Refactored Extractor and cli

This commit is contained in:
Kim Biesbjerg 2017-03-21 15:21:39 +01:00
parent f61cdc4064
commit 4537c1224a
10 changed files with 216 additions and 145 deletions

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
export interface CliOptionsInterface {
input: string[];
output: string[];
format: 'json' | 'namespaced-json' | 'pot';
replace: boolean;
sort: boolean;
clean: boolean;
help: boolean;

@ -1,33 +1,26 @@
import { Extractor } from '../utils/extractor';
import { CliOptionsInterface } from './cli-options.interface';
import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
import { ParserInterface } from '../parsers/parser.interface';
import { ExtractTask } from './tasks/extract.task';
import { PipeParser } from '../parsers/pipe.parser';
import { DirectiveParser } from '../parsers/directive.parser';
import { ServiceParser } from '../parsers/service.parser';
import { CompilerInterface } from '../compilers/compiler.interface';
import { JsonCompiler } from '../compilers/json.compiler';
import { NamespacedJsonCompiler } from '../compilers/namespaced-json.compiler';
import { PoCompiler } from '../compilers/po.compiler';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
import * as chalk from 'chalk';
import * as yargs from 'yargs';
const options: CliOptionsInterface = yargs
export const cli = yargs
.usage('Extract strings from files for translation.\nUsage: $0 [options]')
.alias('h', 'help')
.version('2.0.0') // TODO: Read from package.json
.alias('version', 'v')
.alias('help', 'h')
.option('input', {
alias: ['i', 'dir', 'd'],
alias: 'i',
describe: 'Paths you would like to extract strings from. You can use path expansion, glob patterns and multiple paths',
default: process.env.PWD,
type: 'array',
normalize: true
.check((options: CliOptionsInterface) => {
options.input.forEach(dir => {
.check(options => {
options.input.forEach((dir: string) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir) || !fs.statSync(dir).isDirectory()) {
throw new Error(`The path you supplied was not found: '${dir}'`)
@ -35,10 +28,17 @@ const options: CliOptionsInterface = yargs
return true;
.option('patterns', {
alias: 'p',
describe: 'Input file patterns to parse',
type: 'array',
default: ['/**/*.html', '/**/*.ts']
.option('output', {
alias: 'o',
describe: 'Paths where you would like to save extracted strings. You can use path expansion, glob patterns and multiple paths',
type: 'array',
normalize: true,
required: true
.option('format', {
@ -66,88 +66,22 @@ const options: CliOptionsInterface = yargs
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
const patterns: string[] = [
const parsers: ParserInterface[] = [
new ServiceParser(),
new PipeParser(),
new DirectiveParser()
let compiler: CompilerInterface;
let ext: string;
switch (options.format) {
case 'pot':
compiler = new PoCompiler();
ext = 'pot';
case 'json':
compiler = new JsonCompiler();
ext = 'json';
case 'namespaced-json':
compiler = new NamespacedJsonCompiler();
ext = 'json';
const extractor: Extractor = new Extractor(parsers, patterns);
let extractedStrings: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
// Extract strings from paths
console.log(chalk.bold('Extracting strings from...'));
options.input.forEach(dir => {
const normalizedDir: string = path.resolve(dir);
console.log(chalk.gray('- %s'), normalizedDir);
extractedStrings = extractedStrings.union(extractor.process(normalizedDir));
const extractTask = new ExtractTask(cli.input, cli.output, {
replace: cli.replace,
sort: cli.sort,
clean: cli.clean,
patterns: cli.patterns
console.log('Extracted %d strings\n'), extractedStrings.count());
// Save extracted strings to output paths
options.output.forEach(output => {
const normalizedOutput: string = path.resolve(output);
new ServiceParser(),
new PipeParser(),
new DirectiveParser()
let outputDir: string = normalizedOutput;
let outputFilename: string = `template.${ext}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(normalizedOutput) || !fs.statSync(normalizedOutput).isDirectory()) {
outputDir = path.dirname(normalizedOutput);
outputFilename = path.basename(normalizedOutput);
const outputPath: string = path.join(outputDir, outputFilename);
console.log(chalk.bold('Saving to: %s'), outputPath);
if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)) {
console.log(chalk.dim('- Created output dir: %s'), outputDir);
let processedStrings: TranslationCollection = extractedStrings;
if (fs.existsSync(outputPath) && !options.replace) {
const existingStrings: TranslationCollection = compiler.parse(fs.readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8'));
if (existingStrings.count() > 0) {
processedStrings = processedStrings.union(existingStrings);
console.log(chalk.dim('- Merged with %d existing strings'), existingStrings.count());
if (options.clean) {
const collectionCount = processedStrings.count();
processedStrings = processedStrings.intersect(processedStrings);
const removeCount = collectionCount - processedStrings.count();
console.log(chalk.dim('- Removed %d obsolete strings'), removeCount);
if (options.sort) {
processedStrings = processedStrings.sort();
console.log(chalk.dim('- Sorted strings'));
fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, compiler.compile(processedStrings));

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
import { TranslationCollection } from '../../utils/translation.collection';
import { TaskInterface } from './task.interface';
import { ParserInterface } from '../../parsers/parser.interface';
import { CompilerInterface } from '../../compilers/compiler.interface';
import { CompilerFactory } from '../../compilers/compiler.factory';
import * as chalk from 'chalk';
import * as glob from 'glob';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
export interface ExtractTaskOptionsInterface {
replace?: boolean;
sort?: boolean;
clean?: boolean;
patterns?: string[];
export class ExtractTask implements TaskInterface {
protected _options: ExtractTaskOptionsInterface = {
replace: false,
sort: false,
clean: false,
patterns: []
protected _parsers: ParserInterface[] = [];
protected _compiler: CompilerInterface;
public constructor(protected _input: string[], protected _output: string[], options?: ExtractTaskOptionsInterface) {
this._options = Object.assign({}, this._options, options);
public execute(): void {
if (!this._parsers) {
throw new Error('No parsers configured');
if (!this._compiler) {
throw new Error('No compiler configured');
const collection = this._extract();
if (collection.isEmpty()) {
this._out(chalk.yellow('Did not find any extractable strings\n'));
this._out('Extracted %d strings\n'), collection.count());
public setParsers(parsers: ParserInterface[]): this {
this._parsers = parsers;
return this;
public setCompiler(compiler: CompilerInterface | string): this {
if (typeof compiler === 'string') {
this._compiler = CompilerFactory.create(compiler)
} else {
this._compiler = compiler;
return this;
* Extract strings from input dirs using configured parsers
protected _extract(): TranslationCollection {
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
this._out(chalk.bold('Extracting strings...'));
this._input.forEach(dir => {
this._readDir(dir, this._options.patterns).forEach(path => {
this._out(chalk.gray('- %s'), path);
const contents: string = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8');
this._parsers.forEach((parser: ParserInterface) => {
collection = collection.union(parser.extract(contents, path));
return collection;
* Process collection according to options (merge, clean, sort), compile and save
* @param collection
protected _save(collection: TranslationCollection): void {
this._output.forEach(output => {
const normalizedOutput: string = path.resolve(output);
let dir: string = normalizedOutput;
let filename: string = `template.${this._compiler.extension}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(normalizedOutput) || !fs.statSync(normalizedOutput).isDirectory()) {
dir = path.dirname(normalizedOutput);
filename = path.basename(normalizedOutput);
const outputPath: string = path.join(dir, filename);
let processedCollection: TranslationCollection = collection;
this._out(chalk.bold('\nSaving: %s'), outputPath);
if (fs.existsSync(outputPath) && !this._options.replace) {
const existingCollection: TranslationCollection = this._compiler.parse(fs.readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8'));
if (!existingCollection.isEmpty()) {
processedCollection = processedCollection.union(existingCollection);
this._out(chalk.dim('- merged with %d existing strings'), existingCollection.count());
if (this._options.clean) {
const collectionCount = processedCollection.count();
processedCollection = processedCollection.intersect(processedCollection);
const removeCount = collectionCount - processedCollection.count();
if (removeCount > 0) {
this._out(chalk.dim('- removed %d obsolete strings'), removeCount);
if (this._options.sort) {
processedCollection = processedCollection.sort();
this._out(chalk.dim('- sorted strings'));
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
this._out(chalk.dim('- created dir: %s'), dir);
fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, this._compiler.compile(processedCollection));
* Get all files in dir matching patterns
protected _readDir(dir: string, patterns: string[]): string[] {
return patterns.reduce((results, pattern) => {
return glob.sync(dir + pattern)
.filter(path => fs.statSync(path).isFile())
}, []);
protected _out(...args: any[]): void {
console.log.apply(this, arguments);

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export interface TaskInterface {
execute(): void;

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import { CompilerInterface } from '../compilers/compiler.interface';
import { JsonCompiler } from '../compilers/json.compiler';
import { NamespacedJsonCompiler } from '../compilers/namespaced-json.compiler';
import { PoCompiler } from '../compilers/po.compiler';
export class CompilerFactory {
public static create(format: string): CompilerInterface {
switch (format) {
case 'pot': return new PoCompiler();
case 'json': return new JsonCompiler();
case 'namespaced-json': return new NamespacedJsonCompiler();
default: throw new Error(`Unknown format: ${format}`);

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
export interface CompilerInterface {
extension: string;
compile(collection: TranslationCollection): string;
parse(contents: string): TranslationCollection;

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
export class JsonCompiler implements CompilerInterface {
public extension = 'json';
public compile(collection: TranslationCollection): string {
return JSON.stringify(collection.values, null, '\t');

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import * as flat from 'flat';
export class NamespacedJsonCompiler implements CompilerInterface {
public extension = 'json';
public compile(collection: TranslationCollection): string {
const values: {} = flat.unflatten(collection.values);
return JSON.stringify(values, null, '\t');

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import * as gettext from 'gettext-parser';
export class PoCompiler implements CompilerInterface {
public extension = 'po';
* Translation domain

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
import { ParserInterface } from '../parsers/parser.interface';
import { TranslationCollection } from './translation.collection';
import * as glob from 'glob';
import * as fs from 'fs';
export class Extractor {
public constructor(public parsers: ParserInterface[], public patterns: string[]) { }
* Extract strings from dir
public process(dir: string): TranslationCollection {
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
this._readDir(dir, this.patterns).forEach(path => {
const contents: string = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8');
this.parsers.forEach((parser: ParserInterface) => {
collection = collection.union(parser.extract(contents, path));
return collection;
* Get all files in dir matching patterns
protected _readDir(dir: string, patterns: string[]): string[] {
return patterns.reduce((results, pattern) => {
return glob.sync(dir + pattern)
.filter(path => fs.statSync(path).isFile())
}, []);