# ng2-translate-extract Extract strings from projects using ng2-translate to json or pot files. **THIS IS STILL VERY MUCH A WORK IN PROGRESS** ## Usage If you only need to extract strings from one project, you can install the package locally: `npm install @biesbjerg/ng2-translate-extract --save-dev` Add the following `extract` script your project's `package.json`: ``` "scripts": { "extract": "ng2-translate-extract --dir ./src --output ./ --format=json" } ``` You can now run `npm run extract` to extract strings from your project's `src` dir. The extracted strings are saved in `JSON`-format in your project's root. Modify the scripts arguments as required. ## Global install You can also install the package globally: `npm install @biesbjerg/ng2-translate-extract -g` Now you can execute the script from everywhere: `ng2-translate-extract --dir /extract/from/this/dir --output /save/to/this/dir --format pot` ## Commandline arguments ``` Usage: ng2-translate-extract [OPTIONS] [ARGS] Options: -d, --dir [DIR] Directory path you would like to extract strings from (Default is /Users/kim/ionic/ng2-translate-extract/bin) -o, --output [DIR] Directory path you would like to save extracted strings (Default is /Users/kim/ionic/ng2-translate-extract/bin) -f, --format [VALUE] Output format. VALUE must be either [json|pot] (Default is json)  -h, --help             Display help and usage details ```