WIP: flow rewrite #138

vtolstov wants to merge 3 commits from dag into v3
vtolstov commented 2022-07-08 22:13:46 +03:00 (Migrated from github.com)
  • support more than two branches
  • fix ordering on not equal branch execution
* support more than two branches * fix ordering on not equal branch execution
github-actions[bot] (Migrated from github.com) reviewed 2022-07-08 22:14:02 +03:00
github-actions[bot] (Migrated from github.com) approved these changes 2022-07-08 23:41:40 +03:00
This pull request has changes conflicting with the target branch.
  • flow/dag_test.go
  • flow/default.go
  • go.mod
  • go.sum


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin dag:dag
git checkout dag
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