fixup gorilla

Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
This commit is contained in:
Василий Толстов 2021-02-24 00:27:18 +03:00
parent b002cbb491
commit b2f5437d6e
2 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

@ -36,24 +36,24 @@ func (g *Generator) gorillaGenerate(component string, plugin *protogen.Plugin) e
gfile.P("func RegisterHandlers(r *mux.Router, h interface{}, eps []*micro_api.Endpoint) error {")
gfile.P("v := reflect.ValueOf(h)")
gfile.P("func RegisterHandlers(r *", gorillaMuxPackage.Ident("Router"), ", h interface{}, eps []*", microApiPackage.Ident("Endpoint"), ") error {")
gfile.P("v := ", reflectPackage.Ident("ValueOf"), "(h)")
gfile.P("if v.NumMethod() < 1 {")
gfile.P(`return fmt.Errorf("handler has no methods: %T", h)`)
gfile.P(`return `, fmtPackage.Ident("Errorf"), `("handler has no methods: %T", h)`)
gfile.P("for _, ep := range eps {")
gfile.P(`idx := strings.Index(ep.Name, ".")`)
gfile.P(`idx := `, stringsPackage.Ident("Index"), `(ep.Name, ".")`)
gfile.P("if idx < 1 || len(ep.Name) <= idx {")
gfile.P(`return fmt.Errorf("invalid api.Endpoint name: %s", ep.Name)`)
gfile.P(`return `, fmtPackage.Ident("Errorf"), `("invalid `, microApiPackage.Ident("Endpoint"), ` name: %s", ep.Name)`)
gfile.P("name := ep.Name[idx+1:]")
gfile.P("m := v.MethodByName(name)")
gfile.P("if !m.IsValid() || m.IsZero() {")
gfile.P(`return fmt.Errorf("invalid handler, method %s not found", name)`)
gfile.P(`return `, fmtPackage.Ident("Errorf"), `("invalid handler, method %s not found", name)`)
gfile.P("rh, ok := m.Interface().(func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request))")
gfile.P("rh, ok := m.Interface().(func(", httpPackage.Ident("ResponseWriter"), ", *", httpPackage.Ident("Request"), "))")
gfile.P("if !ok {")
gfile.P(`return fmt.Errorf("invalid handler: %#+v", m.Interface())`)
gfile.P(`return `, fmtPackage.Ident("Errorf"), `("invalid handler: %#+v", m.Interface())`)
gfile.P("r.HandleFunc(ep.Path[0], rh).Methods(ep.Method...).Name(ep.Name)")

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ var (
func init() {
flagDebug = flags.Bool("debug", false, "")
flagComponents = flags.String("components", "micro", "")
flagComponents = flags.String("components", "micro|rpc", "")
flagPaths = flag.String("paths", "", "")
flagModule = flag.String("module", "", "")