#2 - change to micro-proto/openapi
This commit is contained in:
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ func newHTTPTask(ctx context.Context, l logger.Logger, m meter.Meter, check stri
// client.WithContentType("application/json"),
msg, err := swaggerSet.GetMessage(task.HTTP.Addr, svc, task.HTTP.Method, "POST")
msg, err := swaggerSet.GetMessage(task.HTTP.Addr, svc, task.HTTP.Method)
if err != nil {
l.Error(ctx, "failed to get message from swagger spec", err)
return nil, nil, err
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ go 1.23.3
require (
github.com/getkin/kin-openapi v0.128.0
github.com/go-co-op/gocron/v2 v2.12.3
github.com/google/gnostic v0.7.0
github.com/google/uuid v1.6.0
github.com/ompluscator/dynamic-struct v1.4.0
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.9.0
@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ require (
go.unistack.org/micro-codec-yaml/v3 v3.10.2
go.unistack.org/micro-meter-victoriametrics/v3 v3.8.9
go.unistack.org/micro-proto/v3 v3.4.1
go.unistack.org/micro-proto/v4 v4.1.0
go.unistack.org/micro-server-http/v3 v3.11.34
go.unistack.org/micro/v3 v3.10.100
google.golang.org/protobuf v1.35.2
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ require (
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect
github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.21.0 // indirect
github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.23.0 // indirect
github.com/google/gnostic v0.7.0 // indirect
github.com/google/gnostic-models v0.6.9-0.20230804172637-c7be7c783f49 // indirect
github.com/invopop/yaml v0.3.1 // indirect
github.com/jonboulle/clockwork v0.4.0 // indirect
@ -936,6 +936,8 @@ go.unistack.org/micro-meter-victoriametrics/v3 v3.8.9 h1:ZXCS0eFiSdvcFYxpxV2Q77g
go.unistack.org/micro-meter-victoriametrics/v3 v3.8.9/go.mod h1:xODJQ0Nu/F8k34D/z2ITL91OskI/C674XCkugAxmc3Q=
go.unistack.org/micro-proto/v3 v3.4.1 h1:UTjLSRz2YZuaHk9iSlVqqsA50JQNAEK2ZFboGqtEa9Q=
go.unistack.org/micro-proto/v3 v3.4.1/go.mod h1:okx/cnOhzuCX0ggl/vToatbCupi0O44diiiLLsZ93Zo=
go.unistack.org/micro-proto/v4 v4.1.0 h1:qPwL2n/oqh9RE3RTTDgt28XK3QzV597VugQPaw9lKUk=
go.unistack.org/micro-proto/v4 v4.1.0/go.mod h1:ArmK7o+uFvxSY3dbJhKBBX4Pm1rhWdLEFf3LxBrMtec=
go.unistack.org/micro-server-http/v3 v3.11.34 h1:Cu44/IWyTBa0I1LIt8TZu/z130uDs2t/OZJwV5H5NX0=
go.unistack.org/micro-server-http/v3 v3.11.34/go.mod h1:3hlTQj3e6HQziJa2Coz/BwvVbt3oRejOevyAPUCuBEk=
go.unistack.org/micro/v3 v3.10.94/go.mod h1:erMgt3Bl7vQQ0e9UpQyR5NlLiZ9pKeEJ9+1tfYFaqUg=
@ -1,30 +1,29 @@
package swaggerset
import (
openapi "go.unistack.org/micro-proto/v4/openapiv3"
var errNotFound = errors.New("file descriptor not found")
type SwaggerSet struct {
mu sync.Mutex
files map[string]*openapi3.T
files map[string]*openapi.Document
func NewSwaggerSet() *SwaggerSet {
return &SwaggerSet{
mu: sync.Mutex{},
files: make(map[string]*openapi3.T, 0),
files: make(map[string]*openapi.Document, 0),
func (p *SwaggerSet) GetMessage(addr, svc, mth string, typereq string) (*Message, error) {
if svc == "" || mth == "" || addr == "" || typereq == "" {
func (p *SwaggerSet) GetMessage(addr, svc, mth string) (*Message, error) {
if svc == "" || mth == "" || addr == "" {
return nil, errors.New("addr or service name is empty")
@ -32,10 +31,34 @@ func (p *SwaggerSet) GetMessage(addr, svc, mth string, typereq string) (*Message
doc := p.files[addr+"|"+svc]
pathItem := doc.Paths.Value(mth)
reqParam, reqBody, rsp := handleOperation(typereq, pathItem.Get)
var reqParam, reqBody, rsp interface{}
var typeReq string
for _, path := range doc.Paths.GetPath() {
if path.GetName() == mth {
if path.GetValue().GetGet() != nil {
typeReq = http.MethodGet
reqParam, reqBody, rsp = handleOperation(path.GetValue().GetGet(), doc)
if path.GetValue().GetPost() != nil {
typeReq = http.MethodPost
reqParam, reqBody, rsp = handleOperation(path.GetValue().GetPost(), doc)
if path.GetValue().GetDelete() != nil {
typeReq = http.MethodDelete
reqParam, reqBody, rsp = handleOperation(path.GetValue().GetDelete(), doc)
if path.GetValue().GetPatch() != nil {
typeReq = http.MethodPatch
reqParam, reqBody, rsp = handleOperation(path.GetValue().GetPatch(), doc)
if path.GetValue().GetPut() != nil {
typeReq = http.MethodPut
reqParam, reqBody, rsp = handleOperation(path.GetValue().GetPut(), doc)
msg := &Message{
Type: typereq,
Type: typeReq,
Request: httpRequest{
Header: reqParam,
Body: reqBody,
@ -47,18 +70,9 @@ func (p *SwaggerSet) GetMessage(addr, svc, mth string, typereq string) (*Message
func (p *SwaggerSet) AddSwaggerset(addr, svc string, data []byte) error {
ctx := context.Background()
loader := openapi3.NewLoader()
loader.IsExternalRefsAllowed = true
doc, err := loader.LoadFromData(data)
doc, err := openapi.ParseDocument(data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load data from buf: %w", err)
if err = doc.Validate(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to validate data from swagger: %w", err)
return err
@ -17,21 +17,17 @@ func TestSwaggerSet_1(t *testing.T) {
err = s.AddSwaggerset("localhost:8080", "service", data)
assert.Nil(t, err)
msgs, err := s.GetMessage(
msg, err := s.GetMessage(
[]string{"POST", "GET"})
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, msgs.Msgs)
for _, msg := range msgs.Msgs {
reqParam, err := json.Marshal(msg.RequestParam)
assert.Nil(t, err)
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(msg.RequestBody)
assert.Nil(t, err)
rsp, err := json.Marshal(msg.Response)
assert.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Printf("JSON: type: %s, reqParam: %s, reqBody: %s, rsp: %s \n", msg.Type, reqParam, reqBody, rsp)
fmt.Printf("Struct: type: %s, reqParam: %+v, reqBody: %+v, rsp: %+v \n", msg.Type, msg.RequestParam, msg.RequestBody, msg.Response)
assert.NotNil(t, msg)
req, err := json.Marshal(msg.Request)
assert.Nil(t, err)
rsp, err := json.Marshal(msg.Response)
assert.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Printf("JSON: type: %s, req: %s, rsp: %s \n", msg.Type, req, rsp)
fmt.Printf("Struct: type: %s, req: %+v, rsp: %+v \n", msg.Type, msg.Request, msg.Response)
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import (
dynamicstruct "github.com/ompluscator/dynamic-struct"
openapi "go.unistack.org/micro-proto/v4/openapiv3"
type Message struct {
@ -20,17 +20,16 @@ type httpRequest struct {
Body interface{}
func handleOperation(method string, operation *openapi3.Operation) (reqParam, reqBody, rsp interface{}) {
fmt.Printf(" Method: %s\n", method)
func handleOperation(operation *openapi.Operation, doc *openapi.Document) (reqParam, reqBody, rsp interface{}) {
// Обработка параметров (GET)
if len(operation.Parameters) > 0 {
paramsStruct := dynamicstruct.NewStruct()
for _, paramRef := range operation.Parameters {
param := paramRef.Value
var param *openapi.Parameter
param = paramRef.GetParameter()
fieldName := capitalize(param.Name)
jsonName := strings.ToLower(param.Name[:1]) + param.Name[1:]
goType := getGoType(param.Schema)
goType := getGoType(doc, param.Schema)
// В зависимости от того, где параметр находится (header, query, path, etc.), добавляем соответствующий тег
switch param.In {
@ -47,9 +46,17 @@ func handleOperation(method string, operation *openapi3.Operation) (reqParam, re
// Обработка тела запроса (POST)
if operation.RequestBody != nil {
for _, content := range operation.RequestBody.Value.Content {
bodyFields := buildDynamicStruct(content.Schema)
if operation.GetRequestBody() != nil {
if operation.GetRequestBody().GetRequestBody() != nil {
bodyFields := buildDynamicStruct(doc, operation.GetRequestBody().GetRequestBody().GetContent().GetAdditionalProperties()[0].GetValue().GetSchema())
bodyStruct := reflect.StructOf(bodyFields)
bodyInstance := reflect.New(bodyStruct).Interface()
// Получили тело запроса
reqBody = bodyInstance
if operation.GetRequestBody().GetReference() != nil {
schemOrRef := findReference(doc, operation.GetRequestBody().GetReference().GetXRef())
bodyFields := buildDynamicStruct(doc, schemOrRef)
bodyStruct := reflect.StructOf(bodyFields)
bodyInstance := reflect.New(bodyStruct).Interface()
// Получили тело запроса
@ -58,10 +65,19 @@ func handleOperation(method string, operation *openapi3.Operation) (reqParam, re
// Обработка ответов
for status, response := range operation.Responses.Map() {
fmt.Printf(" Response Code: %s\n", status)
for _, content := range response.Value.Content {
responseFields := buildDynamicStruct(content.Schema)
for _, rspOrRef := range operation.Responses.ResponseOrReference {
if rspOrRef.GetValue().GetResponse() != nil {
for _, prop := range rspOrRef.Value.GetResponse().GetContent().GetAdditionalProperties() {
responseFields := buildDynamicStruct(doc, prop.GetValue().GetSchema())
responseStruct := reflect.StructOf(responseFields)
responseInstance := reflect.New(responseStruct).Interface()
// Получили структуру ответа
rsp = responseInstance
if rspOrRef.GetValue().GetReference() != nil {
schemaOrRef := findReference(doc, rspOrRef.GetValue().GetReference().GetXRef())
responseFields := buildDynamicStruct(doc, schemaOrRef)
responseStruct := reflect.StructOf(responseFields)
responseInstance := reflect.New(responseStruct).Interface()
// Получили структуру ответа
@ -73,30 +89,42 @@ func handleOperation(method string, operation *openapi3.Operation) (reqParam, re
// Рекурсивное создание структуры из схемы с учетом $ref
func buildDynamicStruct(schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) []reflect.StructField {
func buildDynamicStruct(doc *openapi.Document, schemaOrRef *openapi.SchemaOrReference) []reflect.StructField {
var sfields []reflect.StructField
if len(schema.Value.Properties) == 0 {
return sfields
var schema *openapi.Schema
if schemaOrRef.GetSchema() != nil {
schema = schemaOrRef.GetSchema()
if schemaOrRef.GetReference() != nil {
name := strings.Split(schemaOrRef.GetReference().GetXRef(), "#/components/schemas/")[1]
fieldName := capitalize(name)
subBuilder := buildDynamicStruct(doc, findReference(doc, schemaOrRef.GetReference().GetXRef()))
sfield := reflect.StructField{
Name: fieldName,
Type: reflect.StructOf(subBuilder),
Tag: reflect.StructTag(fmt.Sprintf(`json:"%s"`, name)),
sfields = append(sfields, sfield)
for name, prop := range schema.Value.Properties {
fieldName := capitalize(name)
if prop.Ref != "" || prop.Value.Type.Is("object") {
subBuilder := buildDynamicStruct(prop)
for _, prop := range schema.GetProperties().GetAdditionalProperties() {
fieldName := capitalize(prop.GetName())
if prop.GetValue().GetReference() != nil {
subBuilder := buildDynamicStruct(doc, prop.GetValue())
sfield := reflect.StructField{
Name: fieldName,
Type: reflect.StructOf(subBuilder),
Tag: reflect.StructTag(fmt.Sprintf(`json:"%s"`, name)),
Tag: reflect.StructTag(fmt.Sprintf(`json:"%s"`, prop.GetName())),
sfields = append(sfields, sfield)
} else {
if prop.GetValue().GetSchema() != nil {
sfield := reflect.StructField{
Name: fieldName,
Type: reflect.TypeOf(getGoType(prop)),
Tag: reflect.StructTag(fmt.Sprintf(`json:"%s"`, name)),
Type: reflect.TypeOf(getGoType(doc, prop.GetValue())),
Tag: reflect.StructTag(fmt.Sprintf(`json:"%s"`, prop.GetName())),
sfields = append(sfields, sfield)
@ -106,25 +134,41 @@ func buildDynamicStruct(schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) []reflect.StructField {
return sfields
func findReference(doc *openapi.Document, ref string) *openapi.SchemaOrReference {
var result *openapi.SchemaOrReference
ref = strings.Split(ref, "#/components/schemas/")[1]
for _, prop := range doc.Components.Schemas.GetAdditionalProperties() {
if prop.Name == ref {
result = prop.Value
return result
// Преобразование типа OpenAPI в тип Go
func getGoType(schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) interface{} {
switch {
case schema.Value.Type.Is("string"):
func getGoType(doc *openapi.Document, schema *openapi.SchemaOrReference) interface{} {
switch schema.GetSchema().Type {
case "string":
return ""
case schema.Value.Type.Is("integer"):
case "integer":
return 0
case schema.Value.Type.Is("boolean"):
case "boolean":
return false
case schema.Value.Type.Is("array"):
case "array":
return []interface{}{}
case schema.Value.Type.Is("object"):
return buildDynamicStruct(schema)
case "object":
return buildDynamicStruct(doc, schema)
return nil
func capitalize(fieldName string) string {
if fieldName == "" {
return fieldName
// Заменяем точки на подчеркивания для унификации
fieldName = strings.ReplaceAll(fieldName, ".", "_")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user