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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Kim Biesbjerg
0d74fb4f55 wip 2020-05-31 14:46:41 +02:00
Kim Biesbjerg
b928ca7555 wip 2020-05-31 14:31:55 +02:00

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
import {
TmplAstNode as Node,
TmplAstBoundText as BoundText,
TmplAstElement as Element,
TmplAstTemplate as Template,
TmplAstBoundAttribute as BoundAttribute,
TmplAstBoundEvent as BoundEvent,
@ -17,142 +22,99 @@ import { TranslationCollection } from '../utils/translation.collection';
import { isPathAngularComponent, extractComponentInlineTemplate } from '../utils/utils';
const TRANSLATE_PIPE_NAME = 'translate';
type ElementLike = Element | Template;
export class PipeParser implements ParserInterface {
public extract(source: string, filePath: string): TranslationCollection | null {
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
if (filePath && isPathAngularComponent(filePath)) {
source = extractComponentInlineTemplate(source);
const nodes: Node[] = this.parseTemplate(source, filePath);
const pipes = this.getBindingPipes(nodes, TRANSLATE_PIPE_NAME).filter((pipe) => !this.pipeHasConcatenatedString(pipe));
let collection: TranslationCollection = new TranslationCollection();
const nodes: TmplAstNode[] = this.parseTemplate(source, filePath);
const pipes: BindingPipe[] = => this.findPipesInNode(node)).flat();
pipes.forEach((pipe) => {
this.parseTranslationKeysFromPipe(pipe).forEach((key: string) => {
collection = collection.add(key);
this.visitEachChild(pipe, (child) => {
if (child instanceof LiteralPrimitive) {
collection = collection.add(child.value);
return collection;
protected findPipesInNode(node: any): BindingPipe[] {
let ret: BindingPipe[] = [];
protected getBindingPipes(nodes: any[], name: string): BindingPipe[] {
let pipes: BindingPipe[] = [];
nodes.forEach((node) => {
if (this.isElementLike(node)) {
pipes = [
], name)
if (node?.children) {
ret = node.children.reduce(
(result: BindingPipe[], childNode: TmplAstNode) => {
const children = this.findPipesInNode(childNode);
return result.concat(children);
if (node?.value?.ast) {
if (node?.attributes) {
const translateableAttributes = node.attributes.filter((attr: TmplAstTextAttribute) => {
ret = [...ret, ...translateableAttributes];
if (node?.inputs) {
node.inputs.forEach((input: any) => {
// <element [attrib]="'identifier' | translate">
if (input?.value?.ast) {
this.visitEachChild(node, (exp) => {
if (exp instanceof BindingPipe && === name) {
pipes = [...pipes, exp];
return ret;
return pipes;
protected parseTranslationKeysFromPipe(pipeContent: BindingPipe | LiteralPrimitive | Conditional): string[] {
const ret: string[] = [];
if (pipeContent instanceof LiteralPrimitive) {
} else if (pipeContent instanceof Conditional) {
const trueExp: LiteralPrimitive | Conditional = pipeContent.trueExp as any;
const falseExp: LiteralPrimitive | Conditional = pipeContent.falseExp as any;
} else if (pipeContent instanceof BindingPipe) {
ret.push(...this.parseTranslationKeysFromPipe(pipeContent.exp as any));
protected visitEachChild(exp: AST, visitor: (child: AST) => void): void {
let children: AST[] = [];
if (exp instanceof BoundText) {
children = [exp.value];
} else if (exp instanceof BoundAttribute) {
children = [exp.value];
} else if (exp instanceof BoundEvent) {
children = [exp.handler];
} else if (exp instanceof Interpolation) {
children = exp.expressions;
} else if (exp instanceof LiteralArray) {
children = exp.expressions;
} else if (exp instanceof LiteralMap) {
children = exp.values;
} else if (exp instanceof BindingPipe) {
children = [exp.exp, ...exp.args];
} else if (exp instanceof Conditional) {
children = [exp.trueExp, exp.falseExp];
} else if (exp instanceof Binary) {
children = [exp.left, exp.right];
} else if (exp instanceof ASTWithSource) {
children = [exp.ast];
return ret;
children.forEach((child) => {
this.visitEachChild(child, visitor);
protected getTranslatablesFromAst(ast: AST): BindingPipe[] {
// the entire expression is the translate pipe, e.g.:
// - 'foo' | translate
// - (condition ? 'foo' : 'bar') | translate
if (this.expressionIsOrHasBindingPipe(ast)) {
return [ast];
// angular double curly bracket interpolation, e.g.:
// - {{ expressions }}
if (ast instanceof Interpolation) {
return this.getTranslatablesFromAsts(ast.expressions);
// ternary operator, e.g.:
// - condition ? null : ('foo' | translate)
// - condition ? ('foo' | translate) : null
if (ast instanceof Conditional) {
return this.getTranslatablesFromAsts([ast.trueExp, ast.falseExp]);
// string concatenation, e.g.:
// - 'foo' + 'bar' + ('baz' | translate)
if (ast instanceof Binary) {
return this.getTranslatablesFromAsts([ast.left, ast.right]);
// a pipe on the outer expression, but not the translate pipe - ignore the pipe, visit the expression, e.g.:
// - { foo: 'Hello' | translate } | json
if (ast instanceof BindingPipe) {
return this.getTranslatablesFromAst(ast.exp);
// object - ignore the keys, visit all values, e.g.:
// - { key1: 'value1' | translate, key2: 'value2' | translate }
if (ast instanceof LiteralMap) {
return this.getTranslatablesFromAsts(ast.values);
// array - visit all its values, e.g.:
// - [ 'value1' | translate, 'value2' | translate ]
if (ast instanceof LiteralArray) {
return this.getTranslatablesFromAsts(ast.expressions);
return [];
* Check if node type is ElementLike
* @param node
protected isElementLike(node: Node): node is ElementLike {
return node instanceof Element || node instanceof Template;
protected getTranslatablesFromAsts(asts: AST[]): BindingPipe[] {
return this.flatten( => this.getTranslatablesFromAst(ast)));
* Check if pipe concatenates string (in that case we don't want to extract it)
* @param pipe
protected pipeHasConcatenatedString(pipe: BindingPipe): boolean {
return pipe?.exp instanceof Binary && pipe.exp.operation === '+';
protected flatten<T extends AST>(array: T[][]): T[] {
return [].concat(...array);
protected expressionIsOrHasBindingPipe(exp: any): exp is BindingPipe {
if ( && === TRANSLATE_PIPE_NAME) {
return true;
if (exp.exp && exp.exp instanceof BindingPipe) {
return this.expressionIsOrHasBindingPipe(exp.exp);
return false;
protected parseTemplate(template: string, path: string): TmplAstNode[] {
protected parseTemplate(template: string, path: string): Node[] {
return parseTemplate(template, path).nodes;