# Sprig Function Documentation The Sprig library provides over 70 template functions for Go's template language. - [String Functions](strings.md): `trim`, `wrap`, `randAlpha`, `plural`, etc. - [String List Functions](string_slice.md): `splitList`, `sortAlpha`, etc. - [Math Functions](math.md): `add`, `max`, `mul`, etc. - [Integer Slice Functions](integer_slice.md): `until`, `untilStep` - [Date Functions](date.md): `now`, `date`, etc. - [Defaults Functions](defaults.md): `default`, `empty`, `coalesce` - [Encoding Functions](encoding.md): `b64enc`, `b64dec`, etc. - [Lists and List Functions](lists.md): `list`, `first`, `uniq`, etc. - [Dictionaries and Dict Functions](dicts.md): `dict`, `hasKey`, `pluck`, etc. - [Type Conversion Functions](conversion.md): `atoi`, `int64`, `toString`, etc. - [File Path Functions](paths.md): `base`, `dir`, `ext`, `clean`, `isAbs` - [Flow Control Functions](flow_control.md): `fail` - Advanced Functions - [UUID Functions](uuid.md): `uuidv4` - [OS Functions](os.md): `env`, `expandenv` - [Version Comparison Functions](semver.md): `semver`, `semverCompare` - [Reflection](reflection.md): `typeOf`, `kindIs`, `typeIsLike`, etc. - [Cryptographic and Security Functions](crypto.md): `derivePassword`, `sha256sum`, `genPrivateKey`