[fit] Protobuf & Code Generation
2016, by Manfred Touron (@moul)
go-kit is an amazing framework to develop strong micro services
but it requires a lot of boilerplate code
return on experience on go-kit boilerplate code generation
limited to exchanges (methods and models)
extendable with plugins
code generation?
protobuf-first, rpc-first service framework in Golang
abstract services, endpoints, transports
requires a lot of boilerplate code in multiple packages
example: session.proto
syntax = "proto3" ;
package session ;
service SessionService {
rpc Login ( LoginRequest ) returns ( LoginResponse ) {}
message LoginRequest {
string username = 1 ;
string password = 2 ;
message LoginResponse {
string token = 1 ;
string err_msg = 2 ;
example: session.go
package sessionsvc
import (
pb "github.com/moul/protoc-gen-gotemplate/examples/go-kit/services/session/gen/pb"
type Service struct {}
func New () pb . SessionServiceServer {
return & Service {}
func ( svc * Service ) Login ( ctx context . Context , in * pb . LoginRequest ) ( * pb . LoginResponse , error ) {
// custon code here
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "not implemented" )
example: {{.File.Package}}/gen/transports/http/http.go.tmpl
// source: templates/{{.File.Package}}/gen/transports/http/http.go.tmpl
package {{. File . Package }} _httptransport
import (
gokit_endpoint "github.com/go-kit/kit/endpoint"
httptransport "github.com/go-kit/kit/transport/http"
endpoints "github.com/moul/protoc-gen-gotemplate/examples/go-kit/services/{{.File.Package}}/gen/endpoints"
pb "github.com/moul/protoc-gen-gotemplate/examples/go-kit/services/{{.File.Package}}/gen/pb"
// result: services/user/gen/transports/http/http.go
package user_httptransport
import (
gokit_endpoint "github.com/go-kit/kit/endpoint"
httptransport "github.com/go-kit/kit/transport/http"
endpoints "github.com/moul/protoc-gen-gotemplate/examples/go-kit/services/user/gen/endpoints"
pb "github.com/moul/protoc-gen-gotemplate/examples/go-kit/services/user/gen/pb"
example: {{.File.Package}}/gen/transports/http/http.go.tmpl
// source: templates/{{.File.Package}}/gen/transports/http/http.go.tmpl
{{ range . Service . Method }}
func Make {{. Name }} Handler ( ctx context . Context , svc pb .{{ $ file . Package | title }} ServiceServer , endpoint gokit_endpoint . Endpoint ) * httptransport . Server {
return httptransport . NewServer (
ctx ,
endpoint ,
decode {{. Name }} Request ,
encode {{. Name }} Response ,
[] httptransport . ServerOption {} ... ,
{{ end }}
// result: services/user/gen/transports/http/http.go
func MakeGetUserHandler ( ctx context . Context , svc pb . UserServiceServer , endpoint gokit_endpoint . Endpoint ) * httptransport . Server {
return httptransport . NewServer (
ctx ,
endpoint ,
decodeGetUserRequest ,
encodeGetUserResponse ,
[] httptransport . ServerOption {} ... ,
example: {{.File.Package}}/gen/transports/http/http.go.tmpl
// source: templates/{{.File.Package}}/gen/transports/http/http.go.tmpl
func RegisterHandlers ( ctx context . Context , svc pb .{{ $ file . Package | title }} ServiceServer , mux * http . ServeMux , endpoints endpoints . Endpoints ) error {
{{ range . Service . Method }}
log . Println ( "new HTTP endpoint: \"/{{.Name}}\" (service={{$file.Package | title}})" )
mux . Handle ( "/{{.Name}}" , Make {{. Name }} Handler ( ctx , svc , endpoints .{{. Name }} Endpoint ))
{{ end }}
return nil
// result: services/user/gen/transports/http/http.go
func RegisterHandlers ( ctx context . Context , svc pb . UserServiceServer , mux * http . ServeMux , endpoints endpoints . Endpoints ) error {
log . Println ( "new HTTP endpoint: \"/CreateUser\" (service=User)" )
mux . Handle ( "/CreateUser" , MakeCreateUserHandler ( ctx , svc , endpoints . CreateUserEndpoint ))
log . Println ( "new HTTP endpoint: \"/GetUser\" (service=User)" )
mux . Handle ( "/GetUser" , MakeGetUserHandler ( ctx , svc , endpoints . GetUserEndpoint ))
return nil
protoc --gogo_out=plugins=grpc:. ./services/*/*.proto
protoc --gotemplate_out=template_dir=./templates:services ./services/*/*.proto
3 services
6 methods
149 custom lines
1429 generated lines
business focus
generation usages
go-kit boilerplate (see examples/go-kit )
k8s configuration
small custom codebase
templates shipped with code
hardly typed, no reflects
contrat terms (protobuf) respected
not limited to a language
the author needs to write its own templates
sometimes difficult to generate valid code
not enough helpers around the code generation yet
improvement ideas
Support protobufs extensions (i.e, annotations.probo)
Generate one file from multiple services
Add more helpers around the code generation
Useful to keep everything standard
The awesomeness of go-kit without the hassle of writing boilerplate code
Always up-to-date with the contracts