import { expect } from 'chai';
import { TranslationCollection } from '../../src/utils/translation.collection';
import { PoCompiler } from '../../src/compilers/po.compiler';
describe('PoCompiler', () => {
let compiler: PoCompiler;
beforeEach(() => {
compiler = new PoCompiler();
it('should still include html ', () => {
const collection = new TranslationCollection({
'A test': 'Un test',
'With a lot of html included': 'Avec beaucoup d\'html inclus'
const result: Buffer = Buffer.from(compiler.compile(collection));
expect(result.toString('utf8')).to.equal('msgid ""\nmsgstr ""\n"mime-version: 1.0\\n"\n"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\\n"\n"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"\n\nmsgid "A test"\nmsgstr "Un test"\n\nmsgid "With a lot of html included"\nmsgstr "Avec beaucoup d\'html inclus"');