remove console log

This commit is contained in:
Kim Biesbjerg 2019-07-08 14:35:18 +02:00
parent 7ee0b7da71
commit e133e0ce30
4 changed files with 363 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
import { ParserInterface } from './parser.interface';
import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
import { isPathAngularComponent, extractComponentInlineTemplate } from '../utils/utils';
import { parseTemplate, TmplAstNode, TmplAstElement, TmplAstBoundText, ASTWithSource, Interpolation, BindingPipe, LiteralPrimitive, flatten, TmplAstTemplate, TmplAstBoundAttribute } from '@angular/compiler';
export class NewPipeParser implements ParserInterface {
public getTranslatableString(node: TmplAstBoundAttribute) {
const bindingPipes = (node.value as ASTWithSource).ast;
console.log({astWithSrc: bindingPipes});
const expressions: BindingPipe[] = interpolation.expressions.filter(expression => {
return expression instanceof BindingPipe
&& === 'translate'
&& expression.exp instanceof LiteralPrimitive;
console.log({node, astWithSrc: bindingPipes, interpolation, expressions});
.map((node: TmplAstBoundText) => node.value)
.map((value: ASTWithSource) => value.ast)
.map((ast: Interpolation) => ast.expressions)
.map((expressions: any[]) =>
expressions.filter(expression =>
expression instanceof BindingPipe
&& === 'translate'
&& expression.exp instanceof LiteralPrimitive
.map((expressions: BindingPipe[]) => => (expression.exp as LiteralPrimitive).value as string)
public extract(template: string, path: string): TranslationCollection {
if (path && isPathAngularComponent(path)) {
template = extractComponentInlineTemplate(template);
// template = '<h1>{{ "Hello World" | translate }} {{ "Another string" | translate }}</h1><body><strong>Hello</strong> {{ "World (translatable)" | translate }}</body>';
template = `
<span [attr]="'Hello World' | translate"></span>
<div key="{{ 'message' | translate | upper }}">
<strong subattr="{{ 'hello last' | translate }}">{{ 'tag content' | translate }}</strong>
template = `{{ 'hello' | translate | upper }}`;
const rootNodes: TmplAstNode[] = this.parseTemplate(template, path);
const pipes: BindingPipe[] = rootNodes.reduce((result: BindingPipe[], rootNode: TmplAstNode) => {
return result.concat(this.findBindingPipeNodes(rootNode));
}, []);
const flat = flatten( => this.flattenBindingPipeNodes(pipe)));
return new TranslationCollection();
const boundTextNodes: TmplAstBoundText[] = rootNodes.reduce((result: TmplAstBoundText[], rootNode: TmplAstNode) => {
return result.concat(this.findBoundTextNodes(rootNode));
}, []);
const result = boundTextNodes
.map((node: TmplAstBoundText) => node.value)
.map((value: ASTWithSource) => value.ast)
.map((ast: Interpolation) => ast.expressions)
.map((expressions: any[]) =>
expressions.filter(expression =>
expression instanceof BindingPipe
&& === 'translate'
&& expression.exp instanceof LiteralPrimitive
.map((expressions: BindingPipe[]) => => (expression.exp as LiteralPrimitive).value as string)
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
flatten(result).forEach(key => collection = collection.add(key));
return collection;
protected flattenBindingPipeNodes(node: BindingPipe): BindingPipe[] {
let ret: BindingPipe[] = [];
ret = [node];
if (node.exp instanceof BindingPipe) {
return ret.concat(this.flattenBindingPipeNodes(node.exp));
return ret;
protected findBindingPipeNodes(node: TmplAstNode): BindingPipe[] {
let bindingPipes: BindingPipe[] = [];
if (node instanceof BindingPipe) {
/* let expression = node.exp;
console.log('YOYOOYOYOY', expression);
while (expression instanceof BindingPipe) {
expression = expression.exp;
// <p>{{ 'message' | translate }}</p>
// <p key="{{ 'message' | translate }}"></p>
if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundText || node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute) {
const expressions = ((node.value as ASTWithSource).ast as Interpolation).expressions;
if (expressions) {
bindingPipes = bindingPipes.concat(expressions.filter(expression => expression instanceof BindingPipe));
// Visit element/template attributes
if (node instanceof TmplAstElement || node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
const childBuffer = node.inputs.reduce((result: BindingPipe[], childNode: TmplAstNode) => {
return this.findBindingPipeNodes(childNode);
}, []);
bindingPipes = bindingPipes.concat(childBuffer);
// Visit element/template children
if (node instanceof TmplAstElement || node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
const childBuffer = node.children.reduce((result: BindingPipe[], childNode: TmplAstNode) => {
return this.findBindingPipeNodes(childNode);
}, []);
bindingPipes = bindingPipes.concat(childBuffer);
return bindingPipes;
protected findBoundTextNodes(node: TmplAstNode): TmplAstBoundText[] {
if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundText) {
return [node];
if (node instanceof TmplAstElement || node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
return node.children.reduce((result: TmplAstBoundText[], childNode: TmplAstNode) => {
return this.findBoundTextNodes(childNode);
}, []);
return [];
protected findBoundAttrNodes(node: TmplAstNode): TmplAstBoundAttribute[] {
if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute) {
return [node];
if (node instanceof TmplAstElement || node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
return node.inputs.reduce((result: TmplAstBoundAttribute[], boundAttribute: TmplAstBoundAttribute) => {
return this.findBoundAttrNodes(boundAttribute);
}, []);
return [];
protected parseTemplate(template: string, path: string): TmplAstNode[] {
return parseTemplate(template, path).nodes;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import { ParserInterface } from './parser.interface';
import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
import { isPathAngularComponent, extractComponentInlineTemplate } from '../utils/utils';
import { parseTemplate, TmplAstNode, TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstBoundText, TmplAstText, TmplAstTextAttribute, TmplAstBoundEvent } from '@angular/compiler';
import { visitAll, NullVisitor, RecursiveVisitor } from '@angular/compiler/src/render3/r3_ast';
/*export class PipeCollector extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
public pipes = new Map<string, BindingPipe>();
public visitPipe(ast: BindingPipe, context: any): any {
console.log('VISIT PIPE');
this.pipes.set(, ast);
this.visitAll(ast.args, context);
return null;
export class PipeV2Parser implements ParserInterface {
public extract(template: string, path: string): TranslationCollection {
if (path && isPathAngularComponent(path)) {
template = extractComponentInlineTemplate(template);
// template = '<h1>{{ "Hello World" | translate }} {{ "Another string" | translate }}</h1><body><strong>Hello</strong> {{ "World (translatable)" | translate }}</body>';
template = `
{{ 'Some text' }}
<span [attr]="'Hello World' | translate"></span>
<div hello key="{{ 'message' | translate | upper }}">
<strong subattr="{{ 'hello last' | translate }}">{{ 'tag content' | translate }}</strong>
template = `
{{ 'hello' | translate }}
<span [testing]="'bound attr?'"></span>
<div attr="this attribute has text"></div>
<h1>{{ 'HEADER' }}<h1>
<header (click)="dosomething()"></header>
const templateNodes: TmplAstNode[] = this.parseTemplate(template, path);
const visitor = new MyVisitor2();
visitAll(visitor, templateNodes);
// const rootNodes: TmplAstNode[] = this.parseTemplate(template, path);
// const visitor = new MyVisitor2();
rootNodes.forEach(rootNode => {
return new TranslationCollection();
protected parseTemplate(template: string, path: string): TmplAstNode[] {
return parseTemplate(template, path).nodes;
class MyVisitor2 extends RecursiveVisitor {
visitBoundText(text: TmplAstBoundText): void {
console.log('boundText\n', text);
visitBoundAttribute(attribute: TmplAstBoundAttribute): void {
console.log('boundAttr\n', attribute);
visitTextAttribute(attribute: TmplAstTextAttribute): void {
console.log('text attr\n', attribute);
visitText(text: TmplAstText): void {
console.log('text\n', text);
visitBoundEvent(attribute: TmplAstBoundEvent): void {
class MyVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
constructor() { super(); }
visitBoundText(text: TmplAstBoundText): void {
console.log('boundText\n', text);
visitBoundAttribute(attribute: TmplAstBoundAttribute): void {
console.log('boundAttr\n', attribute);
visitTextAttribute(attribute: TmplAstTextAttribute): void {
console.log('text attr\n', attribute);
visitText(text: TmplAstText): void {
console.log('text\n', text);
visitBoundEvent(attribute: TmplAstBoundEvent): void {

View File

@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ export class PipeParser implements ParserInterface {
collection = collection.add(matches[2].split('\\\'').join('\'')); collection = collection.add(matches[2].split('\\\'').join('\''));
} }
return collection; return collection;
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { ParserInterface } from './parser.interface';
import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
import { isPathAngularComponent, extractComponentInlineTemplate } from '../utils/utils';
import { parseTemplate, ElementAst, TmplAstNode, HtmlParser, Node } from '@angular/compiler';
import { Visitor, RecursiveVisitor } from '@angular/compiler/src/ml_parser/ast';
class TemplateVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
export class TestParser implements ParserInterface {
public extract(template: string, path: string): TranslationCollection {
if (path && isPathAngularComponent(path)) {
template = extractComponentInlineTemplate(template);
template = '<h2>Hello world</h2>';
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
const rootNodes = this.parseHtml(template, path);
const visitor = new TemplateVisitor();
const result = this.visitAll(visitor, rootNodes);
return collection;
protected visitAll(visitor: Visitor, nodes: Node[], context: any = null) {
const result: any[] = [];
const visit = visitor.visit ?
(ast: Node) => visitor.visit !(ast, context) || ast.visit(visitor, context) :
(ast: Node) => ast.visit(visitor, context);
nodes.forEach(ast => {
const astResult = visit(ast);
if (astResult) {
return result;
/*const result: any[] = [];
nodes.forEach(node => {
if (visitor.visit) {
protected parseHtml(template: string, templateUrl: string): Node[] {
const htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
const parseResult = htmlParser.parse(template, templateUrl);
return parseResult.rootNodes;
protected parseTemplate(template: string, path: string): TmplAstNode[] {
return parseTemplate(template, path).nodes;