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164 lines
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package addsvc
// This file contains the Service definition, and a basic service
// implementation. It also includes service middlewares.
import (
// Service describes a service that adds things together.
type Service interface {
Sum(ctx context.Context, a, b int) (int, error)
Concat(ctx context.Context, a, b string) (string, error)
// Business-domain errors like these may be served in two ways: returned
// directly by endpoints, or bundled into the response struct. Both methods can
// be made to work, but errors returned directly by endpoints are counted by
// middlewares that check errors, like circuit breakers.
// If you don't want that behavior -- and you probably don't -- then it's better
// to bundle errors into the response struct.
var (
// ErrTwoZeroes is an arbitrary business rule for the Add method.
ErrTwoZeroes = errors.New("can't sum two zeroes")
// ErrIntOverflow protects the Add method. We've decided that this error
// indicates a misbehaving service and should count against e.g. circuit
// breakers. So, we return it directly in endpoints, to illustrate the
// difference. In a real service, this probably wouldn't be the case.
ErrIntOverflow = errors.New("integer overflow")
// ErrMaxSizeExceeded protects the Concat method.
ErrMaxSizeExceeded = errors.New("result exceeds maximum size")
// These annoying helper functions are required to translate Go error types to
// and from strings, which is the type we use in our IDLs to represent errors.
// There is special casing to treat empty strings as nil errors.
func str2err(s string) error {
if s == "" {
return nil
return errors.New(s)
func err2str(err error) string {
if err == nil {
return ""
return err.Error()
// NewBasicService returns a naïve, stateless implementation of Service.
func NewBasicService() Service {
return basicService{}
type basicService struct{}
const (
intMax = 1<<31 - 1
intMin = -(intMax + 1)
maxLen = 102400
// Sum implements Service.
func (s basicService) Sum(_ context.Context, a, b int) (int, error) {
if a == 0 && b == 0 {
return 0, ErrTwoZeroes
if (b > 0 && a > (intMax-b)) || (b < 0 && a < (intMin-b)) {
return 0, ErrIntOverflow
return a + b, nil
// Concat implements Service.
func (s basicService) Concat(_ context.Context, a, b string) (string, error) {
if len(a)+len(b) > maxLen {
return "", ErrMaxSizeExceeded
return a + b, nil
// Middleware describes a service (as opposed to endpoint) middleware.
type Middleware func(Service) Service
// ServiceLoggingMiddleware returns a service middleware that logs the
// parameters and result of each method invocation.
func ServiceLoggingMiddleware(logger log.Logger) Middleware {
return func(next Service) Service {
return serviceLoggingMiddleware{
logger: logger,
next: next,
type serviceLoggingMiddleware struct {
logger log.Logger
next Service
func (mw serviceLoggingMiddleware) Sum(ctx context.Context, a, b int) (v int, err error) {
defer func(begin time.Time) {
"method", "Sum",
"a", a, "b", b, "result", v, "error", err,
"took", time.Since(begin),
return mw.next.Sum(ctx, a, b)
func (mw serviceLoggingMiddleware) Concat(ctx context.Context, a, b string) (v string, err error) {
defer func(begin time.Time) {
"method", "Concat",
"a", a, "b", b, "result", v, "error", err,
"took", time.Since(begin),
return mw.next.Concat(ctx, a, b)
// ServiceInstrumentingMiddleware returns a service middleware that instruments
// the number of integers summed and characters concatenated over the lifetime of
// the service.
func ServiceInstrumentingMiddleware(ints, chars metrics.Counter) Middleware {
return func(next Service) Service {
return serviceInstrumentingMiddleware{
ints: ints,
chars: chars,
next: next,
type serviceInstrumentingMiddleware struct {
ints metrics.Counter
chars metrics.Counter
next Service
func (mw serviceInstrumentingMiddleware) Sum(ctx context.Context, a, b int) (int, error) {
v, err := mw.next.Sum(ctx, a, b)
return v, err
func (mw serviceInstrumentingMiddleware) Concat(ctx context.Context, a, b string) (string, error) {
v, err := mw.next.Concat(ctx, a, b)
return v, err