# Dictionaries and Dict Functions

Sprig provides a key/value storage type called a `dict` (short for "dictionary",
as in Python). A `dict` is an _unorder_ type.

The key to a dictionary **must be a string**. However, the value can be any
type, even another `dict` or `list`.

Unlike `list`s, `dict`s are not immutable. The `set` and `unset` functions will
modify the contents of a dictionary.

## dict

Creating dictionaries is done by calling the `dict` function and passing it a
list of pairs.

The following creates a dictionary with three items:

$myDict := dict "name1" "value1" "name2" "value2" "name3" "value 3"

## set

Use `set` to add a new key/value pair to a dictionary.

$_ := set $myDict "name4" "value4"

Note that `set` _returns the dictionary_ (a requirement of Go template functions),
so you may need to trap the value as done above with the `$_` assignment.

## unset

Given a map and a key, delete the key from the map.

$_ := unset $myDict "name4"

As with `set`, this returns the dictionary.

Note that if the key is not found, this operation will simply return. No error
will be generated.

## hasKey

The `hasKey` function returns `true` if the given dict contains the given key.

hasKey $myDict "name1"

If the key is not found, this returns `false`.

## pluck

The `pluck` function makes it possible to give one key and multiple maps, and
get a list of all of the matches:

pluck "name1" $myDict $myOtherDict

The above will return a `list` containing every found value (`[value1 otherValue1]`).

If the give key is _not found_ in a map, that map will not have an item in the
list (and the length of the returned list will be less than the number of dicts
in the call to `pluck`.

If the key is _found_ but the value is an empty value, that value will be

A common idiom in Sprig templates is to uses `pluck... | first` to get the first
matching key out of a collection of dictionaries.

## merge

Merge two dictionaries into one, giving precedence to the dest dictionary:

$newdict := merge $dest $source

This is a deep merge operation.

## keys

The `keys` function will return a `list` of all of the keys in a `dict`. Since
a dictionary is _unordered_, the keys will not be in a predictable order. They
can be sorted with `sortAlpha`.

keys $myDict | sortAlpha

## pick

The `pick` function selects just the given keys out of a dictionary, creating a
new `dict`.

$new := pick $myDict "name1" "name3"

The above returns `{name1: value1, name2: value2}`

## omit

The `omit` function is similar to `pick`, except it returns a new `dict` with all
the keys that _do not_ match the given keys.

$new := omit $myDict "name1" "name3"

The above returns `{name2: value2}`

## A Note on Dict Internals

A `dict` is implemented in Go as a `map[string]interface{}`. Go developers can
pass `map[string]interface{}` values into the context to make them available
to templates as `dict`s.