilerInterface } from '../compilers/compiler.interface';
import { CompilerFactory } from '../compilers/compiler.factory';
@ -82,28 +86,21 @@ export const cli = yargs
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
.option('verbose', {
alias: 'vb',
describe: 'Log all output to console',
.option('key-as-default-value', {
alias: 'k',
describe: 'Use key as default value for translations',
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
const extract = new ExtractTask(cli.input, cli.output, {
const extractTask = new ExtractTask(cli.input, cli.output, {
replace: cli.replace,
sort: cli.sort,
clean: cli.clean,
patterns: cli.patterns,
verbose: cli.verbose
patterns: cli.patterns
const compiler: CompilerInterface = CompilerFactory.create(cli.format, {
indentation: cli.formatIndentation
// Parsers
const parsers: ParserInterface[] = [
new PipeParser(),
new DirectiveParser(),
@ -114,6 +111,25 @@ if (cli.marker) {
identifier: cli.marker
// Processors
const processors: PostProcessorInterface[] = [];
if (cli.clean) {
processors.push(new PurgeObsoleteKeysPostProcessor());
if (cli.keyAsDefaultValue) {
processors.push(new KeyAsDefaultValuePostProcessor());
if (cli.sort) {
processors.push(new SortByKeyPostProcessor());
// Compiler
const compiler: CompilerInterface = CompilerFactory.create(cli.format, {
indentation: cli.formatIndentation
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import { TranslationCollection } from '../../utils/translation.collection';
import { TaskInterface } from './task.interface';
import { ParserInterface } from '../../parsers/parser.interface';
import { PostProcessorInterface } from '../../post-processors/post-processor.interface';
import { CompilerInterface } from '../../compilers/compiler.interface';
import { green, bold, gray, dim } from 'colorette';
import { green, bold, gray, dim, cyan } from 'colorette';
import * as glob from 'glob';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
@ -11,128 +12,133 @@ import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
export interface ExtractTaskOptionsInterface {
replace?: boolean;
sort?: boolean;
clean?: boolean;
patterns?: string[];
verbose?: boolean;
export class ExtractTask implements TaskInterface {
protected _options: ExtractTaskOptionsInterface = {
protected options: ExtractTaskOptionsInterface = {
replace: false,
sort: false,
clean: false,
patterns: [],
verbose: false
patterns: []
protected _parsers: ParserInterface[] = [];
protected _compiler: CompilerInterface;
protected parsers: ParserInterface[] = [];
protected processors: PostProcessorInterface[] = [];
protected compiler: CompilerInterface;
public constructor(protected _input: string[], protected _output: string[], options?: ExtractTaskOptionsInterface) {
this._options = { ...this._options, ...options };
public constructor(protected inputs: string[], protected outputs: string[], options?: ExtractTaskOptionsInterface) {
this.inputs = inputs.map(input => path.resolve(input));
this.outputs = outputs.map(output => path.resolve(output));
this.options = { ...this.options, ...options };
public execute(): void {
if (!this._parsers) {
if (!this.parsers.length) {
throw new Error('No parsers configured');
if (!this._compiler) {
if (!this.compiler) {
throw new Error('No compiler configured');
const collection = this._extract();
this._out(green('Extracted %d strings\n'), collection.count());
const extracted = this.extract();
this.out(green(`\nFound %d strings.\n`), extracted.count());
if (this.processors.length) {
this.out(cyan('Enabled post processors:'));
this.out(cyan(dim(this.processors.map(processor => `- ${processor.name}`).join('\n'))));
this.outputs.forEach(output => {
let dir: string = output;
let filename: string = `strings.${this.compiler.extension}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(output) || !fs.statSync(output).isDirectory()) {
dir = path.dirname(output);
filename = path.basename(output);
const outputPath: string = path.join(dir, filename);
this.out(`${bold('Saving:')} ${dim(outputPath)}`);
let existing: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
if (!this.options.replace && fs.existsSync(outputPath)) {
this.out(dim(`- destination exists, merging existing translations`));
existing = this.compiler.parse(fs.readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8'));
const working = extracted.union(existing);
// Run collection through processors
this.out(dim('- applying post processors'));
const final = this.process(working, extracted, existing);
// Save to file
this.save(outputPath, final);
public setParsers(parsers: ParserInterface[]): this {
this._parsers = parsers;
this.parsers = parsers;
return this;
public setProcessors(processors: PostProcessorInterface[]): this {
this.processors = processors;
return this;
public setCompiler(compiler: CompilerInterface): this {
this._compiler = compiler;
this.compiler = compiler;
return this;
* Extract strings from input dirs using configured parsers
* Extract strings from specified input dirs using configured parsers
protected _extract(): TranslationCollection {
this._out(bold('Extracting strings...'));
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
this._input.forEach(dir => {
this._readDir(dir, this._options.patterns).forEach(path => {
this._options.verbose && this._out(gray('- %s'), path);
protected extract(): TranslationCollection {
let extracted: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
this.inputs.forEach(dir => {
this.readDir(dir, this.options.patterns).forEach(path => {
this.out(gray('- %s'), path);
const contents: string = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8');
this._parsers.forEach((parser: ParserInterface) => {
collection = collection.union(parser.extract(contents, path));
this.parsers.forEach(parser => {
extracted = extracted.union(parser.extract(contents, path));
return collection;
return extracted;
* Process collection according to options (merge, clean, sort), compile and save
* Run strings through configured processors
protected process(working: TranslationCollection, extracted: TranslationCollection, existing: TranslationCollection): TranslationCollection {
this.processors.forEach(processor => {
working = processor.process(working, extracted, existing);
return working;
* Compile and save translations
* @param collection
protected _save(collection: TranslationCollection): void {
this._output.forEach(output => {
const normalizedOutput: string = path.resolve(output);
let dir: string = normalizedOutput;
let filename: string = `strings.${this._compiler.extension}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(normalizedOutput) || !fs.statSync(normalizedOutput).isDirectory()) {
dir = path.dirname(normalizedOutput);
filename = path.basename(normalizedOutput);
const outputPath: string = path.join(dir, filename);
let processedCollection: TranslationCollection = collection;
this._out(bold('\nSaving: %s'), outputPath);
if (fs.existsSync(outputPath) && !this._options.replace) {
const existingCollection: TranslationCollection = this._compiler.parse(fs.readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8'));
if (!existingCollection.isEmpty()) {
processedCollection = processedCollection.union(existingCollection);
this._out(dim('- merged with %d existing strings'), existingCollection.count());
if (this._options.clean) {
const collectionCount = processedCollection.count();
processedCollection = processedCollection.intersect(collection);
const removeCount = collectionCount - processedCollection.count();
if (removeCount > 0) {
this._out(dim('- removed %d obsolete strings'), removeCount);
if (this._options.sort) {
processedCollection = processedCollection.sort();
this._out(dim('- sorted strings'));
protected save(output: string, collection: TranslationCollection): void {
const dir = path.dirname(output);
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
this._out(dim('- created dir: %s'), dir);
this.out(dim('- created dir: %s'), dir);
fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, this._compiler.compile(processedCollection));
fs.writeFileSync(output, this.compiler.compile(collection));
* Get all files in dir matching patterns
protected _readDir(dir: string, patterns: string[]): string[] {
protected readDir(dir: string, patterns: string[]): string[] {
return patterns.reduce((results, pattern) => {
return glob.sync(dir + pattern)
.filter(path => fs.statSync(path).isFile())
@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ export class ExtractTask implements TaskInterface {
}, []);
protected _out(...args: any[]): void {
protected out(...args: any[]): void {
console.log.apply(this, arguments);
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ export class JsonCompiler implements CompilerInterface {
public parse(contents: string): TranslationCollection {
let values: any = JSON.parse(contents);
if (this._isNamespacedJsonFormat(values)) {
if (this.isNamespacedJsonFormat(values)) {
values = flat.flatten(values);
return new TranslationCollection(values);
protected _isNamespacedJsonFormat(values: any): boolean {
protected isNamespacedJsonFormat(values: any): boolean {
return Object.keys(values).some(key => typeof values[key] === 'object');
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import { yellow } from 'colorette';
export abstract class AbstractAstParser {
protected _sourceFile: ts.SourceFile;
protected sourceFile: ts.SourceFile;
protected _createSourceFile(path: string, contents: string): ts.SourceFile {
protected createSourceFile(path: string, contents: string): ts.SourceFile {
return ts.createSourceFile(path, contents, null, /*setParentNodes */ false);
* Get strings from function call's first argument
protected _getCallArgStrings(callNode: ts.CallExpression): string[] {
protected getCallArgStrings(callNode: ts.CallExpression): string[] {
if (!callNode.arguments.length) {
@ -25,41 +26,51 @@ export abstract class AbstractAstParser {
return (firstArg as ts.ArrayLiteralExpression).elements
.map((element: ts.StringLiteral) => element.text);
case ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier:
console.log('WARNING: We cannot extract variable values passed to TranslateService (yet)');
console.log(yellow('[Line: %d] We do not support values passed to TranslateService'), this.getLine(firstArg));
case ts.SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression:
console.log(yellow('[Line: %d] We do not support binary expressions (yet)'), this.getLine(firstArg));
console.log(`SKIP: Unknown argument type: '${this._syntaxKindToName(firstArg.kind)}'`, firstArg);
console.log(yellow(`[Line: %d] Unknown argument type: %s`), this.getLine(firstArg), this.syntaxKindToName(firstArg.kind), firstArg);
* Find all child nodes of a kind
protected _findNodes(node: ts.Node, kind: ts.SyntaxKind): ts.Node[] {
const childrenNodes: ts.Node[] = node.getChildren(this._sourceFile);
protected findNodes(node: ts.Node, kind: ts.SyntaxKind): ts.Node[] {
const childrenNodes: ts.Node[] = node.getChildren(this.sourceFile);
const initialValue: ts.Node[] = node.kind === kind ? [node] : [];
return childrenNodes.reduce((result: ts.Node[], childNode: ts.Node) => {
return result.concat(this._findNodes(childNode, kind));
return result.concat(this.findNodes(childNode, kind));
}, initialValue);
protected _syntaxKindToName(kind: ts.SyntaxKind): string {
protected getLine(node: ts.Node): number {
const { line } = this.sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.pos);
return line + 1;
protected syntaxKindToName(kind: ts.SyntaxKind): string {
return ts.SyntaxKind[kind];
protected _printAllChildren(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, node: ts.Node, depth = 0): void {
protected printAllChildren(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, node: ts.Node, depth = 0): void {
new Array(depth + 1).join('----'),
`[pos: ${node.pos}-${node.end}]`,
node.getChildren(sourceFile).forEach(childNode => this._printAllChildren(sourceFile, childNode, depth));
node.getChildren(sourceFile).forEach(childNode => this.printAllChildren(sourceFile, childNode, depth));
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ export abstract class AbstractTemplateParser {
* Checks if file is of type javascript or typescript and
* makes the assumption that it is an Angular Component
protected _isAngularComponent(path: string): boolean {
protected isAngularComponent(path: string): boolean {
return (/\.ts|js$/i).test(path);
* Extracts inline template from components
protected _extractInlineTemplate(contents: string): string {
protected extractInlineTemplate(contents: string): string {
const regExp: RegExp = /template\s*:\s*(["'`])([^\1]*?)\1/;
const match = regExp.exec(contents);
if (match !== null) {
@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ const $ = cheerio.load('', {xmlMode: true});
export class DirectiveParser extends AbstractTemplateParser implements ParserInterface {
public extract(contents: string, path?: string): TranslationCollection {
if (path && this._isAngularComponent(path)) {
contents = this._extractInlineTemplate(contents);
if (path && this.isAngularComponent(path)) {
contents = this.extractInlineTemplate(contents);
return this._parseTemplate(contents);
return this.parseTemplate(contents);
protected _parseTemplate(template: string): TranslationCollection {
protected parseTemplate(template: string): TranslationCollection {
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
template = this._normalizeTemplateAttributes(template);
template = this.normalizeTemplateAttributes(template);
const selector = '[translate], [ng2-translate]';
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export class DirectiveParser extends AbstractTemplateParser implements ParserInt
* so it can't be parsed by standard HTML parsers.
* This method replaces `[attr]="'val'""` with `attr="val"`
protected _normalizeTemplateAttributes(template: string): string {
protected normalizeTemplateAttributes(template: string): string {
return template.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]="'([^']*)'"/g, '$1="$2"');
@ -6,23 +6,23 @@ import * as ts from 'typescript';
export class FunctionParser extends AbstractAstParser implements ParserInterface {
protected _functionIdentifier: string = '_';
protected functionIdentifier: string = '_';
public constructor(options?: any) {
if (options && typeof options.identifier !== 'undefined') {
this._functionIdentifier = options.identifier;
this.functionIdentifier = options.identifier;
public extract(contents: string, path?: string): TranslationCollection {
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
this._sourceFile = this._createSourceFile(path, contents);
this.sourceFile = this.createSourceFile(path, contents);
const callNodes = this._findCallNodes();
const callNodes = this.findCallNodes();
callNodes.forEach(callNode => {
const keys: string[] = this._getCallArgStrings(callNode);
const keys: string[] = this.getCallArgStrings(callNode);
if (keys && keys.length) {
collection = collection.addKeys(keys);
@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ export class FunctionParser extends AbstractAstParser implements ParserInterface
* Find all calls to marker function
protected _findCallNodes(node?: ts.Node): ts.CallExpression[] {
protected findCallNodes(node?: ts.Node): ts.CallExpression[] {
if (!node) {
node = this._sourceFile;
node = this.sourceFile;
let callNodes = this._findNodes(node, ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression) as ts.CallExpression[];
let callNodes = this.findNodes(node, ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression) as ts.CallExpression[];
callNodes = callNodes
.filter(callNode => {
// Only call expressions with arguments
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export class FunctionParser extends AbstractAstParser implements ParserInterface
const identifier = (callNode.getChildAt(0) as ts.Identifier).text;
if (identifier !== this._functionIdentifier) {
if (identifier !== this.functionIdentifier) {
return false;
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
export class PipeParser extends AbstractTemplateParser implements ParserInterface {
public extract(contents: string, path?: string): TranslationCollection {
if (path && this._isAngularComponent(path)) {
contents = this._extractInlineTemplate(contents);
if (path && this.isAngularComponent(path)) {
contents = this.extractInlineTemplate(contents);
return this._parseTemplate(contents);
return this.parseTemplate(contents);
protected _parseTemplate(template: string): TranslationCollection {
protected parseTemplate(template: string): TranslationCollection {
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
const regExp: RegExp = /(['"`])((?:(?!\1).|\\\1)+)\1\s*\|\s*translate/g;
@ -6,27 +6,27 @@ import * as ts from 'typescript';
export class ServiceParser extends AbstractAstParser implements ParserInterface {
protected _sourceFile: ts.SourceFile;
protected sourceFile: ts.SourceFile;
public extract(contents: string, path?: string): TranslationCollection {
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
this._sourceFile = this._createSourceFile(path, contents);
const classNodes = this._findClassNodes(this._sourceFile);
this.sourceFile = this.createSourceFile(path, contents);
const classNodes = this.findClassNodes(this.sourceFile);
classNodes.forEach(classNode => {
const constructorNode = this._findConstructorNode(classNode);
const constructorNode = this.findConstructorNode(classNode);
if (!constructorNode) {
const propertyName: string = this._findTranslateServicePropertyName(constructorNode);
const propertyName: string = this.findTranslateServicePropertyName(constructorNode);
if (!propertyName) {
const callNodes = this._findCallNodes(classNode, propertyName);
const callNodes = this.findCallNodes(classNode, propertyName);
callNodes.forEach(callNode => {
const keys: string[] = this._getCallArgStrings(callNode);
const keys: string[] = this.getCallArgStrings(callNode);
if (keys && keys.length) {
collection = collection.addKeys(keys);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export class ServiceParser extends AbstractAstParser implements ParserInterface
* Detect what the TranslateService instance property
* is called by inspecting constructor arguments
protected _findTranslateServicePropertyName(constructorNode: ts.ConstructorDeclaration): string {
protected findTranslateServicePropertyName(constructorNode: ts.ConstructorDeclaration): string {
if (!constructorNode) {
return null;
@ -77,15 +77,15 @@ export class ServiceParser extends AbstractAstParser implements ParserInterface
* Find class nodes
protected _findClassNodes(node: ts.Node): ts.ClassDeclaration[] {
return this._findNodes(node, ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) as ts.ClassDeclaration[];
protected findClassNodes(node: ts.Node): ts.ClassDeclaration[] {
return this.findNodes(node, ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) as ts.ClassDeclaration[];
* Find constructor
protected _findConstructorNode(node: ts.ClassDeclaration): ts.ConstructorDeclaration {
const constructorNodes = this._findNodes(node, ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor) as ts.ConstructorDeclaration[];
protected findConstructorNode(node: ts.ClassDeclaration): ts.ConstructorDeclaration {
const constructorNodes = this.findNodes(node, ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor) as ts.ConstructorDeclaration[];
if (constructorNodes) {
return constructorNodes[0];
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ export class ServiceParser extends AbstractAstParser implements ParserInterface
* Find all calls to TranslateService methods
protected _findCallNodes(node: ts.Node, propertyIdentifier: string): ts.CallExpression[] {
let callNodes = this._findNodes(node, ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression) as ts.CallExpression[];
protected findCallNodes(node: ts.Node, propertyIdentifier: string): ts.CallExpression[] {
let callNodes = this.findNodes(node, ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression) as ts.CallExpression[];
callNodes = callNodes
.filter(callNode => {
// Only call expressions with arguments
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
import { PostProcessorInterface } from './post-processor.interface';
export class KeyAsDefaultValuePostProcessor implements PostProcessorInterface {
public name: string = 'KeyAsDefaultValue';
public process(working: TranslationCollection, extracted: TranslationCollection, existing: TranslationCollection): TranslationCollection {
return working.map((key, val) => val === '' ? key : val);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
export interface PostProcessorInterface {
name: string;
process(working: TranslationCollection, extracted: TranslationCollection, existing: TranslationCollection): TranslationCollection;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
import { PostProcessorInterface } from './post-processor.interface';
export class PurgeObsoleteKeysPostProcessor implements PostProcessorInterface {
public name: string = 'PurgeObsoleteKeys';
public process(working: TranslationCollection, extracted: TranslationCollection, existing: TranslationCollection): TranslationCollection {
return working.intersect(extracted);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
import { PostProcessorInterface } from './post-processor.interface';
export class SortByKeyPostProcessor implements PostProcessorInterface {
public name: string = 'SortByKey';
public process(working: TranslationCollection, extracted: TranslationCollection, existing: TranslationCollection): TranslationCollection {
return working.sort();
@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ export class TranslationCollection {
return new TranslationCollection(values);
public map(callback: (key?: string, val?: string) => string): TranslationCollection {
let values: TranslationType = {};
this.forEach((key: string, val: string) => {
values[key] = callback.call(this, key, val);
return new TranslationCollection(values);
public union(collection: TranslationCollection): TranslationCollection {
return new TranslationCollection({ ...this.values, ...collection.values });
@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ import { AbstractTemplateParser } from '../../src/parsers/abstract-template.pars
class TestTemplateParser extends AbstractTemplateParser {
public isAngularComponent(filePath: string): boolean {
return this._isAngularComponent(filePath);
return super.isAngularComponent(filePath);
public extractInlineTemplate(contents: string): string {
return this._extractInlineTemplate(contents);
return super.extractInlineTemplate(contents);
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { DirectiveParser } from '../../src/parsers/directive.parser';
class TestDirectiveParser extends DirectiveParser {
public normalizeTemplateAttributes(template: string): string {
return this._normalizeTemplateAttributes(template);
return super.normalizeTemplateAttributes(template);
@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ import { ServiceParser } from '../../src/parsers/service.parser';
class TestServiceParser extends ServiceParser {
/*public getInstancePropertyName(): string {
return this._getInstancePropertyName();
describe('ServiceParser', () => {
@ -20,20 +16,6 @@ describe('ServiceParser', () => {
parser = new TestServiceParser();
/*it('should extract variable used for TranslateService', () => {
const contents = `
@Component({ })
export class AppComponent {
public constructor(
_serviceA: ServiceA,
public _serviceB: ServiceB,
protected _translateService: TranslateService
) { }
const name = parser.getInstancePropertyName();
it('should extract strings in TranslateService\'s get() method', () => {
const contents = `
@Component({ })
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { PostProcessorInterface } from '../../src/post-processors/post-processor.interface';
import { KeyAsDefaultValuePostProcessor } from '../../src/post-processors/key-as-default-value.post-processor';
import { TranslationCollection } from '../../src/utils/translation.collection';
describe('KeyAsDefaultValuePostProcessor', () => {
let processor: PostProcessorInterface;
beforeEach(() => {
processor = new KeyAsDefaultValuePostProcessor();
it('should use key as default value', () => {
const collection = new TranslationCollection({
'I have no value': '',
'I am already translated': 'Jeg er allerede oversat',
'Use this key as value as well': ''
const extracted = new TranslationCollection();
const existing = new TranslationCollection();
expect(processor.process(collection, extracted, existing).values).to.deep.equal({
'I have no value': 'I have no value',
'I am already translated': 'Jeg er allerede oversat',
'Use this key as value as well': 'Use this key as value as well'
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { PostProcessorInterface } from '../../src/post-processors/post-processor.interface';
import { PurgeObsoleteKeysPostProcessor } from '../../src/post-processors/purge-obsolete-keys.post-processor';
import { TranslationCollection } from '../../src/utils/translation.collection';
describe('KeyAsDefaultValuePostProcessor', () => {
let processor: PostProcessorInterface;
beforeEach(() => {
processor = new PurgeObsoleteKeysPostProcessor();
it('should purge obsolete keys', () => {
const collection = new TranslationCollection({
'I am completely new': '',
'I already exist': '',
'I already exist but was not present in extract': ''
const extracted = new TranslationCollection({
'I am completely new': '',
'I already exist': ''
const existing = new TranslationCollection({
'I already exist': '',
'I already exist but was not present in extract': ''
expect(processor.process(collection, extracted, existing).values).to.deep.equal({
'I am completely new': '',
'I already exist': ''
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { PostProcessorInterface } from '../../src/post-processors/post-processor.interface';
import { SortByKeyPostProcessor } from '../../src/post-processors/sort-by-key.post-processor';
import { TranslationCollection } from '../../src/utils/translation.collection';
describe('SortByKeyPostProcessor', () => {
let processor: PostProcessorInterface;
beforeEach(() => {
processor = new SortByKeyPostProcessor();
it('should sort keys alphanumerically', () => {
const collection = new TranslationCollection({
'z': 'last value',
'a': 'a value',
'9': 'a numeric key',
'b': 'another value'
const extracted = new TranslationCollection();
const existing = new TranslationCollection();
expect(processor.process(collection, extracted, existing).values).to.deep.equal({
'9': 'a numeric key',
'a': 'a value',
'b': 'another value',
'z': 'last value'
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ describe('StringCollection', () => {
it('should intersect with passed collection', () => {
collection = collection.addKeys(['red', 'green', 'blue']);
const newCollection = new TranslationCollection( { red: '', blue: '' });
const newCollection = new TranslationCollection( { red: '', blue: '' });
expect(collection.intersect(newCollection).values).to.deep.equal({ red: '', blue: '' });
@ -79,10 +79,16 @@ describe('StringCollection', () => {
expect(collection.intersect(newCollection).values).to.deep.equal({ red: 'rød', blue: 'blå' });
it('should sort translations in alphabetical order', () => {
it('should sort keys alphabetically', () => {
collection = new TranslationCollection({ red: 'rød', green: 'grøn', blue: 'blå' });
collection = collection.sort();
expect(collection.keys()).deep.equal(['blue', 'green', 'red']);
it('should map values', () => {
collection = new TranslationCollection({ red: 'rød', green: 'grøn', blue: 'blå' });
collection = collection.map((key, val) => 'mapped value');
expect(collection.values).to.deep.equal({ red: 'mapped value', green: 'mapped value', blue: 'mapped value' });
Reference in New Issue
Block a user