// Code generated by protoc-gen-micro
// source: {{.File.Name}}
package {{goPkgLastElement .File | splitArray ";" | last | replace "." "_"}}

import (

	micro_api "github.com/unistack-org/micro/v3/api"    
	micro_client "github.com/unistack-org/micro/v3/client" 

{{- $ServiceName := .Service.Name | trimSuffix "Service" }}
{{- $epnum := 0 }}
{{- range .Service.Method}}
{{- if not (contains (json (httpOption .)) "null") }}
{{- if ne (httpVerb .) "" }}
{{- $epnum = add $epnum 1 }}
{{- range httpPathsAdditionalBindings . }}
{{- $epnum = add $epnum 1 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}

// New{{$ServiceName}}Endpoints provides api endpoints metdata for {{$ServiceName}} service
func New{{$ServiceName}}Endpoints() []*micro_api.Endpoint {
    endpoints := make([]*micro_api.Endpoint, 0, {{ $epnum }})
    {{- if ne $epnum 0 }}
    var endpoint *micro_api.Endpoint
    {{- end }}
    {{- range .Service.Method}}
    {{- if not (contains (json (httpOption .)) "null") }}
    {{- $httpOption := (httpOption .) }}
    {{- if ne $httpOption.Method "" }}
    endpoint = &micro_api.Endpoint{
        Name: "{{$ServiceName}}.{{.Name}}",
        Path: []string{"{{$httpOption.Path}}"},
        Method: []string{"{{$httpOption.Method}}"},
        Body: "{{$httpOption.Body}}",
        {{- if or (.ClientStreaming) (.ServerStreaming)}}
        Stream: true,
        {{- end}}
        Handler: "rpc",
    endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)
    {{- range $index, $element := $httpOption.Additional }}
    endpoint = &micro_api.Endpoint{
        Name: "{{$ServiceName}}.{{.Name}}",
        Path: []string{"{{$element.Path}}"},
        Method: []string{"{{$element.Method}}"},
        Body: "{{$element.Body}}",
        {{- if or (.ClientStreaming) (.ServerStreaming)}}
        Stream: true,
        {{- end}}
        Handler: "rpc",
    endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)
    {{- end}}
    {{- end}}
    {{- end}}
    {{- end}}
    return endpoints

// {{$ServiceName}}Service interface
type {{$ServiceName}}Service interface {
  {{- range .Service.Method}}
  {{- $reqMethod := .InputType | splitArray "." | last }}
  {{- $rspMethod := .OutputType | splitArray "." | last }}
  {{- if or (.ServerStreaming) (.ClientStreaming)}}
  {{- if and (.ServerStreaming) (not .ClientStreaming)}}
    {{.Name}}(context.Context, *{{$reqMethod}}, ...micro_client.CallOption) ({{$ServiceName}}_{{.Name}}Service, error)
  {{- else}}
    {{.Name}}(context.Context, ...micro_client.CallOption) ({{$ServiceName}}_{{.Name}}Service, error)
  {{- end}}
  {{- else}}
    {{.Name}}(context.Context, *{{$reqMethod}}, ...micro_client.CallOption) (*{{$rspMethod}}, error)
  {{- end}}
  {{- end}}

{{range .Service.Method}}
{{- $reqMethod := .InputType | splitArray "." | last}}
{{- $rspMethod := .OutputType | splitArray "." | last}}
{{if or (.ServerStreaming) (.ClientStreaming)}}
type {{$ServiceName}}_{{.Name}}Service interface {
    Context() context.Context
    SendMsg(interface{}) error
    RecvMsg(interface{}) error
    {{- if and (.ClientStreaming) (not .ServerStreaming)}}
    RecvAndClose() (*{{$rspMethod}}, error)
    {{- end}}
    Close() error
    {{- if .ClientStreaming}}
    Send(*{{$reqMethod}}) error
    {{- end}}
    {{- if .ServerStreaming}}
    Recv() (*{{$rspMethod}}, error)
    {{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
// Micro server stuff

// {{$ServiceName}}Handler server handler
type {{$ServiceName}}Handler interface {
	{{- range .Service.Method}}
{{- $reqMethod := .InputType | splitArray "." | last}}
{{- $rspMethod := .OutputType | splitArray "." | last}}
{{- if or (.ServerStreaming) (.ClientStreaming)}}
    {{- if not .ClientStreaming}}
    {{.Name}}(context.Context, *{{$reqMethod}}, {{$ServiceName}}_{{.Name}}Stream) error
    {{- else}}
    {{.Name}}(context.Context, {{$ServiceName}}_{{.Name}}Stream) error
    {{- end}}
{{- else}}
    {{.Name}}(context.Context, *{{$reqMethod}}, *{{$rspMethod}}) error
{{- end}}
{{- end}}

{{- range .Service.Method}}
{{- $reqMethod := .InputType | splitArray "." | last}}      
{{- $rspMethod := .OutputType | splitArray "." | last}}     
{{if or (.ServerStreaming) (.ClientStreaming)}}
type {{$ServiceName}}_{{.Name}}Stream interface {
  Context() context.Context
  SendMsg(interface{}) error
  RecvMsg(interface{}) error
  {{- if and (.ClientStreaming) (not .ServerStreaming)}}
  SendAndClose(*{{$rspMethod}}) error
  {{- end}}
  Close() error
  {{- if .ServerStreaming}}
  Send(*{{$rspMethod}}) error
  {{- end}}
  {{- if .ClientStreaming}}
  Recv() (*{{$reqMethod}}, error)
  {{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}